
Just Sample Ideas

This is just me posting some fanfic ideas that are in my head and don't know if I should create it as a Fanfic or not but comments is well needed.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Sample Idea

This idea is about being transmigrated into RWBY into another body of a character.

And no it's not your usual Jaune Arc reincarnated or transmigrated oh no how about another character not given the chance to shine or improve...

The MC is transmigrated into Mercury Black.


Chapter 1: Starting Point

~??? POV~


What the hell happen the last thing I remember was just…

Oh, fuck me!

Remembering on how I died was apparently from a simple case of dying from trunk kun fuck.

Aww man…

I still haven't seen the end of most my favorite animes!

I want a refund on my life choices here god damn it!

Then suddenly I look around to see I'm only a small blue light…

Wait a minute if I dead and I'm a soul and I'm in some kind of void like space from a truck…

By God I read my fics before and if I already know who I think it is.

That was when I saw a ball of light then speaks to me in a proud voice, "Hello young soul I'm what your people call ROB and from reading your memories you already know the deal so what you want?"

Shifting around my soul I was very confused by this ROB here and asked the obvious, "Uhm… You seem down to earth to ask what I wanted any reason?"

Rob just floats down as it sighs in front of me as it replies to me, "Sigh… trust me kid you aren't the first that I give wishes to by the way sadly though…. No. You have no choice of what world you are going to. Just be glad you even get to live next life transmigrated."


What the fuck I don't get a choice here?!

Wait no I'm getting a second chance at life here I don't want to spoil that chance away for nothing!

That was when I heard from the ROB himself as he sounded smug about his choice as he looks at me, "Good at least your not whining like a little bitch like most. Most of you kids don't even get a wish because they are really greedy. I guess you get a wish good on you by the way the world is Remnant or RWBY. Good luck~"

Great at least I know what I can work with here at least I won't be royally screwed but that is dependent on the ROB choice of where I end up.

Opening my eyes in the dead of the night I began to recall everything about the body I'm in as I scowl at my body, but beggars can't be choosers.

Have you ever wondered how it will be like to suddenly be in a new world in the place of a person body?

Well, let me tell you it's not all as its crack out to be.

Especially for someone in my shoes I'll tell yah that much.

When in my case I happen to be in the body of one fictional character in the show with no cheats and no systems to help me out.

Glancing up I'm in a kids body but the sigil or symbol for him was there on my shirt clear as day for all to see and that made my situation pretty damn hard as fuck.

Gray foot with a wing sticking out. Yup. If I know where this is going then…

Quickly going over a mirror nearby I began to inspect what I assume to be the worst case scenario in my life.

Gray hair to match with my eyes and recognizable face…


I'm not like your usual transmigrator stories where I'm Jaune Arc going to Beacon ohh… no this is so much worse than that… then again could be a blessing in disguise for not being generic being blond knight.


I'm probably one of the least hated character in the RWBY franchise… Mercury Black.


Need to test something out first to see if I have Aura or not. Knowing this could greatly affect what I do next.

Looking around in my 'room' I would've assume better but… everything is a mess in here and smells of booze and alcohol I smell inside this place is certainly telling enough that everything has been trashed.

But… is my legs ok?


Taking a look down on my legs I see that they are still normally attached as I sigh out a breath of relief knowing I'm not crippled but no robot cyborg legs. Fuck that shits I ain't Yang to lose a limb for that.

Getting out of here is my next priority since this place is literally hell just waiting for me to happen.

Judging from the age I saw from the mirror earlier I see that I'm at least 6 years old at the least that's certainly not comforting to say the least.

Remembering from the timeline of this world following my age if that's even right I have about 11 years before I'm 17 if that's even the correct age I could be wrong though…

Still running away from this place is the best bet I have to survive.

If I'm Mercury then escaping is my main priority but also being calm is key to my survival as well as being sneaky about it.

Being Mercury Black sucks so much… his one of the characters that has the darkest backstories…

Mercury lived in the mountains with his father, Marcus Black, who was an assassin and implied heavy drinker.

Mercury was trained by his father to be an assassin, a regimen that included regular beatings and and various other abuses.

His father had even went as far as removing Mercury's Semblance with his own due to deeming it to be a "crutch" with the false promise to return it once he became stronger. One night, he fought against his father and killed him.

