
Kamen Rider Marvel

Levi. A Transmigrator, Traveled through the Marvel World and accidentally stumbled upon the Kamen Rider Legacy System. As the result, he silently established his position as a pillar of this world, standing atop the legacy he got from Hiden Intelligence, World Tree, Shocker and many other sources! The consortium X will stand atop this world to rule it! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/kamenworld Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Others
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279 Chs

Burst of Sparks

After a burst of sparks, Tendo Souji stood up, still unscathed in his original position.

Coulson slowly raised two slender antennae from the sides of his face.

Finally, they merged on either side of his cheeks, making his rider form resemble a stag beetle from a distance.


Coulson completed his transformation.

At this moment, he looked at Tendo and said, "Tendo, let's see how you win this time."

"Is this your trump card?"

"Yes, Tendo Souji!"

"Very well."

Tendo nodded in agreement.

"But defeating me won't be that easy."

"Let's find out."

Coulson said, slamming his hands down on his belt's sides.


Suddenly, Coulson moved at a speed nearly invisible to the naked eye, rushing towards Tendo.

During this, he pulled two sharp scythes from his shoulders.

"Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh!"

He let out a low growl, slashing at Tendo with the scythes.

At that moment, only sparks flew from Tendo's chest armor.

Tendo rolled on the ground, ending up on one knee.

Lauren, watching, was amazed.

"What just happened? Why is Tendo on the ground?"

Nick Fury shook his head slightly. "Honestly, I didn't see it either. It was too fast, just a moment."


Nick Fury continued his guess.

"Lauren, look at the ground. There are countless slash marks, clearly Coulson's doing. Is the high-speed camera on?"

"Director Fury, don't worry. It's always on."

At this moment, Coulson rested one scythe on his shoulder, pointing the other at Tendo.

"This time, you lose, Tendo Souji."

Tendo sneered, "Grandma said to fight with all your might. Looks like I need to get serious."

"Serious? You weren't serious before?"

Tendo remained unmoved, slowly rising, and reached for the Kabuto Zecter.


He quickly pulled the lever on the Kabuto Zecter.


The same sound echoed from the Zecter.

Purple electric arcs instantly enveloped his body, and his heavy armor exploded away.

Coulson stood nearby, dodging quickly.

Red antennae resembling a stag beetle's horns rose from Tendo's mouth area, stopping between his eyes.


Tendo then struck his belt.


At that moment, time seemed to stop for Tendo and Coulson.

Tendo began running towards Coulson.

Seeing this, Coulson grew excited and ran towards Tendo as well.

As they ran, Tendo pressed the first button on his Zecter.


Then, the second.


Finally, the third.


At this moment, Coulson also pressed the button on his Gatack Zecter.

Both shouted almost simultaneously, "Rider Kick."


Purple and golden electric arcs gathered at their antennae.

As they reached a certain distance, they both leaped like rockets.

The next moment, golden arcs gathered on Coulson's legs and similar arcs on Tendo's.

Boom, boom, boom!

A series of explosions and intense white light erupted, and a figure was flung backward.

It was Coulson.

He reverted to his human form as he hit the ground, and the Gatack Zecter flew away.

Tendo landed slowly, his back to Coulson, raising one hand to the sky.

"Grandma said, I walk the path of heaven, ruling over everything."

[176] Advanced Tech! The Extremis Virus! Stark Under Siege! (Please subscribe!)

Seeing this, Nick Fury's lips curved into a smile.

"Clap, clap, clap..."

Nick Fury applauded.

"Well done, Tendo. You're truly impressive."

Tendo paid little attention to Fury's praise, focusing on Coulson.

Tendo raised his hand.

"Are you alright?"

Coulson smiled bitterly.

"I didn't expect you to be this strong, Tendo Souji. I lost."

This time, Coulson was convinced of his defeat.

Tendo said, "Coulson, you're strong too, but I'm just stronger."

Initially, Coulson had a slight liking for Tendo, but his expression changed after Tendo's last remark.

"Tendo Souji, has anyone ever told you you're both lovable and infuriating?"

Tendo thought for a moment, shaking his head slightly. "As far as I know, everyone around me treats me well."

Coulson was speechless.

Nick Fury stepped forward, saying, "Tendo, seeing your strength, I believe the standard S.H.I.E.L.D. treatment won't suffice. I'll upgrade you to agent-level benefits."

"Agent-level? What's the difference?"

"Have you heard of the Avengers?"

"I've heard a bit. Does this mean I'll get the same benefits as the Avengers?"

Tendo asked curiously.

Nick Fury nodded, "Exactly."

Tendo nodded in satisfaction.

"If that's the case, it's excellent."

As they conversed, changes were happening outside.

At a Stark Industries subsidiary.

A man slowly descended to the basement.

He glanced around, smiling.

A Gaia Memory (Magma) appeared in his hand.



Suddenly, flames engulfed him, transforming him into a magma monster.

He placed his hand on a support pillar.

Instantly, the high temperature began melting the pillar.

The entire building started to tilt.

Inside, people barely had time to react.

Boom, boom, boom...

Explosions, collapses, death, destruction.

All within minutes.

The magma monster smiled and left.

Soon after, numerous fire trucks and police cars arrived.

They came to the rescue, but it was too late.

Few survived.

Tony Stark received the news immediately.

"My company had a severe collapse and explosion?"

He found it hard to believe.

"Yes, police and firefighters are on-site, and the families are there too."

Pepper Potts handed Tony the information.

Tony frowned as he read it.

"Pepper, please investigate."

Pepper Potts nodded firmly.


Tony arranged for Happy to take Pepper to the site personally.

He then asked JARVIS to pull up footage of the incident and began searching for information.

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