
Just OUR Love Story (Ereri/Riren fanfic)

Levi finds himself all alone in the world, the people he loved gone. He'd walk the city streets looking for nothing in particular, maybe just that special someone who'd sweep him off his feet. Thirty-eight and still a virgin; he was rich and seemed to have had his whole life made for him but in reality it was just the opposite. Until one rainy night, cold and soaked waiting for his limo that seemed to not want to show, he met a young bartender, far younger than him at least, who offered him a ride home. SAY WHAT YOU WANNA SAY BITCHES ABOUT THIS SHIP 'CAUSE LAWS NEVER PHASED ME. Well- at least not until now when I couldn't make Eren 15 and Levi 34 (their AoT ages season 1-3) so I just went with their ages in season 4 (Eren 19 and Levi 38) so I won't get ridiculed. Also I did my research on the characters before writing about them so fight me if you dare.

Sento_Writes_Stuff · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Just a double date

Levi POV

"Eren, he's just as you described! You really like him, don't you?" She immediately asked Eren.

Eren blushed deeply and sheepishly looked away, nodding. Am I even here anymore?

"So, were you dragged here too?" Ymir asked me.

"Uh- sort of."

"Those two are like highschool girls at a sleepover, I swear."

"So, are you the girl that stole Historia out from under him?"

"Yep, I knew it would end well since I could smell gay coming from that boy from a mile away."

"Oh, could you now?"

"Yep. You can tell he's new to this, though." She said, smirking.

"Yeah, you can."

"What kind of guy introduces his ex-girlfriend to the guy he's interested in, says 'she's bisexual like you' and then proceeds to have a double date. It's like he's trying to scare you off."

"This is the first date I've ever been on, so I don't really mind or have any standard."

"First date? Really? How old are you? Don't tell me you're like fifteen or something."

I nearly burst out laughing, but contained myself in order to reply. "Add twenty three years to that."

Ymir looked at me blankly as she did the math in her head, until her eyes widened. "You're THIRTY EIGHT?"


She paused, thinking for a second, "That would mean that... you're twice Eren's age."

"Yes I know don't remind me."

"Does he know." She whispered, as if it were a secret.

"Yes, I mean I did meet him at a bar, he was the bartender, he saw my birthday and age."

"Oh right... dang. I genuinely thought you were younger than me."

"I get that a lot."

Eren and Historia finished talking about who knows what and joined with us.

"Ok, ready to take a seat? That booth over there looks empty." Historia said cheerfully, pointing.

"Sure." I said.

"Yup." Ymir said.

We all headed over, Eren and I sat next to each other while Ymir sat across from me and Historia sat next to her. Apparently this 'bar' also serves food. (don't quote me on that, I've never actually been there, I'm NoT a NeWyOrkEr)

Eventually a waitress approached us and smiled.

"Ooh, is this like a little friend get together, a party, what's up?" She asked, trying to be nice.

Eren replied, "It's a double date."

"Oooooh, how cute! Lemme guess who's dating who..." She paused, taking a look at each of us and staring at me for what seemed like a rather long time, "OK so, I'm thinking you," she said, pointing at me, "And you." she finished, pointing at Ymir. "And then... you" she pointed at Eren, "with you." she pointed at Historia.

I sighed. Can't people just be gay in peace?

Historia chuckled awkwardly, she looked like she didn't really know what to say.

The waitress smiled, "I'm always right with these kinds of things."

Eren looked at her a little angrily, "Lady, no you're not."

She looked a little taken aback but was quick to reply, "Ok, was it the other way around then?"

Ymir cackled in response, but Eren just looked more frustrated. Before I could say anything, though, Eren grabbed me by shirt collar and planted a soft kiss on my lips. Tapping his tongue on my lower lip for access, I obliged. Closing my eyes, he slid his tongue into my mouth and rapidly but just as gently kissed me, savouring my mouth. I slid my hand into his long hair and tugged it a little bit, pulling him deeper.

I opened one eye and peaked it at the waitress, who looked bewildered, winked at her and went back to kissing Eren.

Our tongues entangled with the other like it was the most important thing they'd ever done. When we finally pulled away, I noticed that both Ymir, Historia, and the waitress were staring at us in surprise.

Eren smirked at the waitress and said, "We're gay, lady. Maybe if you'd considered that I was sitting next to the person I loved, instead of separating myself from them with a table, you'd have guessed correctly. I've only know him for two weeks, but if something ever happened to him I'd kill everybody in this room and then myself."

I blushed at Eren's sentiment. He really did want to apologize for what he said before... I've found somebody incredible. I just hope God doesn't take him away from me for character development.

"I... love you too Eren."

Eren froze, and turned to face me, "Really??? Even after what I said to you??" He looked like tears would well up in his eyes.

"Yeah." I smiled genuinely for what felt like the first time in ages, "Also that was my first kiss."

"I hope that's not the only first I take from you." Eren smirked at me, biting his lip.

The waitress had already left at that point, leaving an astonished Historia and Ymir. Ymir was the first to speak.

"THAT WAS YOUR FIRST KISS?" She whisper yelled, "YOU'RE THIRTY EIGHT AND THAT WAS YOUR FIRST KISS-" Historia interrupted her before she could finish.

"YOU'RE THIRTY EIGHT?!" Historia said, yelling it aloud unlike her girlfriend.

A couple people looked over quickly but back just as fast. One of the servers hushed us.

"Did you know?" Historia asked Eren, with a deep and penetrating gaze.

"Yes, Historia, I knew."

Ymir chuckled, "By the sounds of it, you're a virgin too~"

I blushed and shushed her.

Historia suddenly got a wide grin on her face.

Eren looked her, bewildered, "Hey, I know that face, what are you planning."

"What face?"

"I dated you for like five years, I know your 'I'm planning something cynical' face."

"I don't know what ever you are babbling on about."

Eren glared at Historia and she smirked, grabbed Ymir by the arm, and started trotting away.

"Let's go, babe!" she pipped, dragging Ymir away with her. Ymir stared back at me and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Good luck, you old man!"

"Hey- I'm not old! I'm middle-aged, at best!"

Eren chuckled to me, "Guess I have you to myself now, huh?"