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He took me to a local pizzeria by the street, luckily I took Eli's advice -to wear something comfortable.

We talked all night about his life and experiences, and that just made me see what an amazing man he is.

He told me about his past, his frustrations, his goals, his desires in life, and I spent the whole time enjoying the food, listening to him.

It was indeed one of the best nights of my life.

We stood by the streetlight, waiting for Eli to pick us up.

"You know what." He said, looking at me, after a few seconds of silence.

I looked at him too

Our eyes locked into each other, I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm so glad I found you. I don't think I'll ever love anyone else like I love you." then smiled, and looked even deeper into my eyes.

My palms started sweating, He leaned closer and closer together with my heartbeat, and it just went faster.

I stayed still

I felt our noses touch

Our warm breaths started meeting each other, as his lips nearly touched mine.

He closed his eyes.

I kept my eyes open -this is the most beautiful sight I've ever laid eyes on.

I closed my eyes too.


I opened my eyes, and Benji hurriedly stood straight again, making it more obvious that something was about to happen.

"Perfect timing ain't it?" Eli said, followed by a laugh.

I admit I'm quite mad, but I wasn't even sure if I was ready for a kiss, so I'm a little thankful that Eli arrived.

I rolled my eyes at him and smiled, then I looked at Benji, I can tell that he was quite pissed with Eli's timing.

His face made me chuckle a little, he looked at me and he smiled again.

It's been 2 months since Benji and I's first date, and about a month since we officially started dating; everything has been a dream come true.

I arrived at the park and l looked around.

I saw a vacant bench, I walked towards it, and sat down.

I texted Benji and informed him that I already arrived at our meeting area.

After thirty minutes, he texted back ."We're almost done love."

I looked around and saw kids playing frisbee, the joy in their faces made my heart happy too. On the bench across me is an old couple,holding hands, looking at the sky, a love I hope to have.

I looked up at the sky, and thought about the moments Benji and I had within the few months of us dating -Ice cream after dance practices, midnight video calls, going groceries for movie nights,him asking for permission to kiss me but I never allowed him to; such thoughts made me smile.

I spent the whole time just looking around.

Moments passed, the kids were gone, the old couple stood up and walked away, the people who were playing with their dogs a while ago are gone too.

I checked my phone and realized that It's been 3 hours already.

I called Benji about 20 times, but he didn't pick up.

Did something happen to him?

Is he alright?

I felt my heart beat go faster, and I started sweating.

My hands were shaking, and I didn't know what to do.

I looked through my contacts and saw Eli's name, I decided to call him.

Luckily he answered right away.

"How may I help you ma'am?" He said from the other line cheerfully.

"You still at school?" I asked


"You had theater practices today, didn't you?"

"Huh?" He sounded genuinely confused, but I know he's just joking around.

"What do you mean huh?" My voice started to rise.

"Where are you?" He calmly asked

"a-at the central park, by the big tree." I hesitantly answered

"I'll be there in 10 minutes."


Then he ended the call.

I walked from left to right, and right to left, I couldn't sort out my thoughts through.

What happened to Benji?

Did he lie about going to school?

Where is he?

Why would Eli come to pick me up?

After less than 10 minutes, I saw Eli running from the parking lot.

The closer he got, the clearer it was that he was already catching his breath.

"H-hey." Then he bent his back and legs, and put his palms on his knees.

"I need an explanation." I said with my arms crossed

"Do you wanna see it or hear it?" He stood tall and placed his hand on his pants' pocket; ngl he looks stunningly handsome as always

"Which do you suggest?"

"Sit down" He politely commanded

I sat down, and he sat beside me.

He sighed.

"Can you stop with the thrill already?!" I exclaimed

Eli looked down and said "w-we didn't have theater practices today."

"And he's with Charisse right now." He added.

"W-why?" I was too tired to even get mad.

"I don't know why, but I know where they are."

"Can you just take me home?"

He looked at me.

"I'm sure he has an explanation for all this."

"Yeah sure."

"Is this the first time this happened?" He asked.


"You, two talk this out okay?"

I nodded in response.

"Wanna eat somewhere before you head home?" Though he tried to sound cheerful, I know he's confused about what's happening too.

"Is your girlfriend fine with this?"

"As long as I let her know my whereabouts."

I let out a sarcastic laugh "Does that rule apply to her too?"

"Whatever applies to me, applies to her too." He said with a smile.

"Benji thinks it's toxic if we let each other know the majority of our plans."

"Communication is not toxic Ange, lying is." He said in deep thought "But I'm not saying that your relationship is toxic okay?Maybe you just need to hear him out first, before you get things into conclusion." He added.

"You're right."

He stood up, and faced me "Shall we?"

I looked up at him, "Do you know where Camille lives?"

"You can show me." He said with a smile.

I stood up excitedly.

After a 30 minute drive, we arrived at Camille's place

Eli parked the car, and opened the door for me.

As I was about to step out the door, my phone rang.

I looked at him, he was already looking at me.

He gestured out "not answering that?" with his face.

I sighed and answered the call.

"Benji." I said emotionlessly

"Hey, love?I just got here.Where are you?" He said from the other line -heavily breathing

"I uhhh..I just went to the bathroom." I glanced at Eli, he was looking at me confused

"Okay, I'll wait here."

"How was theater practice?" I asked

"I-it was good it was good, though it was tiring." Then he chuckled, I faked one too.

"Eli and I ate ice cream for a little while before I came here." He added, then he cleared his throat.

I paused for a while and took a big breath

"Is everything fine love?" He asked

"Yes, I guess I'm just tired. I'll just head home. Let's go out next time okay?You need to rest." I answered

"You sure?"

Tears started building up in my eyes "Yup"

"I'm sorry I made you wait for too long love, take care okay?"

"You too."

"I love you."

"Yup" Then I ended the call.

I stood up, Eli closed the door and we looked at each other for a few seconds -both confused and full of questions.

"Why didn't you tell hi---

"I..I ca--

I interrupted him to explain, but I couldn't continue because tears started falling down my face, and my throat started to feel like its been stabbed, and chocked from the inside

I started sobbing so much, I don't even know why

I don't know what to think

I don't know what to feel

I just don't know what to do

Eli hugged me, and I am now pressed to his chest

He brushed my hair with his fingers, and patted my back gently

"Heyy, I'm sure he has a reason. He loves you."

"i-iff he lo-ves me th-then why...WHY DID HE DO THIS?!"

"shhh shhh, you have a point there" then he let out a little laugh "But, he might have a reason okay?Is it close to your birthday?Or Anniversary?"

"My birthday is in a week." I started to calm down

He cupped my face and put it away from his chest, he bent a little -Now we're facing each other

He shaked my head from side to side "See, now calm down grRrrr."

My heart suddenly felt a little lighter, I smiled.

"Am I invited into Camille's crib now?" Now, standing straight and tall

"No, Camille's too in love with you."

"Everyone is" Brushing his hair

I rolled my eyes

He held his car's door -ready to open it, he threw a flying kiss

I waved my hand "Thank you!"

"Anytime" then he entered his car, and drove away.