
Just Sample Ideas

This is just me posting some fanfic ideas that are in my head and don't know if I should create it as a Fanfic or not but comments is well needed.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Sample Idea

This is a sample idea of a Multiverse Fanfic with the MC starting Jojo with Funny Valentine stand and goes through the Multiverse.


Chapter 1: I'm 'Funny' Valentine

~Third POV~

There is not one universe—there is a multiverse. In Scientific American articles and books such as Brian Greene's latest, The Hidden Reality, leading scientists have spoken of a super-Copernican revolution.

A multiverse is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, information, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.

The multiverse theory suggests that our universe, with all its hundreds of billions of galaxies and almost countless stars, spanning tens of billions of light-years, may not be the only one.

Instead, there may be an entirely different universe, distantly separated from ours — and another, and another.

The Multiverse is a place where multiple possibilities exist no matter how outrageous as it seems…

One possibility or thought somewhere out there is happening….




Getting out of the literal hole of dirt using his Stand Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap or known as D4C was Funny Valentine coming out from dimension-hopping as he spoke tired, "H… How many times do I have to repeat it? N… No matter what I do… I end up back in the hole…"

Trying to get up out of the hole he began to speak trying to find a way to win, "I have to find a way… to escape from being buried in this hole!"

As hard as he tried even the effects of Johnny TUSK 4 began to show effects on his body and stand showing he can't escape the Golden Spin.

The principle behind Tusk ACT4 derives from the use of the Golden Spin, which requires Johnny to make his horse run in its "natural state".

By doing so, the horse produces rotational energy in the form of the Golden Rectangle and by combining it with Tusk, Johnny is able to release infinite rotational energy. He can, however, shortcut the process as a last-ditch effort, using a Steel Ball to temporarily galvanize his horse's movement.

Tusk ACT4 is thus one of the most powerful Stands in the series due to the infinite energy behind it but is incredibly difficult to deploy as a trade-off.

Tusk ACT4 embodies the infinite energy and rotation of the Golden Spin and is able to deploy it in various ways.

Following the principle of the Golden Spin, the energy wielded and embodied by Tusk ACT4 is infinite, allowing a wide array of otherwise impossible feats. One of the first abilities displayed by Tusk ACT4 is to be able to break through the dimensional barrier of Love Train and enter the space in which Valentine hides.

Moreover, Tusk ACT4 defies the laws of gravity and therefore can move slightly and probably still influence Diego during the stopped time. The damage caused by the rotation is stated to be probably infinite as well. Like with ACT2 and ACT3, the energy of the Spin can persist inside objects even if Johnny misses a nail shot and can be redirected toward a target.

If ACT4 touches someone, it imbues the target with an infinite spinning motion. Not only does part of the body separate to spin, everything down to individual cells spins on themselves, greatly distorting the shape of the victim.

According to Johnny, not even a soul will be left behind. The Spin goes on forever and never leaves the person or their Stand, forcing them to return to the place where they were hit or it's equivalent in each parallel dimension, thus Funny Valentine was not able to escape it despite switching dimensions and/or bodies, always returning to the underground location in which he was hit.

If someone uses a tool, like a carriage, to get away from the location, the Spin will imbue itself into the tool and destroy it, forcing the target back into their location. The rotation won't end unless Johnny shoots the target with a similar rotation that is spinning in the opposite direction, resulting in the two of them canceling each other out.

Going towards another dimension Funny Valentine began to think to himself as he tried to get to another version of himself, 'No matter! I must keep on going for my Country! Go D4C search for another me!'

Elsewhere in the normal parts of the world Earth was a teenage boy resting along with tears evident in his eyes as it was the year 2021 when the event of COVID has occurred and vaccines and medicines to counteract it wasn't ready to be served as those in the medical profession were trying to figure out a solution.

In the modern world where everything is normal just living a normal life with no fantasy or fictional powers in the world.

