
Just Sample Ideas

This is just me posting some fanfic ideas that are in my head and don't know if I should create it as a Fanfic or not but comments is well needed.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Another Sample

This one is an idea of using the MC of Tommy, Steve, Bruto, Guy, Houdini, and Grabnok the Destroyer.

Yes, I'm talking about the one and only SCP - 507 the reluctant dimensional hopper where he actually does what he wanted for a change of pace. Actually exploring other dimensions without the two-week weakness and it explained how in the chapter.

I want to hear if this is a good idea or not since it has been in the back of my mind since I read the info into the SCP verse.

Also, I won't be uploading any more chapters till finals are over sorry but I have to prioritize right now maybe I'll be back after the month of May is over.


Chapter 1: SCP – 507 The Dimensional Hopper

~Tommy POV~


Another day and another dimension-hopping for good old Tommy, Steve, Bruto, Guy, Houdini, and Grabnok the Destroyer.

I'm known by many names in the SCP Foundation but Tommy seems to be what most people stick with since it's easier and convenient for them.

Operating clandestine and worldwide, the Foundation operates beyond jurisdiction, empowered and entrusted by every major national government with the task of containing anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena.

Many of these anomalies pose a significant threat to global security by threatening either physical or psychological harm. All of them undermine the natural laws that the people of the world implicitly trust in.

The Foundation maintains an extensive database of information regarding anomalies requiring Special Containment Procedures, commonly referred to as "SCPs".

The primary database contains summaries of such anomalies and emergency procedures for maintaining or re-establishing safe containment in the case of a containment breach or other event.

The Foundation operates to maintain normalcy, so that the worldwide civilian population can live and go on with their daily lives without fear, mistrust, or doubt in their personal beliefs, and to maintain human independence from extraterrestrial, extradimensional, and other extranormal influences.

Its mission is to Secure, Contain, and Protect.

The Foundation secures anomalies with the goal of preventing them from falling into the hands of civilian or rival agencies, through extensive observation and surveillance and by acting to intercept such anomalies at the earliest opportunity.

The Foundation contains anomalies with the goal of preventing their influence or effects from spreading, by either relocating, concealing or dismantling such anomalies or by suppressing or preventing public dissemination of knowledge thereof.

The Foundation protects humanity from the effects of such anomalies as well as the anomalies themselves until such time that they are either fully understood or new theories of science can be devised based on their properties and behavior.

The Foundation may also neutralize or destroy anomalies as an option of last resort if they are determined to be too dangerous to be contained.

And where do I come up with this?

Well, that's simply because I'm one of those anomalies myself.

They named me SCP – 507 otherwise known as the Reluctant Dimensional Hopper.

As the name states, I pretty much have no control over my ability to hop to different realities and dimensions every 2 weeks or so.

Those days are really dark times for me since I have to survive the unknown every single time with the equipment the Foundation has provided me.

Handgun, loaded with rubber bullets. Only one magazine which is carried in the gun.

Knife with sheath and belt.

A tank of air.

High-intensity flashlight.

One week of vegetation ration packs.

Waterproofed set of binoculars.

Tracking collar.


All of these are to see if I can help the SCP Foundation with their research but I really do want my freedom what can I do about it though?

They are basically the strongest organization there is and my escaping from them is simply impossible.

Getting ready and preparing my items I could only sigh as I need to prepare after waiting for 2 weeks my time to hop is happening soon enough, but I really hope its somewhere good for me to travel to because I'm not in the mood to deal with creepy monsters or other SCP to deal with me.

That was when the space around me began to shift…


Suddenly now inside an apparent SCP Foundation hall, I began to move around the place as I took out my flashlight.

Oh god, I really hope it's not one of those ends of the world scenarios.

Seen what happens when SCP Foundation goes rogue and barely survived the attacks.

Picking up my flashlight I began to move around the facility seeing that no one was around and some power was still around I can't quite help but feel nervous about what was going on.

That's the usual schtick for the SCP Foundation and goes for me as well.

Walking around the place with my tracking collar attached I began to move around the area as I haven't found anyone here or any bodies for that matter.

As I move around some more I began to move around searching the place and seeing that all the locks here are set to open.

That ain't good.

Moving around I began to move around till I found an interesting item here still inside with a name on the door SCP – 914.

SCP-914 is a Safe class anomaly also known as The Clockworks.

SCP 914 is a large clockwork device weighing several tons consisting of screw drives, belts, pulleys, gears, springs, and other clockwork. It is incredibly complex, consisting of over eight million moving parts.

When an object is placed in the Intake Booth, a door slides shut, and a small bell sounds. If the knob is turned to any position and the key-wound up, SCP914 will "refine" the object in the booth.

Going inside the place I can what it meant by that as it's really big clockwork but also some research reports about it on how it can change any item on the 'Fine' setting to be a slightly better version of it.

And the other one on "Very Fine" is truly something horrifying even human tests will grant the item anomaly-related abilities on the subject… I wonder… if I place myself inside the Clockwork would I be able to control my powers?

Well, hopefully, that's the case since I would practically be fully screwed over if I set myself on "Very Fine" with the reports given that is.

What do I have to lose on the 'Fine' setting?

Going to the machine and placing it on the fine setting I began to enter myself inside and let the whole process work itself out but without the Tracker outside along with my equipment.


Entering inside and the machine activating I began to feel changes…

Everything about changed…

Hell, I even feel my bones and skin change color than my usual looks…

And is that muscle I see?

Wait can I even see while in the machine?



I see the light again after coming out from SCP – 914 as I see my whole appearance seem to have changed and I mean that by a lot.

