
Just OP

This the story of a girl who dips her toes into the murky waters that is DC's hero and villain career. However, what nobody knows is that she is broken in terms of power. With every heartbeat, she grows in power.

Mys_Terio · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


They saw that life started in the ocean, or some hippy stuff like that. I always found the ocean kinda boring, probably because I knew I could hold my breath indefinitely. Plus, even at the deepest of the ocean floors, if there existed a pressure enough to harm me, it was just a couple heartbeats away to becoming useless.

Any way, why exactly am I talking about oceans? Well, apparently Atlantis existed! Like, wow. The city of myths and legends, the treasure trove many historians and researchers have been searching for, exists. I know of Atlantis from my previous life and I knew it existed in DC. But, knowing about it first hand was different than hearing it in fiction. How exactly was I hearing it?

"For a long time, you surface dwellers have used the oceans as your personal dumping sites. Hundreds of creatures in my protection have chocked and died due to the plastic and wastes you release. Atlantis has been quiet about this...But no more!" I was watching the television with my sister when this man in a ridiculous outfit started broadcasting his message.

"I am Orm, the Ocean master, king of Atlantis and the seven seas and I am here to tell all of humanity; I have received your centuries long message. I have processed it and it is time you hear my reply." He lifted his golden trident as a sinister smirk tagged his thin lips.

"It gives me great pleasure to declare that Atlantis will go to war with you, surface dwellers," Orm continued before a pulse of energy suddenly emanated from the trident in his left arm. "But first, a gift, from the oceans, to your lands."

I suddenly felt a wave of energy wash over me, making me frown a little. Looking at my sister, she didn't feel all that bothered, so she didn't feel it. I knew then it was because I am highly sensitive to anything supernatural around me and thus, that wave must have been this Ocean master's doing.

"Jeez the world's been going to shitters lately," my sister said, trying to talk with an English accent. I don't say it to her but I find it kinda stupid to try and change the way you look, talk or act just because you have a crush on an English boy. "What with that guy in Metropolis the Daily Planet been wanking on lately, that vigilante that's been scaring everyone in Gotham and that woman in DC that's said to have been alive since World War One..."

I left her to her fake English accent as I could hear rushing water...No, rolling waves rushing towards our direction. I got out of my house and looked at the direction it was coming from, to see, with my extraordinary eyes, giant waves carrying trash, ships, a submarine? All coming towards our little city called Bay City. Our main source of income was fish, I was a hundred percent sure nobody here was ready for anyone's wrath, let alone Atlantis'.

'I was avoiding dipping my toes in this kind of affairs, but it appears I have no choice,' I said to myself, calmly entering my house. I saw my sister still glued to the television, scrolling the channels, blissfully unaware of the impending doom. I saw no reason to burst her bubble, headed to my room where I proceeded to wear a black beanie, black scarf, black hoodie. Basically, what I would need for amateur hour in heroism. Just enough to hide my identity for the first couple times. I then headed out, before remembering what mom always told us to do before going out, leave a note. But, since I was in a hurry, I guess my sister will do.

"Hey, Tori, I'm heading out to the mall," I said and just as I expected, her answer was curt and lacked any enthusiasm.

"Sure, go ahead," she said, still channel surfing.

I just shrugged and got out of my house. The weather had changed, low hanging angry looking clouds had blanketed the city, as if telling its inhabitants of the disaster that is to come. A disaster I would not let happen. With a low grunt, I shot off the the sky, not flying, but just a flex of my leg muscles. I sailed through the sky and threw a punch to the angry looking clouds above me.

As if the heavens had broken apart, a shockwave was produced from my fist, a shockwave that blew away all the clouds. I could see how it went past that and if I had put a lot more power, it would have pierced through the ozone and the city would have bathed in cosmic radiation the likes to have not happened before. But, my All night fanatism behind, I had cleared away all the clouds as I landed on a roof of a skyscraper and now all that's left was the coming tsunami full of trash.

Yeah, I get that humans have basically been sending our waste to the oceans, but this Ocean master is just overreacting with these tsunamis. We killed fish, he's about to kill millions of humans. No way is 'surface dwellers' are gonna let that go, especially when we have a xenophobic maniac like Lex Luther gunning for the presidential seat. For all his faults, Luther is too...human.

'I might want to put more force into this one,' I thought as I jumped to a sky scrapper in the distance and one more jump, I was at the beach. I would have arrived here instantly, but I didn't have anything to shield the world from my speed. Magic teleportation was in my to do list. I have so much energy I barely know what to do with it. But, I haven't found any magician to teach me, I would probably like it to be Zatanna Zatara, not because of his snack of a daughter, but because his form of magic is quite unique and simpler.

'Shit, I'm thinking too much,' I thought as I could see the tsunami rapidly approaching.

Taking a deep breath in, I clenched my left hand into a fist, reared it back and imagined. I imagined I was only using enough force to make the waters in front of me evaporate and not crack Earth into fragments. Taking a deep breath out, my eyes hardened and threw out my hand. If I was bald, I would look like our favourite certain bald headed hero, as a shockwave blasted outwards. The waters were evaporated at touch all the way to the horizon. I could see hundreds of thousands of fish just be obliterated to nothing, along with scouting Atlanteans. This was a shock for me because I certainly did not expect the Ocean master to send scouts. My sight was superhuman, but not enough to see that deep in the oceans.

'Well, atleast that crisis was averted,' I thought as I watched the wet sea bed getting blanketed by the ocean waters once again. I knew the ocean volume had changed indefinitely, having all that ocean water evaporate in an instant was probably bad. But, that's a problem to future me and probably Ocean master or Aquaman, whoever gets the throne after this. For now, I'm just gonna go home and try not to cringe at my sister's fake English accent.