In this world lived a high schooler with blond hair and a normal figure of a teenager with blue eyes. He's just your ordinary young teen just finishing using his time to relax to keep himself calm in the face of the epidemic his facing with no other living relatives around.

This teenage boy is named Funny Valentine another different version of Root Valentine with an odd name even to his peers as was his parents were anime and cartoon fans but they kept it in their life to show their love much to Funny frustration at times.

But he didn't hate them for it as he was introduced to other fun and great shows as well as some games of the big franchises but that was when they were alive…

He lost his parents when it started as his place was heavily hit first as he was young had less of the chance of getting COVID but his parents on the other hand weren't that lucky… he cried the night after hearing the loss of his parents though a phone.

He was devastated as he cried for a while till he finally come to terms with them being gone as he now has to survive on his own for a while before the ban of the city was lifted as he couldn't even leave unless he wants to get infected.

Funny lives alone at his home learning to get used to being by himself since his parent's since their passing, luckily he was sad of their passing but he had to remain calm in order to support himself without them.

Currently at this time he sighs watching some anime shows to pass the time seeing how the genus prince leads his country out of debt with a satisfied grin on his face watching the show but frowns as he sees the window he taped up, "Sigh… I have to be careful with my food supply. Better be – "




Suddenly an injured original Funny Valentine appeared as his stand D4C appeared behind the modern Funny Valentine as the one dying spoke to him, "Finish him off. Kill him! The base world Johnny Joestar!"

"The Johnny in 'The world where the corpse is'! Hurry!"

"Go there right away and kill Johnny!"

While the one dying didn't know now who he was talking to the modern one knew what this meant as the knowledge of everything flashed in his head as the Stand D4C managed to give him all the info transferred to him.

When Funny Valentine is injured, he can hop into another dimension and transfer his D4C to this world's Valentine. Said Valentine acquires the memory of the previous Valentine and becomes the 'Root Valentine' by virtue of now possessing the Stand, but his consciousness remains different from that of the previous owner.

Nevertheless, since each Valentine is dedicated to gathering the Corpse Parts and has the same personality, the differences are unnoticeable… except for this modern one as he now felt the existential crisis he has to deal with knowing the knowledge of anime and Jojo culture reading it all.

Having these very short seconds he has before The Spin began to kill him he quickly ordered his D4C what to do without missing a beat, "D4C! Search for me the world where Giorno Giovanna has achieved a victory of the Gold Experience Requiem!"

Not hesitating a second later knowing the dangers Funny Valentine began to search for a counter to The Golden Spin and that is with Giorno GER power to eliminate the power that his Stand have.

Return to Zero.

Gold Experience Requiem's ultimate ability is to revert actions and willpower directed against Giorno back to the state of "zero", completely nullifying them and preventing them from becoming "real".

Hence, it is virtually invincible, as all "supposed" actions created by an opponent would have been reset (back to point zero). Once struck by this effect, there is no escape from it, and the opponent will have every action they perform reverted back to "zero".

It is mentioned by Giorno himself that he is unsure of the exact workings and limits of GER's powers, but it has been shown that its range of influence extends from surface contact to even being in the mere attention field of GER.

The Modern 'Funny' knew that Giorno would be able to help him because of his personality and experience since it's his core trait.

Giorno values life greatly and always seeks to never leave someone to die if he himself is able to help it, even putting himself in danger if another can stay unharmed. He believes that a "will of self-sacrifice" or giving one's own life for the sake of others, is not a part of what he believes resolve is.

To do that Funny began to use the ability of D4C Dimensional Travel.

The Dimensional Travel is really what makes this Stand truly frighting to fight against and more so because of how scary effective, it is really.

This ability of his Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap allows different parallel worlds/dimensions to co-exist at the same time and/or in the same place and it also allows its user to visit these parallel worlds/dimensions and interact with them.

In order to activate the ability D4C travels by being closed between two objects. Liquid materials, such as water count as objects as well, and even dust or steam.