Caucasian male with blond hair and green eyes, sporting no other outstanding characteristics besides being somewhat overweight and speaking with a vague accent of disputable origin.

That was my original appearance but on the "Fine" settings it seems to have changed my appearance a bit as I was white with black hair and blue eyes my characteristics changed to being slim with some muscle on me.

Not bad Tommy.

Not bad looking at all.

Although it looks like to me I regressed my age it seems to when I'm like a pre-teen or teenager now at the age of 15 years old despite my body being 25?

At least that's my guess anyway.


I ain't complaining of my age now since I look younger. Isn't that what most people would kill to have to look younger?


Glancing around the facility I began to collect my gear on me again including the collar as I began to move around the abandoned SCP Facility.


I would expect that they would come soon though all things considered.

Ignoring that I began to continue my way around this place and decided to head towards the medical bay of this SCP foundation area.

While I was moving around I haven't found anyone nearby or here to tell me what was going and what's weird is the fact that there is no one around which is mildly concerning.

No blood.

No flesh.

Or even other SCPs around?

What the literal hell could've happened here?

Shaking my head a bit I began to move around the facility to try and find a way out of this place I found the medical bay of the SCP Facility but more so an interesting building as well here.

SCP – 500 room.

Entering inside I began to see a pill case as I began to read the contents of this guy since I haven't heard anything about it before?

SCP-500 is a Safe Class anomaly also known as Panacea.

SCP 500 is a small plastic can which at the time of writing contains forty-seven pills.

One pill, when taken orally, effectively cures the subject of all diseases within two hours, the exact time depending on the severity and amount of the subject's conditions.

Despite extensive trials, all attempts at synthesizing more of what is thought to be the active ingredient of the SCP500 pills have been unsuccessful.


The boys in the SCP Foundation of my home dimension would be glad to have this hope they'll leave me with some spares for this.

Hopefully is the keyword here.


Taking the SCP – 500 Panacea with me I began to continue onward around the facility and the much more concerning uneasy quietness here.

No foundation Task Force members.

No Foundation Scientists around.

Not even SCPs around…

Actually, that's a good thing in this case.

Moving around and with plenty of time to spare, I began to wander around some more of the empty facility as I couldn't really be told what exactly happened here.

And as much as I would like to question the things that go around here.

For sanity or whatever is left of it is best to not ask much more about it.

The less I know the better.

Scrounging around the area I happen to find an abandoned area here with a name tag for this one.

SCP – 5094 Miss J.


Now this one I know is famous among the researcher staff around these parts.

Going inside I see another document titled for this SCP as I began to read the contents in my head.

SCP-5094 is a Safe Class anomaly also known as Miss J's Whiz Kidz Schoolhouse.

Have you ever used a piece of software that almost made you think it was alive?

Where the AI was so advanced, you could swear that the avatar you saw on screen was a real, living, thinking person?

Those who have encountered the educational software game known as SCP 5094 have all had that experience.

SCP-5094 is a program created by Shoot the Moons Software and somehow the title character of the program, Miss J who also goes by the names Miss Julie, Miss Jenny, and Miss Joy appear to be alive.

Remembering what I heard from the boys I heard it practically knows everything and can help out the student in every field imaginable so long as you desire to learn it.

Hell, there are even some notebooks lying around.

Since I might be stuck here for an unknown amount of time I might as well learn some languages around here since I might as well spend my time wisely.

I remember one of the staff experimented with children with this SCP that allowed them to be the best fields of cats in under 15 hours with her.


Might as well pass the time and better close the doors just in case something really bad happens.

Closing the door, I began to turn on Miss J.'s program and learn as much as I can about languages that could be handy.

I have a week what's the worse that can happen.


I stand corrected after a few days of the week staying with SCP – 5094 I basically managed to learn everything about what humans have to offer.

Medicine, technology, languages, arts, food, and basically the essentials of what humans have made it was really good to have.

Feeling smarter for it in the process.

However, it has been rather concerning for the last few days since my ability hasn't made me get out of this dimension.

That is very concerning but for the longest time, I made my way around the facility not finding anything worthwhile except for the Panacea I have but otherwise nothing much.



"What the hell!"

The actual danger I almost forgot what was like and – WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!!

Seeing the monstrosity over I began to almost hurl at the sounds of that… that… THING…

It was a fusion of sludge with human flesh of bones, eyeballs, stomachs, muscles and every other thing that belongs to humans melted like bad jello coming towards me as I see it coming full speed and worse…


"Come on and join the sunlight, Tommy."

"Come bask in the bright light of the sun."

"Don't fear the sun come join us, Tommy."

Oh, fuck that!

Quickly running away and getting rid of the tacker collar I ran and ran to get away but one small side glance back and it almost got my leg.


I need to escape but before I could the thing smacked me at the head before the space around me began to shift I blackout but made sure that THING didn't get me.

I have no idea how at the time but I somehow activated my powers on my own.

That was the conclusion I came to as I now figured out what SCP – 914 did to me.

It made me 'Fine' to control my shifting between realities now but out of control of where I go.

No wonder I could stay here as much as I wanted now.

If I knew that I wouldn't have figured that out unless I flee and activate my new shifting powers.

However, I still blacked out into the unknown with what I had on me.

Only leaving me in the fleeting thoughts of what was transpiring before I get knocked out.

I just hope it's something fun as I still wish to explore the great paranormal and mythological.

Maybe I would now that I have the knowledge of activating and staying where I go with my powers and newfound knowledge.

Hoping to survive is kind of my thing.

I just hope the crying like a baby and curling up in a ball strategy works…

Next, I see black as I lose consciousness.