

Volume I Isabella lost her job because of her fervour to help her family. Her sister was battling a deadly sickness and no possible job could help Isabella raise the money for the medical bills, thus, she chose the fastest way for a woman. That was to lose her innocence. 'Just one night' was what she told herself, and things went according to her plans. But fate didn't break off there. Luke Powers met a desperate woman at the right time or was it wrong? He was arrogant, cruel and proud. He paid her well for the night but fate didn't cease their interaction. Through his mother's schemes, Luke found Isabella at his gate with her luggage, moving in with him as she was the caregiver his mother hired for him. Was he a child who needed a caregiver? Of course not, but his mother had hopes for him. Hopes that his life will be filled with love and joy. Hopes that Isabella would change him despite possessing a mundane role in his life. However, the job wasn't an easy task for Isabella as she had to face a cold arrogant man. Isabella had to face another agony, staying with and faring with his attitude, all while worrying for her sister. Was there really hope, not only for Luke but for Isabella? Volume one is completed, watch out for volume two!! Volume II Gloria woke up alone after spending the night with the love of her life, Lucian. Unbeknownst to her, their passionate night resulted in an unexpected pregnancy. Years later, Gloria returned to State AD, successful in her career and a proud mother to her son, Michael. Meanwhile, Lucian was now a wealthy man, having fulfilled his duties as an heir and ending his contract marriage. However, his ultimate plan to win back Gloria's heart was still incomplete. Lucian wanted to reunite with Gloria and build a relationship with his son, but Gloria denied him any chance of that happening. She refused to accept him as Michael's father. As they struggled to navigate their complicated past and present, they faced an uncertain future. Will Gloria eventually forgive Lucian and fall in love with him again, or will she continue to deny him his rightful place in their lives? Their fate remains unclear, but only time will tell if they can overcome their past mistakes and build a future together. Check out my new book; One Night With A Billionaire Alpha! Welcome and happy reading!

Lee_Grace · Urban
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His rudeness and proudness

No words could explain the disappointment she felt the moment she saw the arrogant man that slept with her that night. Isabella couldn't forget his face because some nights, he appears in her dreams and the feeling he made her sense that night was heaven thus she could never forget his face.

"Isabella," his voice reminded her of how he sounded that morning.

"I...I..." she carried her bag well.

"You are the maid?" He asked and the way he let out those words killed something inside her and she suddenly felt sad.

"Sadly, I am," she muttered with her head pressed down.

"Come in."

He might not be nice but he definitely wasn't heartless. "Didn't hear any form of appreciation from you."

Isabella had entered the house and was ahead of him instead of walking beside him. However, it was so uncomfortable having him watch her when she couldn't witness his expression and suddenly he uttered those words which brought her to halt.

"Thank you, Luke," she appreciated with her head down.

The feelings suffusing her were extremely discomforting. It was as if she should just quit the job immediately but she had promised the man's mother and was too poor to make any decision.

Luke wasn't going to take it easy on her, she looked like something he could toy with just like his games so he pushed it when she proceed her way into the house, expecting him to come along but he stood stagnant in that spot.

"How disrespectful," his voice was heard again, causing Isabella to make foolish wishes.

"D-isrespectful?" Turning around, she fixed her gaze on him and asked. "How was..." She was already raising her voice so she swallowed and took a breath in. "I wasn't being disrespectful," she defended herself.

"I'm your boss, and I know you are aware of that," he countered.

"Yes, you are..." now he was acting like mathematics, confusing.

"So how are you supposed to address your boss?" He asked. It wasn't easy to read his expression, she just stood there, looking into his eyes.

"Ma'am told me I could call you by your name," she mumbled but he heard her.

"Call me..." He suddenly chuckled, why would Miranda do that? "And can't you think it wasn't normal? I mean I'd be paying you so you just call me by my name?" Asking, one of his eyebrows arched.

The matter would be prolonged if Isabella chose to talk back and explain that she did think about it but... The girl just let it go even though it hurt her deep down. "I'm sorry..." She decided to kill the matter. "...sir," she added, having her head bowed.

The way she hurt in her heart when she looked into his eyes to see he wasn't inviting friendliness was inexpressible with words.

It felt as if some kind of virus destroyed something in her chest, and this also caused her to feel sick.

Luke wasn't expecting that so he just let it go and went ahead of her. More like ignoring her presence and going inside the house only to recall that she had his necklace.

Luke strode deeper into his house and suddenly turned around very much aware that Isabella was behind him.

"You know I have a lot of questions?"

Isabella lifted her eyelids and questioned with her eyes. "Questions, sir?"

"Yeah!" He proceeded with his movement and she followed him, expecting to hear more from him. "It seems you are so interested in me to find your way to be my maid," he shocked her.

"No!" Isabella hated being falsely accused so she immediately defended herself. "Why are you so mean to me?" She asked with a low voice.

"I'm not mean to you, just being blunt and you hate it," Luke answered and took her through a corridor.

"I slept with you even when it was my first time because..."

"Shh, I don't want to hear pathetic things."

"You are so mean," she glared at him.

"You took my necklace and you call me mean?"

"I have your necklace here with me," she searched her bag and brought out a box. "Here, take your stupid necklace," Isabella made the 'stupid' a little soundless.

"I can fire you, you know?"

"I know!" She looked frustrated. "I know... okay?" She expressed as if she had had enough but her eyes settled on his eyes to see that if she expressed her anger, he'd fire her so she kept her cool and told herself that when she gets to her room she'd cry as much as she wanted.

"I didn't mean to be rude, okay? I was just... please, just let it go..." She stole a glance at his face. "I didn't steal your necklace too, I just found it when you left, I'm not a thief," she now pressed her head down.

It wasn't that she was weak to talk back at him for his rudeness and proudness but she knew her level, she was penniless now and she needed a job.

If only she had a substitute for the job, she'd quit. However, enduring his attitude wouldn't kill her. She was used to getting insulted about her social status thus she chose to stay dumb and apologize instead.

And her response to his attitude toward her annoyed him but he just couldn't keep it going because he was losing to annoy her so much to get her to quit.

After staring at her head as she was facing the ground, he walked away. "That's your room, it's your choice to share with your sister but that's hers," he showed her with his back facing her.

Her sister had a room? Isabella watched him walk away with his broad back reminding her of that night. As strong as he was, he took care of her gently.

Isabella set that aside and went forward to the room her sister would be staying. It was right across from hers.

Slowly with her bags, she pushed the door open only to behold a room that reminded her of barbie's magical room. It was larger than she had imagined. The window was so large and there was a bookshelf.

The window didn't view another building that was built next to the house or some bushes. It showed to her a piece of the world.

And at that moment, she forgot everything and went to check more about the room. The fact that her sister would stay in a room like this made her excited.