
Kamen Rider Marvel

Levi. A Transmigrator, Traveled through the Marvel World and accidentally stumbled upon the Kamen Rider Legacy System. As the result, he silently established his position as a pillar of this world, standing atop the legacy he got from Hiden Intelligence, World Tree, Shocker and many other sources! The consortium X will stand atop this world to rule it! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/kamenworld Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Others
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277 Chs

Tendo's Triumph


The berserk Anomalocaris Hybrid lunged forward!

Aiming to crush Tendo entirely!

At this moment!

Hearing the commotion, Tendo's lips curled into a smile!


"It's time to strike!"

Saying this!

He pressed the final button!


Then, I pulled the lever on the Zecter.

"Rider Kick!"

Accompanied by sound effects!

A series of blue electric arcs spread from his belt!

In an instant, they covered his entire body!

[173] The Rider Belt! The World is in His Hands! (Please subscribe!)

The blue electric arcs converged on Tendo's right leg.

Tendo slowly turned to face Nick Fury and Coulson.

"Careful, he's behind you."

Nick Fury urgently warned.

Tendo remained unmoved, quietly waiting.

The Anomalocaris Hybrid drew closer, confident in its approach.

"Die, foolish human."

Five meters...

Four meters...

Three meters...

Two meters...

The Anomalocaris Hybrid reached Tendo with incredible speed.

At that moment, time seemed to slow down.

In Tendo's eyes, the fast-moving Hybrid appeared like a slow-moving turtle.

As Nick Fury and Coulson watched anxiously, Tendo finally moved.

With his right foot as the pivot, his body spun, and he raised his left foot.

A Rider Kick struck the Hybrid heavily.

The 360-degree spin kick returned Tendo's gaze to Nick Fury and Coulson.


The next moment, an explosion erupted behind Tendo.

The Anomalocaris Hybrid exploded, turning to ashes.

At that moment, Tendo placed his right hand on his waist, pointing his left index finger to the sky, striking a pose of defiance.

"So... strong, so powerful."

"My God, who would have thought Tendo had such strength?"

"No wonder the Kabuto Zecter chose him. His power is beyond our reach."

The surrounding trainees, including Coulson, expressed their astonishment.

Nick Fury watched Tendo's pose, asking those nearby.

"What's he doing?"

"No idea, but it looks cool."

Tendo then reverted to his human form.

Nick Fury approached.

"I remember... you're Tendo Souji, right? I didn't expect the Kabuto Zecter to choose you," Nick Fury said.

Tendo lazily replied, "Oh, it's no big deal."

He thought It was mine to begin with, so it's just returning to its rightful owner.

"By the way, why did you come here? You haven't explained yet."

"Well, we are searching for suitable candidates for the Rider Belts, and you, Tendo Souji, have been chosen. We hope you can join S.H.I.E.L.D."

Nick Fury explained.

Tendo remained silent, thoughtfully resting his chin on his hand.

Levi sent me to S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D., and now this is a perfect opportunity. I can't miss it.

Thinking this, Tendo looked at Nick Fury and said, "What's in it for me?"

"What's in it for you?"

Nick Fury exchanged glances with Coulson, slightly surprised.

Tendo said, "Joining S.H.I.E.L.D. should come with tangible rewards, right?"


Nick Fury thought momentarily, then said, "If you join us, the Kabuto Rider Belt will be yours. No problem, right?"

Tendo pretended to ponder, then nodded.

"OK, no problem, I'll join S.H.I.E.L.D."

Getting the answer they wanted, Nick Fury and Coulson smiled.

Nick Fury immediately instructed Coulson, "Check the academy head's connections, especially recent contacts. If there's one rat, there could be more hiding in the dark. Our job is to find them."

Coulson nodded heavily.


Coulson replied and left.

Nick Fury turned to the others present.

"What happened just now? I hope you won't talk about it. It's for your safety and to avoid unnecessary trouble. Do you understand?"

The trainees, stunned, responded, "Understood."

Then, Nick Fury led Tendo Souji away from the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy towards S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

In the grand hall, a camera subtly moved, following Nick Fury and Tendo Souji as they left...

Everything that happened was recorded.

At Hiden Intelligence, Levi's office.

A large screen displayed the recorded footage from S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy.

Izu had hacked into the S.H.I.E.L.D. system, transmitting the footage to Hiden Intelligence.

Levi watched the footage of Tendo's transformation and subsequent events with a slight smile.

"It seems the plan is going smoothly. It's up to you now, Tendo Souji."

With a wave of Levi's hand, Izu ended the hack.

The large screen retracted into the wall.

"Izu, prepare for the next phase once Tendo Souji succeeds."

Levi instructed Izu.

Izu nodded, "Yes, President."

She left the office.

Levi was now alone.

Leaning back on the sofa, he murmured.

"System, show me the gains from this operation."

A system page visible only to Levi appeared before him.

[Kamen Rider Chronicle System!]

[Host: Levi]

[Current Identity: President of Hiden Intelligence]

[Unlocked Worlds: Kamen Rider Zero-One, Kamen Rider W, Kamen Rider Amazon...]

[World Points: 4324568]

The system page showed a significant increase in world points.

Seeing the numbers, Levi nodded in satisfaction, a slight smile forming.

"At this rate, unlocking the next Rider World won't take long."

"And obtaining the Tesseract is even closer."

"I can't wait for Zi-O's world to arrive. Once I get the Zi-O Belt, the entire Marvel Universe... haha."

Levi spoke to himself, ending with a laugh.

[174] Kagami the Warrior! The Steel Rider's Chosen! (Please subscribe!)

At S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters...

Nick Fury brought Tendo Souji to a facility to test various abilities.

"Tendo, I need your cooperation to understand why the Kabuto Zecter chose you."

Tendo nodded, "No problem. What do you need me to do?"

"Some simple tests first."

Nick Fury said, signaling.

A woman in a lab coat approached.

"This is Agent Lauren. She will assist you with the tests."

"Hello, Tendo Souji."

Tendo extended his right hand to greet her.

Lauren smiled.

"Director Fury, I didn't expect you to find such a promising candidate. Like everyone else, you can call me Lauren."

Lauren joked with Nick Fury, then shook hands with Tendo.

A gesture of respect.

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