Cinder Fall and Emerald Sustrai saw their fight from afar and were hoping to recruit his father for their cause. However, due to Marcus' death, Cinder asked Mercury if he took after his father.

He joined Cinder's cause and has been traveling with them since.

According to Kerry Shawcross, Mercury has one of the darkest backstories, which has yet to be fully explored.

Then again though there are perks to being Mercury since I could potentially get a bust semblance more specifically his semblance or ours in this case since we fused souls or I took over.

The ability to steal semblances would be great to have.

Semblance is a power exhibited by certain characters in RWBY. It is developed from a person's Aura and typically helps in battle against Grimm. Semblances are different between people and can range from super strength, manipulating objects to disorienting opponents.

Whilst Semblances are often said to be completely unique there do exist some that are similar, such as those of Glynda Goodwitch and Carmine Esclados' who share telekinesis, but differ in both how they manifest (purple glyphs and golden wisps, respectively) and overall potency; with Glynda's Semblance being noted to be much stronger than Carmine's.

Semblances can be of the same type but if the visual effect is different, they still both qualify as unique.

There have also been Semblances with different names and effects but similar abilities, such as Yang and Adam's Semblances which mainly absorb damage (the former with her body and the latter with his sword) to augment them, and Blake and Sun's Semblances to create clones of themselves.

So there is hope for me IF I don't have my aura unlocked.

Going down the hallway I began to take quick glances as I see at the end of the other hallway I see that a door was slightly open with the foulest smell of alcohol was there in the area as I held in the urge to barf at the smell!


Tip toeing away from that position would what I assumed to be my old man or I guess former old man of Mercury father.

Going down the stairs I began to hurry down the stairs as I happen to be careful enough not to fuck this up.

My life literally depended on it as I go down quickly.

Glancing around quickly I saw the door and the kitchen nearby as I went towards the kitchen with me only having my PJ as my clothing. Not really a good clothing to have on hand but… I have to make due.

Going towards the kitchen to the drawers I began to open one as I saw a knife and instinctly grab it as I twirl it around to the sharpen end of the blade at my finger as I gently began to poke at it.


Seeing the small draw of blood of min finger bleeding a sense of relief was uplifted from my body seeing that its not bleeding.


That means my aura hasn't awaken its more like I still have it dormant which is good.

This means having a semblance is within my reach and won't have to worry of being taken advantage of with me having no semblances.

Going towards the door I began to open it as I began to carefully flee at the dead of night is not really a good choice but… I don't have much of an option considering the fact that a literal assassin is living here is perfectly drunk off his ass after beating my body up.

No better opportunity than in the present now.

Sneaking away from the dead of night I recall the knowledge that Mercury had as a kid as I understood the situation gladly as I began to hurry along the path from what the kid remembered inside his noggin.

Recalling where the path leads too and keeping my fear to an all time low just enough for me to keep myself calm and not be tempted into fear.

Even in this short body I'm taking a greater risk of getting caught by Grimm but I'll gladly take that chance to escape this darkest fate and take it by the throat stirring my way to victory claiming my life.

God that sounds like cringe or being Chuni right there.

Still escaping from this nightmare would be ideal then wait till I'm 17 years old to begin my freshly abused father story of wanting to cause pain to others.

Fuck that shit I'll leave it to the Uchiha's to fuck that shit up.

Walking around aimlessly at the dead of night with nothing but my PJ and shoes of course I was risking my life here with this but frankly risking my life here would be much better than be ready to be thrown around by an hateful adult.

Either way finding a means for myself would be ideal and hopefully this is either closer to Vale but if I'm in Mistral…


I do know an abandoned farm from what the show described having some stored food cans and dead people but could be usable if I can take care of the Creeps in the underground cellar but it would take some time…

Either way I need to escape from this place first then worry about surviving later.

Anything is better than here that was certain.

Going around the are I made sure to not get caught no matter what…

Walking for what seems like for days I happen to find myself land so enough as I see a village in the distance as I couldn't help but be glad at the scene ahead of me.

After forcing myself up for who knows for how long at the dead of night being extremely lucky I didn't care as I need to find some form of civilization after getting some gear or at least keep up surviving.