

A girl with dreams to achieve and a bestfriend to find. Aashiqa Ahuja, a simple yet highly educated and intelligent girl who only have two people in her life, her brother and her dearest bestfriend Maya whom she adores. Maya suddenly goes missing and Aashiqa's life is on for a ride. In her way comes Mr. Kabir Rathore whom she loathes with all her heart, but will this hatred change into something else and will she be able to find Maya? Read to know all about it ;-) Hope y'all love it!! Happy reading :)

Daoista5GWN2 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


"Wh..wha..What a..are you d...doing?" I shuttered, my hands fisting on the shirt he was wearing."What were you doing back there?"He asked while lurking his hands around my waist pulling me more closer to him then I already was. Fuck, I bet he can hear and also feel my heartbeat now."Le..leave me" I said pushing him because I didn't want him to know what kind of effect he has on me. I was feeling breathless due to the close proximity between us."Why?...Why do you think I will leave you? I won't leave you. EVER!!" My breath hitched. "You are stuck with me forever" saying that he nuzzled his face in my neck making me gasp.My heart stopped beating for a second there when I realised what he had just confessed right now. Did he just say that he won't leave me? ever? Not being able to even keep up with my own thoughts I tried to calm myself down.I then managed to blurt out some words after a long pause,"M..Mr Ra..Rathore wh..what are you doing?" I said while still breathing heavily because feeling him this close to me and his face buried in my neck is not helping the situation. It is making me more nervous than I already was."Nothing....just relaxing myself" He whispered and placed another soft kiss on my neck, making me shudder. For the hundreth time, I had goosebumps erupting in my body."Y...you are c..coming too cl..close to m...me" I said. Now my whole body has started to tremble."Hmm... is that so?" He kissed my earlobe and pulled me more closer, crushing me in his arms and he started kissing my shoulders. My hold on his shoulders tightened as I was not able to stand properly because my knees suddenly felt like water.

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