By using the D4C stand ability Dimensional Travel uses molecules in the air in between the stand and makes the appearance look like phasing in and out making the stand intangible to everything including other stands attacking D4C.

But it could also work in activation power as he began to move into the universe where Giorno exists with GER hoping to dear life.

Resolve D4C managed to take him into Giorno's office where his men at the ready aimed at him as he looked at Funny with a cold glance as he replied to him pleading, "Please… you're my only hope to rid of this Golden Spin on my Stand with your GER. Please…."

Surprised flashed in Giorno's eyes as did the others and tried to ask why till they see his body began to rip apart from the Golden Spins effect getting Giorno's attention and curiosity as he spoke out summoning his Stand, "Gold Experience Requiem!"


Gold Experience Requiem is a humanoid Stand of a height and builds similar to Giorno's. Many of its features resemble the original Gold Experience, including the ladybugs on its hands and the oblong grooves across its body. Its head extends into pointed tips with the back of the head hollow, giving it the appearance of a crown or a flower that's grown up and bloomed.

Its eyes have a unique design among Stands, with the 'eyeballs' embedded in a cross-like structures within slanted sockets. It has an extended ridge collar on the back of its neck and several indentations and various other patterns covering its body.

And the sudden memories of the 'Root Valentine' also started to become nothing more than an annoyance to the modern one as he has his full mind and personality intact from this trip thanks to GER while also making D4C revert back to its original base.

D4C was now back to normal as it now has a humanoid form with large, upright horns that somewhat resemble the ears of a leporid; a masked mandible, and a light body lined by an almost unbroken seam or trim. It's designed after the image of leather being stitched together, like on a baseball, and under its brow, its eyes appear to emote a cold gaze.

It managed to punch The Modern 'Funny' D4C as the effects of Return to Zero began to set in as the destruction of his body parts began to revert to zero as The Modern 'Funny' began to bow to Giorno thanks for his help, "Giorno… I thank you – "



Hearing those words was the most he could reply to Giorno for help as he began to explain to him what happened. During the events of his final battle with Johnny, trapped by Tusk ACT4's power, Valentine searches the various parallel universes in hopes of something capable of saving him while he buys time against his enemy.

Hearing what Giorno could do in his world favored against his Boss he was his only hope as tears fell from his eyes as he smiled at this, "It is nothing. Now that you have your freedom again what would you do now Funny Valentine?"

Listening to his words small laughs escaped 'Funny' mouth as he replied and bow to Giorno with great respect, "Live my life. Free as I can be now. And since the original layer this problem on me. For I Funny Valentine shall be free of this fate from Root me. Thank you very much, Giorno."

Giorno and his crew nodded at this making the now named independent Heart leave Giorno's place as he finally used Dimensional Travel…

Returning himself to the 'Root Johnny' where the holy corpse Lucy Steel was there making Johnny worry as he yell out in worry, "Funny Valentine! I – "


Using his stand Funny began to use parts of D4C legs to coat himself and grab a piece of Lucy Steel Finger ripping it off from her hands as he replied to Johnny, "No worries Johnny Joestar. I have what I need and, in another dimension, I'll have my way to leave this universe. This is MY win. NOT Root Funny's win."


Like that Funny Valentine vanished to were not even Johnny knew…

Next somewhere else where a historical display of the Stand Arrows is shown a hand appeared to take the middle piece of that universe before it was revealed to be Funny as he spoke out, "With this Stand Arrow I can evolve my D4C… but for now I have no need but a safety measure for the time being. Now… time to strengthen my Stand ability…"

Like that he used Dimension Travel into another period of time with his stand…

In the year of 1938 on the border of Switzerland was the greatest fight was supposed to happen with Kars versus Joseph Joestar!

Currently, the Joseph was grabbing the rope holding to unknown to him his mother Lisa Lisa the rest of his friends fight off against the horde of vampire ghouls curtesy of Kar's handy work.

