
How the beginning begun

She pushed me down the bed, and crawled hungrily until she was on-fours on top of me

She stared at me as if she was going to devour me, I felt tingles from my spine run down between my legs

Her warm hand met my neck, gently swifting down to my back,creeped under my shirt and up again to my shoulders

She came closer and closer as she continued feeling my body, I could feel her breath touch my skin, her heavy breathing brought me into tremors.

Her plump lips slowly touched my neck, then my lips, and rapidly went back to my neck, then close to my ears -I could hear every sound her tongue made

I couldn't help but go in harmony with her, as she continued passionately kissing me everywhere

Our kisses went faster, and deeper, it made me moan even more

as she kept swifting her soft hands all over my body, on of them warmly slid down at the back of my thighs then traveled to my inner thigh, and in between

All of a sudden, my sexual desires disappeared and turned into anger -a realization

"But what happens after tonight?" I uttered

She stopped what she was doing and looked me in the eye, confused

Have you ever done something and the moment you were doing it, you can't help but ask yourself, "How did I get here?", "Should I really allow this moment to ruin everything I worked for?", "Should I allow this very moment to happen and forget about everything that happened before?"

Have you ever loved so much, that you were left all into pieces and you have to pick yourself up. The moment you've already fixed yourself into a whole again, that love comes back as if it never left.

~2 years ago~

"OMG!!It's true!Benji and Eli are part of the judges!" Camille exclaimed, as she shook my shoulders vigorously

"Can you stop; you're just making me self-conscious." I was slightly pissed

"Also, I just confirmed that Benji and Charisse broke up already." She whispered

"Why do I care?"

"Uh because you have a huge crush on Benji?"

"Everyone does"

"More people like me prefer Eli though, unfortunately he has a girlfriend, and you prepared for this audition your whole ENTIRE Junior highschool life just to get close to him."

"Yeah, but that's not my goal at the moment; I have to pass this audition before that happens."

"And I'm sure you will."

"Thanks sis"

Camille and I smiled at each other, and at the very moment I heard a voice

"Angelina Ribbles?"

I faced whoever was talking

"Yes?I'm here."

"It's your turn."

I nodded and walked into the auditorium

"Goodluck!" Camille nervously cheered

I walked up the stage, acting as less nervous as possible

"Hello, Angelina." Eli said as he scanned my audition form

"Hi" I shyly respond

"You are in your first year of Seniors, and you major in arts?Is this correct?" Still, with his focus on my form

"Yes." I responded

I looked at Benji who was beside him, and I just realized that he's staring at me

He smiled as our eyes met

I looked down

"Don't be afraid, we don't bite." Eli jokingly -now looking at me

"Are you ready?" Benji asked

I nodded as a response

"Are you sure?" Eli, mockingly


"You better be, hit it!." Eli, pointing his pen to me.

Then the music begun

All of a sudden, my nervousness turned into excitement

I started to pose, and did a pointe

I gave my best into every movement and force i gracefully released

The music stopped and I posed, then gave a bow.

Eli and the other three judges clapped their hands.

"Well, hello..Angelina" Benji said as he eyed me from head-to-toe

"Hmmmm..I don't think we've ever accepted any ballerina in our group." Eli teasingly said with the pen on his chin.

"Or ever in my life." Benji stated

Then Eli let out a little laugh and said "See you everyday starting next week Angelina."

I smiled and nodded "Thank you so much!" but my heart leaped in so much joy and excitement.

After a month of being on the dance guild, Benji,Eli and I became a little more than just acquaintances and clubmates.

The bell rang

"Goodbye class,see you tomorrow." Mrs. Jill said to everyone, and left

Everyone raced all the way out, just like every dismissal time

I took my bag and started heading out the room

When I got closer to the doorstep, I looked through my phone, but I bumped something..


"I'm sorry" I said, and slowly looked straight to his chest, broad shoulders, and slowly looked up only for me to see how perfectly sculpted he is.

"Do we have practices today?I didn't get the memo." I broke the awkward silence

He smiled and let out a little laugh

"No, but are you free?" He asked.

"I'm sorry Eli, but I'm not. Do I have to be free?I can cancel my plans with Camille."

'No, don't ever cancel your plans for a man." He advised

He leaned closer and whispered "Benji wanted to take you out for dinner tonight."

"Why won't he ask me himself then?" I tiptoed a little so I could whisper to his ear

He chuckled and said "He said you're too pretty and you intimidate him."

"And you don't?"

He shrugged and smiled "I'll tell him you said that you'll go tomorrow instead."

He patted my shoulder and turned away.

I looked at him walk away, 'Oh and" He faced me again, "I'll pick you up at 7, wear something...you like wearing." Then he went off after a wink.

"He's so dreamy isn't it." Camille, revealing herself from where she was hiding

"Is he Benji's servant or something?" I asked, since Camille certainly knows everything about Eli; she's been stalking him since 7th grade

"They're like brothers, and you know how nice my Eli is. Unlike your 'all over himself' Benji."

"How sure are you that he is?"

"He's too busy doing so, he can't even ask you out." She said with her arms crossed.

"I think it's cute."

"Who Eli? I know right."

I rolled my eyes

She grabbed my arm "Let's go!! I'm starving."

I laughed "Okayy,okayy."

After we ate at our favorite burger stop, we decided to go to the mall

We entered a boutique that sells dresses mostly in pastel colors.

'I think white will look good on you." Camille said as she studied the clothes displayed

"White on the first date?You sure?" I'm a messy eater

"White, lace."

"I'm going on a date, I'm not getting married."

"How about not getting anything new, and wearing something comfortable instead?" A deep voice said from behind us.

"But she's dating Benji." Camille responded to the stranger.

"Eli is more handsome though." The man said with a chuckle

"I know." Camille in her daydream mode

The voice sounded quite familiar, so I turned around to see who it was.

"Eli.." I said

"Angelina.." He said

Then Benji walked in from behind him

"Hello, beautiful." Benji stood beside Eli

I felt my cheeks flush and my stomach flutter "y-you really think so?"

"Of course." He replied, looking into my eyes

I felt a little nervous so I changed the topic and looked at Eli instead.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"We're just accompanying Eli's girlfriend." Benji replied in an unnecessarily confident tone

"What are YOU doing here?" Eli, obviously trying to piss me off

"I'm looking for a dress for the party I will be attending tomorrow." Camille interrupted in the best way possible.

"Well, CAMILLE, I suggest that you should assure your comfort, and not the party's host okay?" Eli, with his eyes on me.

Camille nodded as I know she was left speechless by the fact that Eli is right in front of her now.

"Babe!" The pretty woman across the room called.

Eli looked at the girl, "Gotta go!" Waved at us, and walked towards the girl.

"See you tomorrow." Benji saluted and followed Eli.

"Jane is so pretty ain't she?" The never ending day dreaming mode of Camille.

"Was that Eli's girlfriend?' I asked

"How would you not know."

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Whatever, let's just go pick a dress for you! It's your first ever date, and it's with Benji!!!!!" Camille pulled me into the countless racks of dresses.