
Just you $ I

Sharon Davis is your typical rich girl from a very wealthy family. Sharon being the only daughter who would one day inherit the family business, finds out that not everything can her money solve. Its not as though she isn't happy that she's born with a silver spoon but it affected her romantic life, making it difficult for her to find a good and trust worthy man, Because of that, Sharon decides on a ridiculous plan and a secret that could change her life forever. Meet Robert Peterson. A tall, successful made and incredibly handsome young man and also a chef, who owns restaurants across the country. Robert is one who sees relationships as a waste of time, for his business is his first priority. And then he meets Sharon. A woman like no other he had ever met. Her attitude is one that shocks him for a woman who has nothing, in his own thoughts. One which makes him more intrigued to find out more about her. With attraction at play, the two finds themselves from being friends to a romantic relationship, but the truth remains that, would Robert still want Sharon even after he finds out about her secret? And would Sharon believe that Robert is not like all the men she met in the past?

Kauthar_Ibrahim · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 11.

Sharon's POV.

I found my way towards Rob's office, because I needed to find out what was wrong.

"Hey Rob wha-"

"Get out and knock before I tell you to come in," Woah! He cut me off before I was able to say what I intended.

I was shocked, beyond shocked actually, I just stood there gapping like a fish. I wanted to say something but nothing seemed to come out cause I was beyond surprised.

"I'm sure you heard me Ms Davis." His voice brought me back. Wait what? He doesn't call me by my last name. I was puzzled.

I went back outside and knocked before I heard a 'come in' and I stepped back into his-office.

"Ms Davis what can I help you with?" An intimidating voice I didn't know he had, which he died to speak to me.

"I-i came to asked if everything was alright,you seem to be in a bad mood s-sir," I stuttered.

"Well I don't think that's any of your business Ms Davis." He didn't smile at all. I mean his face was all hard.

I swallowed hard, I didn't think he could be like that. He has been nice to me since the moment I saw him. I really don't know what I did for him to speak to me like that.

"If you don't have anything else to do, I believe I have some work to do," He pushed some files towards me. "This are files from my other restaurants, I need you to analyse the spreadsheet for each restaurant and sort out the pay checks." He said sternly.

I gulped. "No problem sir,"

"Good. Go on with your work." I nodded before I sat down and began working. You know that feeling you get, as if someone is staring at you, I felt the same way. Which made me look up towards Rob, and saw he was looking at me, and when he noticed I caught him, he gave me a stern look and continued what he was doing.

Fine, if he wants to play bossy then I'll play along. Oh Rob you don't know what you have gotten yourself into, I smirked.


I was exhausted. I just got back from work and it was tiring, Rob literally is becoming a Pain in the ass.

I dropped my bag, as I entered my apartment, went to the room, removed my clothes and straight to the bathroom. I needed a shower.

After been done with my business in the bathroom, I changed into my night wear and headed to bed. But before sleep could finally take me, my phone buzzed indicating I have a message.

"Hey beautiful," Was what I saw as soon as I opened the message from an unknown number.

"Sorry, who is this?" I sent back. Less than 2 minute my buzzed again.

"My bad, its Adam the guy you gave your number earlier on today." The message said.

Yeah I remember him. The handsome dude from the restaurant.

"Ohh Adam I remember you, I'll save your number." I replied, then saved his number.

"Its alright, How are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine, how about you?"

"Same as you. Hope I didn't wake you up,"

"No, not at all,"

"So... I was wondering maybe you could go on a date with me. I would like to get know you more over dinner,"

Okay, I didn't see that coming, he is asking me out on a date!

I thought over it for a while before I replied, one date wouldn't hurt right. Afterall, Adam seems like a humble man.

"Just one date right?"

"One date is enough, I promise you won't regret it," Adam bragged and I chuckled while staring at my screen.

"Okay, How does Friday night sound?"

"Friday night is perfect, I'll come pick you up. Send me your address." Adam replied. I sent him the address and we said our goodnight and ended the chat.

I hope I'm doing the right thing.


Rob is really frustrating the life out of me and its f**king annoying. I wish I could say I hate him by now but I don't. Instead he still affects me, which is bad.

Nothing I do this past few days seems to please him anymore, he is either complaining about this or that. I don't know what to do with him. One day during my shift I was texting with Adam concerning our date which would be tomorrow and unfortunately Rob caught me and he was very angry and said things to me that I didn't like at all. Apparently his words were, "Ms Davis I won't tolerate you texting your boyfriends during work hours, if you have work, then work and drop the freaking phone". I was so embarrassed with what he did, cause all eyes were on me.

So today I've been doing my work well, so as to avoid being rebuked by Rob.

Thankfully as the day passed and my shift was coming to an end, I was relieved I didn't have anymore encounter with the boss.

Friday came and I was kind of eager to go on my date with Adam. I called Amy and Gift to come over to my place and help me get ready for my date. They were surprised when I told them, but I didn't give them the full gist just that I was going on date with someone.

Immediately my shift was over I took my route home. On getting home, I took my bath and waited for my best friends to come over and help me out.

Not long after I heard a knock on my front door and went towards it to open the door .

I opened the door to see my best friends smiling at me. God, I missed them. I haven't been seeing them very well because of my schedule.

"Hey babe," Gift said and hugged me before she strode in and bounced on the chair like she owned the place. I shook my head, that's Gift for you.

Amy also hugged and pecked me on the cheeks before entering inside.

"Babe you've got to tell us everything thing about this guys you're going on a date with," Gift immediately threw questions at me.

"Yea, do you think he is one?" Amy also pondered.

"Whoa whoa calm down, this is just our first date, so I can't conclude just yet. Now you guys are gonna get your ass up and help go find a dress for my date." I told them.

They smiled and immediately they dragged me into my room.

Amy started going through my closet.

"What about this dress?" She brought out a very short red gown with sleeveless hands, which is also backless.

"What? No!. I'm going to a dinner not a club Amy. I'm not trying to look like a slut on our first date." I exclaimed.

"Noo, you'll look hot in it," She protested.

"No, I'm not wearing that,"

"Fine," She huffed. Finally after about 20 minutes, she pulled out a very nice long blue gown that was apropriate and absolutely gorgeous.

We all agreed it was the dress I was to wear, then Gift picked out a matching bag and heels for me. Gift did a little make up for me and I was ready. The both took out their iPhone and started taking me pictures, according to them I was looking beautiful.

Well I was never one to doubt I was pretty, I knew it and I lived it.

"When is Adam supposed to be here?" Amy asked.

I checked my time and it was already 7:00pm. "He should be hear any minute" I told them.

Not long after I said that, there was a knock on my front door.

"I guess that's him," Gift said jumping. She was behaving like a kid and who would believe she would be clocking 26 very soon.

I opened the door and truthfully he was standing there in all his glory. He was looking dashing with an expensive suit he wore.

"Hey gorgeous." Adam looked me up from head to toe, as a smirk laid on his lips and I could tell, he loved what he saw. "I hope you're ready?" He asked and by now I was blushing

"Yes I am." I said and gestured for him to come in, which he did.

"Meet my friends, Amy and gift. You guys meet Adam." I introduced them and the they exchanged pleasantries.

I took my purse and told Adam I was ready. I said my farewell to my friends, but still they escorted me outside to Adam's car. From where I stood, Gift mouthed to me, "Damn he is hot." and I chuckled. Just wait till you see Rob, I thought.

Wait what, were did that thought come from. I haven't thought of him since morning, now he finds a way to creep into my mind?

I removed the thought from my mind, and I looked forward to my date with Adam.