Lisa Lisa was hanging from a rope where beneath her is a quarry filled with sharp crystal spikes if she fell would be her death.

The greatest hero of their time Speedwagon with the future mad lad Smokey says to their Nazi friend Von Stroheim as he yells at him in a hurry, "Stroheim! You're still dealing with the vampires?! We've got to get over there!"

However, even the cyborg German was having difficulty as he responded back to his American ally, "Nein! Look at how many there are!! As if I could clear them out in a couple of minutes!"

Joseph's friends were busy dealing with Kars lackies as Von Stroheim was busy dealing with the vampires as he thought to himself, 'Damn these undead freaks are too many to handle I have to help that American Joseph against Kars and show German superiority!'

Frankly however unaware of the heroes Funny Valentine appears to see the situation hiding fully aware of the situation at hand.

Funny viewing the whole entire event occurring thinks to himself in a surprised voice, 'So this what ghouls look like up close and personal they are certainly ugly that is for sure but I'm more surprised that I ended up here in Switzerland.'

Funny Valentine was observing the fight with the famous Joseph and Kars fighting with their wits and skills on the line.

He simply waited a bit for the correct moment as he thinks in a calm voice while yawning to himself not dragging any attention to himself, 'Yaaww… man I really hope the fight escalates soon and the sooner I get the Stone Mask and Red Stone of Aja the better, I know that it made Kars evolved into the ultimate lifeform. That is the key I needed for me to travel the multiverse upgrading D4C power greatly.'

Funny could only smile at the thought of getting an improvement in his body strength and adaptability since Kars from the Stone Age managed to create the stone mask as the key to evolution.

So, Funny waited patiently for the opportunity to present himself.

Next, the scene goes as in the anime or manga with Joseph tricking Kars with the rope trick as Kars fell into the sharp crystal quarry as the Hamon infused hit was going through Kar's arm as it steadily goes throughout the body.

Funny listened in the sad part of the Joestar family like how his parents were killed was a lie and his father was killed by a past enemy of Johnathan then to the part where Erina didn't want Joseph to learn about Hamon.

Funny just listened in as he was admiring Speedwagon like a true Jojo fan as he was observing the scene while everyone ignored his existence, 'So that is the great Speedwagon the best tier waifu just being near the man is just legendary and that his the best friend that anyone would ask for… truly a legend beyond our time the hero we wish we need.'

As Funny was fanboying his personal favorite character it was when his attention was dragged elsewhere as he listens in to Von Stroheim rally his men, "All right! Surround'em! We Nazis will finish off Kars with our UV rays!"

The machines that were attached to the Nazi soldiers were now pointing their UV lights as Funny began to walk in their direction.


The machine was starting up as Von Stroheim poses as he releases the UV lights toward Kars with a victorious grin, "Eaaaat this Kaaaaars!! I can't tell you how great it feels to finish you off!!!"

Funny then gets ready as when Kars twitched as he reveals to have worn the stone mask with the red stone of Aja attached!

Everyone was in a state of surprised shock seeing the mask was now on Kar's face meant leaving them to dread what happens next…

Speedwagon tried to warn Von Stroheim as quick as he can but was too late to stop, "Stop, Stroheim! The Mask! The red stone is in the mask! You can't blast him with UV rays now!"


As the machines began to release waves of light toward Kars it was at that moment Funny was waiting for as he used his Stand D4C in time blocking the light of the UV rays as he hands his stand took action.

In that brief moment of time, Funny used his Stand to move quickly removing the mask from Kars as he grinned happily obtaining it.

Without a second thought, he placed it onto his face staring into the light of the UV waves.

The only thought he think at that moment in a curious tone as he felt the mask activate, 'Now then this mask was used to modify Kars to the perfect life form as a Pillar Man but if a human were to use it what would happen?'

