

A girl with dreams to achieve and a bestfriend to find. Aashiqa Ahuja, a simple yet highly educated and intelligent girl who only have two people in her life, her brother and her dearest bestfriend Maya whom she adores. Maya suddenly goes missing and Aashiqa's life is on for a ride. In her way comes Mr. Kabir Rathore whom she loathes with all her heart, but will this hatred change into something else and will she be able to find Maya? Read to know all about it ;-) Hope y'all love it!! Happy reading :)

Daoista5GWN2 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

Aashiqa's POV

My sleep was disturbed by the bright sunlight that was peeking through the curtains on the window of my room. I had slept peacefully after a very long time.

After talking to my brother(Bhaiya) after so long, I was feeling better but I couldn't tell him anything about Maya because as important as I am to my brother Maya is also the same for him as he considers her family too.

Even yesterday while talking to him he asked about Maya but I somehow managed to change the topic. While thinking about this stuff my phone started ringing. I looked at my phone and saw Sister Sofia's name there.

Sister Sofia is the head of the orphanage that I frequently visit but this month not even once was I able to visit because I had some work and Maya suddenly went missing. But what could be the reason she is calling me this early in the morning.

Did something happen?? Whatever the matter was, I was happy seeing her name on the caller ID as she always managed to lighten up my mood in some or the other way.I picked up the call and said,

"Hello Sister...it's been such a long time. How are you?"

"Hello my child...I am very fine beta, how are you darling?" she said on the phone.

"I am also good sister... Everything is fine right? Suddenly this early you're calling"

" Yes yes everything is good ...I just called to ask you that why didn't you visit us this month. The kids are missing you very much beta" 

"Actually sister I was very busy this month with my work but I will surely visit today as I am also missing the kids and also you. But please don't tell the kids about me coming as I want to surprise them. Okay?"

"That's a great idea beta... Okay then I'll wait for you, till then take care and come safely, okay?"

"Okay sister, see you then .... Bye, take care"

"Bye child. God bless you"

After cutting the call I was very excited to go to the orphanage. I move towards my closet for deciding what to wear today. I went to bathroom to freshen up and get ready. After washing up I decided to wear a knee length lavender dress with floral print... I am very excited to see the reaction of kids there. 

After getting dressed I move towards the dressing table which was kept beside my closet door. I am not a fan of makeup so I just put my lip-gloss and a little bit of eyeliner and I am ready to go.After coming in the living room I saw Bhaiya having his breakfast and my plate was also ready beside him.

He was ready to leave for office where he works as a senior manager. I went towards him and wished him good morning and informed him about my visit to the orphanage. He said that it was a very good idea and told me to have breakfast before leaving.

After bidding him goodbye I moved towards the breakfast my brother made and had it. Then I went out to my bicycle which I love to ride. While going to the orphanage I purchased some gifts and sweets for the kids as they love sweets and toys. I also bought a bouquet for sister Sofia and continued my ride...I am so looking forward to meeting the kids.

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