
Just you $ I

Sharon Davis is your typical rich girl from a very wealthy family. Sharon being the only daughter who would one day inherit the family business, finds out that not everything can her money solve. Its not as though she isn't happy that she's born with a silver spoon but it affected her romantic life, making it difficult for her to find a good and trust worthy man, Because of that, Sharon decides on a ridiculous plan and a secret that could change her life forever. Meet Robert Peterson. A tall, successful made and incredibly handsome young man and also a chef, who owns restaurants across the country. Robert is one who sees relationships as a waste of time, for his business is his first priority. And then he meets Sharon. A woman like no other he had ever met. Her attitude is one that shocks him for a woman who has nothing, in his own thoughts. One which makes him more intrigued to find out more about her. With attraction at play, the two finds themselves from being friends to a romantic relationship, but the truth remains that, would Robert still want Sharon even after he finds out about her secret? And would Sharon believe that Robert is not like all the men she met in the past?

Kauthar_Ibrahim · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 10.

Sharon's POV.

Hanging out with Rob was a great idea. We had lots of fun and enjoyed each others company, I got to know a lot about him and it's hurt that he knows nothing about me. He can't know the real me.

Getting to know Rob has increased the feelings I have for him. But I don't seem to find any trace of attraction from him to me. It is as though he has friend zoned me. He Is making me feel things I have never felt before towards any man, and man it scares the shit out of me. I can't wrap my mind around the fact why I'm feeling this way but I can't help it.

I've always been the hopeless romantic kind of girl, I guess that's why men play with my feelings the way they want. Growing up my mom had always told me never to be a fool for men. Despite all the warnings I always find myself victim of the situation.

I quickly wore my apron and prepared for today's serving. Working here hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I actually find myself looking forward to coming to the restaurant everyday.

I noticed two men entered the restaurant and they were ushered to a table. I went to them so I could take their orders.

"Good day sir," I greeted them.

"Good day," They replied.

"What can I get for you ?" They were still looking at the menu when I asked haven't yet decided what they wanted so I added.

"If you haven't decided then, I could get you drinks and come back to take your orders."

The two men were both handsome and both dressed nice as if they were coming from the office. One of them looked at me and smiled then decided I get them chilled coke. I turned to go get their drinks but when I looked back he was still staring at me and smiling. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued walking.

I came back with their drinks and they ordered sea rice which consisted of rice and every type of sea food. I took their order and brought their food for them, but that same guy kept looking at me in a strange way. It was becoming creepy.

I was at the locker room when Rita, one of my colleague came to tell me someone wanted to see me.

"Who is that?" I asked her.

"One of of the hot dudes you served, he requested to see you. He's outside waiting." She whispered to me smiling.

"Alright let me go see what he wants."

I left her and went outside the restaurant towards the parking lot. The guy that was smiling at me earlier on was standing beside a dark blue Mercedes.

He strode to where I was standing. "Hi, I apologize for calling you out. I know you're busy. I'm Adam," He introduced himself, stretching his hand for a hand shake. I extended my hand and shook him back. He was handsome, clean shaved but not as handsome has Rob.

God, why the hell did I just compare this dude to Rob?

Girl you've got it baad.

"I'm Sharon," I replied.

"That's a nice name, a beautiful name for a beautiful lady." He complimented. Was he trying to flirt? Cause he wasn't that good but he had the charm.

I only smiled at his comment and waited for him to speak again. "I was wondering if I could get your number, you know, maybe hang out sometime?"

I was surprised, well I should have seen this coming with all the flirting and all. I thought about it for a second, and it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. That's why I'm here anyway, to meet new people.

"Alright that's no problem," I took his phone from his hand and typed in my number and also saved it, before I handed his phone back to him.

He smiled from cheek to cheek. "I'll give you a call," He said and I nodded:

To my stun, he took my hand again in his and kissed the back of hand, "It was nice meeting you," He smirked.

"Same here," I smiled back at him, while I wondered just what kind of man he was.

Just then I saw a black BMW drive into the parking lot. The car was familiar and Rob came out. My hands were still in the grasp of Adam, and I saw Rob glanced our way and just passed us without saying anything.


I didn't think much of the aura I perceived from Rob, and told my good bye to Adam and went back into the restaurant. Adam seemed like a nice guy. As I entered I saw Rob talking to Lily at the counter probably instructing her to do something, and I went over to them.

"Good day boss." I said teasing him. He has told me not to call him boss or sir. So I was trying to tease him to see his reaction.

Rob looked my way for a second and left. As in he literally just left me hanging there. I couldn't wrap my mind around it. What did I do to him to be given the cold shoulders? Last I remembered we didn't have any disagreement.

Maybe he is in a bad mood, I thought. I'll Just let him cool off for a while then I'll go talk to him.