
Just OUR Love Story (Ereri/Riren fanfic)

Levi finds himself all alone in the world, the people he loved gone. He'd walk the city streets looking for nothing in particular, maybe just that special someone who'd sweep him off his feet. Thirty-eight and still a virgin; he was rich and seemed to have had his whole life made for him but in reality it was just the opposite. Until one rainy night, cold and soaked waiting for his limo that seemed to not want to show, he met a young bartender, far younger than him at least, who offered him a ride home. SAY WHAT YOU WANNA SAY BITCHES ABOUT THIS SHIP 'CAUSE LAWS NEVER PHASED ME. Well- at least not until now when I couldn't make Eren 15 and Levi 34 (their AoT ages season 1-3) so I just went with their ages in season 4 (Eren 19 and Levi 38) so I won't get ridiculed. Also I did my research on the characters before writing about them so fight me if you dare.

Sento_Writes_Stuff · Anime & Comics
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Just another love song

Eren smiled at Levi, whose features were enveloped in the pink and blue rave lights of the karaoke bar.

"So, you want me to sing that song you were talking about?" Eren asked.

Levi smirked, "Yeah, when you weren't paying attention I entered your name. Don't get too mad at me."

Before Eren could respond, the woman on stage spoke, "Next up is... uh... 'Not-Zee'... Yeah I won't question that- singing 'Kiss from a Rose', by Seal." She smiled and everybody clapped.

"Well, looks like it's your turn, Cadet." Levi smiled at Eren.

Before Eren could question his choice of nickname, Levi pushed him on the stage with a smirk.

Eren was a little petrified but none-the-less tightened the hairband around his man-bun and grabbed the microphone, looking to the lyric screen for guidance as the music played.

Wait... I know this song, Eren thought.

Despite the small flicker of doubt in his heart, he started singing.

There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea~

You became the light on the dark side of me~

Love remained a drug that's the high and not the pill~

Eren sang the song and the crowd watched, enthralled in his performance.

The teal-eyed boy smiled at Levi as he sang, and though he'd never admit it, he felt his heart flutter at the sight.

When Eren finished singing, he hopped off the stage and pecked Levi on the forehead.

"You wouldn't mind if I had entered your name too, right?" Eren asked, giving Levi a sinister look.

Levi raised an eyebrow as the girl on stage started to speak, "Next up is... 'Short old man'... ok who's coming up with these nicknames." She looked back down at the notecard, "And this short old man will be singing 'Leave out all the Rest' by Linkin Park."

Levi jabbed Eren in the shoulder hard for the nickname.

"You're lucky I love you, brat." He spat as he jumped on the stage, taking the microphone in his hand, "I'm not old! I'm only thirty-eight."

"That's pretty old!" A pitchy female voice yelled from the crowd, which Eren immediately recognized as Historia's voice.

Levi rolled his eyes in response as the music started playing.

He softly started singing which caught Eren off guard.

I dreamed I was missing

You were so scared

But no one would listen

Cause no one else cared

After my dreaming

I woke with this fear

What am I leaving

When I'm done here?

So if you're asking me, I want you to know

When my time comes,

Forget the wrong that I've done,

Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed.

Don't resent me

When you're feeling empty

Keep me in your memory

Leave out all the rest,

Leave out all the rest.

Don't be afraid

I've taken my beating

I've shared what I made

I'm strong on the surface,

Not all the way through

I've never been perfect

But neither have you.

Levi's heartfelt singing left Eren close to tears. Not in tears, but close to.

As Levi finished up the song he looked down at Eren in the crowd and adjusted his grasp on the mic.

"Hey, Brat, what would you say if I asked you to marry me?"

He knew everybody could hear his heart pounding as the crowd went silent waiting for Eren's response.

The beads of sweat forming around his temples and forehead slowly raced their way down his face.

He knew Eren only just came to terms with his feelings, and yeah, he only knew him for two weeks. But Levi felt so comfortable around Eren.

Like the scientific theory of soulmates. When the universe came into existence, our atoms were made next to each other. In each life we keep coming back to one another naturally because our atoms can't long to be apart.

This silence in the crowd was deafening, a few people in the crowd started booing and telling Eren to answer but were quickly shut up with a threatening glare from Ymir.

Levi was grateful for her support. He was terrified, more terrified than he ever had before, since this was the biggest leap he's ever made in life. The biggest gamble. He could be completely ruining something he held so dear. It was almost ruined once, not again. He was asking a lot of Eren. Eren was still nineteen, he has a lot of choices to make and a long life ahead of him. He's asking Eren to spend the remainder of that with him even though Eren is still a teenager.

Is this selfish? Should he suck it up and take it back? To make the walk of shame from off the stage? To make his sad call to Petra to take him home? To give up on his dreams and die?

Before he could continue his spiral into insanity, he heard a hearty giggle from the crowd.

It was Eren.

He couldn't muster up any words, so he just frowned.

"Sorry, I'm sorry." Eren said between laughs, "I just didn't realize you were such a cheesy old man."

The remark at his age enabled his vocal chords.

"I'm not old, you brat!"

Eren only responded with more laughter, slapping his knee as he crouched over.

Levi only responded by putting one of his hands on his hips, "Eren, we're taking up other peoples time, what is your answer?"

Eren straightened his posture and wiped a metaphorical tear from his eye, "You're right, I'm sorry about that, it just came out of nowhere, ya know?"

Eren then straightened his back and cleared his throat.

"I may not have known you for very long, but you never leave me bored. I've never gotten tired of you. We have similar beliefs, even if we didn't at first, and I just feel so comfortable around you. Like I can truly be myself." Eren paused, and as he did, Ymir took this opportunity to speak.


Eren gave her the middle finger before taking a breath to continue, "Even if I regret this in the future, which I don't think I will, my answer would be yes. If you asked me to marry you, I would say yes. Even with the threat of my murderous sister, yes. Just- don't die on me in the next year or so. You're really old. Also- I know you won't admit it but I KNOW you were listening to Get Scared that one time, you can't hide it from me."

Levi just breathlessly laughed to himself while shaking his head, "Eren, I don't think I'll die at thirty-nine or forty. You can rest easy, because you'll hopefully have me for another sixty years. Also, yeah, I was listening to Get Scared that one time. What are you gonna do about it, Brat?"

"Maybe I'll give you a kiss, I'm still not sure of an adequate punishment for having excellent music taste."

Levi and Eren stared at each other with loving eyes for a moment until Ymir from the crowd decided she had more to say.

"Ew, y'all gross, get off the stage old ma- oof! Historia why'd you slap the back of my head?" She looked at Historia, who was dusting off her hands with a smile.

"Let them have this." Historia said in a soft voice.