With that time resumed to normal as the Nazi soldiers flashed their UV lights at Kars directions as the mask activated on Funny face with stone claw tendrils pierces his body head as it began to force his body to metamorphose.

When time resumed to normal Von Stroheim began to cry out his greatest concern as he speaks out in worry till, he finally noticed Funny, "H-hold your fire! Halt! Don't shine the light on him! Oh! Oh no!... Huh?"

Everyone in the area of the event happening was incredibly confused as to why another person was around Kars but then shock as he was wearing the Stone Mask!

But none are more confused as Kars himself in the matter seeing that stone mask, he had was removed from him now on another person!

Before he could even retaliate, he was soon burned alive from the UV lights from the soldier as Alex was undergoing his metamorphoses felt that his being changed.

The rest of the other humans were surprised as Joseph was the first to ask what the hell he was seeing, "Speedwagon what the hell is going on here and why is there someone else using the stone mask?!!"

To Joseph's surprise not even Speedwagon knew what was going on as he was just as clueless as the rest of everyone around him.

When the transformation was over Funny seems to have gained a bit of muscle but was still slim as he felt everything about him had changed in a different way.

The rest of the onlookers were incredibly confused as Funny says to himself as he bows to them for their work in a grateful manner, "I thank you, people, very much to get Kars this desperate to finally revealed the mask and for that, I am really thankful of you all but…"


That was when used his feet and smashed the stone mask with the red stone into pieces.

As Funny does this the rest of the people get a bit nervous observing what he does next as he glances at them with a smile, "I really prefer that no one knew of this knowledge so for that to happen… but it won't matter now if you knew or not. I already got what I needed."

Joseph's crew took a careful stance towards Funny as he was done viewing his body as he smirks at his new ability, "Interesting… using the stone mask with the Aja I can feel that my body has massively improved dramatically and my use of everything has jumped into leaps and bounds."


Suddenly flashes of Hamon coursed through Funny body as Joseph cried dramatically at the scene of him, "Nani!!! How could already use the power of Hamon that easily and the heat – Fuck! It's hot!"

Glancing at his fist Funny then summons D4C as he says to himself in a proud voice, "Now that I have become the ultimate lifeform by human standards let's see you changed into your ultimate state! D4C!!"

With that the stand D4C began to change drastically fitting to their user's new power…

Ultimate D4C's appearance parallels the original D4C with minor differences.

It has a humanoid form with large, upright horns resembling rabbit ears and stitches going vertically across each side of its face up to its ears. Compared to the original Funny Valentine's Stand, its ears are much longer they curl toward each other, resembling the pincers of a beetle and it also has spikes on its neck.

Funny viewing that his Stands have changed into their ultimate states…

Ultimate D4C with improved spatial manipulation and enhanced dimension travel…

Placing his hand over his head he then imagined another enemy stand as it soon appeared and absorbing the holy corpse of Lucy Steel as D4C Ultimate managed to obtain Love Train its most powerful ability as well as copy the Hamon technique from the Hamon users.

Misfortune Redirection.

While Love Train is active, Valentine becomes effectively invincible, hiding within a pocket dimension (also described as a gap in space) delimited by a wall of light that follows him. The wall of light, originating from Lucy's body, has the ability to redirect all misfortune that comes in Valentine's way, leaving only good fortune.

The harmful energy that passes through the wall of light is sent far away from the user and is passed onto individuals somewhere else on Earth as bad luck. Where the misfortune is redirected to is projected inside Love Train's gaps.

However, by becoming the Ultimate Life Form by absorbing the finger bone of Lucy Steel Funny Valentine managed to replicate the holy corpse effects to be able to get D4C to obtain the ability of D4C Love Train.

Glancing at the heroes with a confident smile on his face Funny Valentine began to leave words of advice for him, "So long heroes. For I Funny Valentine have left this universe to journey beyond! Off I go into the multiverse!!"


With a snap from his D4C Ultimate, he created a portal and left the Jojo Universe to the Multiverse…