
Just Obsession

Falling in love was never Mae's decision but what she could never imagine was falling in love with two men at the same time. °the crystal jar is hidden somewhere and I know you have it°, Eric yelled. °wherever that crystal jar Is I must find it before my brother Eric does.I didn't even act like I was bothered and that was driving him insane I have always been his opponent in everything **** I didn't need to turn around when I smelt her again she returned with the sauce and once again I was bewitched by her beautify she's everything I love in my women, she was perfect with height of about four feet tall and her milky white skin stood out among her clothes. I was caught off guard by what the moon goddess blessed me with it took all my restraint to not take her right now. "Help me with the bacon Mae," Eric said I turn to see her blush as Eric said her name. She did as Eric commanded and I swore I saw the gesture Eric pulled as he caress her hand she blushed again she was practically red from all the blushing. Seeing that I immediately did something foolish, my chair criked as I stood up I left without saying anything it was like my breath was cut off by her presence. I never imagined that I could be so childish I was jealous of the infect Eric had on her she didn't even notice me not once did she look my way. As I approach my room I smelled her again. She saw me and froze , literally, she was looking at me like an unsolved puzzle And this time I was privileged to see her well. For that moment I was caught in those green eyes that were like an emerald glowing in the moonlight which I had never seen before. Those eyes were so beautiful and gave off a strange sense of siren, witch or Fae but not human. She finally regained her scenes "good morning my lord " she greeted I moved closer and her scent filled my nose I expected her to feel frightened by my movement but she didn't move I guessed she was feeling the mate bond as well,  with my ring finger, I caressed her cheeks and she gasped at the feel of the spark she looked at the fact I wasn't surprised. Hugging her tightly I whispered into her ears MINE

Osaruese_Ehue · Fantasy
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42 Chs


Elliot pov

After Lucifer left I became restless according to what my father always says.` never be at peace with the devil`.

Lucifer never pay a visit he was certainly here to see how broken I am with everything going on and him mentioning my mate means other supernatural creatures know already and what of Eric...oooh my God this is going to be hard

"Hey what's your problem, you almost hit me"

Yelled a lady from her SUV.thats when I realized I have been distracted cause another driver kept horning too .okay this is not like me, I mean it well known I am the most collected person I think what got me all messed up is Lucifer mentioning Mae today.

With the little encounters, we've had I know she isn't human even though she smells like one I also know she isn't a vampire, and definitely not a werewolf so it's left with siren Fae or witch but either way she's my angel sent from the moon goddess no matter what she is I would never reject her.

It was Friday night today and I was just two minutes away from home when I smelt her I immediately stopped the car and that resulted in insults from angry drivers again.

She was coming out of a convenience store with a little bag I guess it was drugs and I could also smell blood what could have hurt her to have so much blood?

I was debating in my head if I should go to her or just stay back and watch.

Yeah, I should definitely go to her so I crossed the road I mean just staying in my care watching her would be stupid.

Like she could also smell me she turned. She wasn't surprised talkless excited to see me she was rather frightened.

I growled at the frown on her face and that made her fling she turned around and ran. Like seriously does she think she can run from me? Why is she always running away ? am I that bad people say my dark aura can kill a human in the business world many refer to m as ruthless cause I always get what I want no matter the cost

And if Mae ís going to run I would chase her till she begs for me. with my lycan abilities, she enter the house from where I stood I guess humans run that fast.

I couldn't help the smile plastered on my face only her can make me this way before I saw her my head was a mess but now I am the old me she indeed is a miracle.

I got into my car and zoomed off I haven't told Jedrek about Mae I know he would be happy for me but for unknown reasons I can't trust anyone with Mae, not even Lizzy.

Jedrek found his mate when he was two hundred but she died at delivery after what I saw Jedrek go through then I came to terms with my situation even though I wanted a mate and pups but why have it if they can be taken from you by death and now I found Mae I am going to win her no matter what..


Make pov

"What with you?" Marinette whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I ask her.

I know I have been acting strange lately but I just can't help it.

Lord Elliot cuaght me and Eric making out once and the outcome was a nightmare.

Since then lord Elliot have been so mean like what's left is for him to have me lick his shoes his aways humilating me in front of coworkers and even his guests.

It was Saturday morning lord Elliot was home and Eric was out but as I finished my work in the kitchen there he was looking as ravaging as ever he was with a man who looked nothing less than a model he and Eric looked close and that surprised me I have never seen him with any friend.

I don't know how long I was magnetized to his handsome face but when he turned to look at me I felt my body cringe.

He disposed his companion and with long strides was in front of me

What am I going to do I thought I mean as much as I want to push him away I just end up being drawn to him only his pretty face drives me insane and his presence in front of me makes me want to run a marathon to release the heat inside of me.

Are you done?" He asked tilting his head.

Uh-?" I stupidly asked

I mean are you done worshiping my looks "

He said smiling what a jerk.

"Always so arrogant" I replied folding my arms I even looked away to avoid his stare but after some minutes and he still hasn't said anything I turned and that was when it all happened the feel of his lips on mine had not been this good we where standing in the second-floor corridor were anyone could just walk on us and here I was lost in his kiss I known I would regret it later but at that moment all I wanted was for my flesh to be sated I couldn't deny it anymore my body yearns for his touch I have never been this intimate with anyone other than him to know how good Eric was.


That was all I heard from someone behind me before I saw Eric being thrown like a piece of nothin

"I can't believe you, Mae, seriously?"

Lord Elliot looked like he was going through some kind of pain his eyes were not the dutiful blue but a darker shade.

Looking at him made me feel so dirty I don't even know why seeing him like this breaks me as if moved by. Something I walked slowly to him and not even knowing what else to do I hugged him and like magic he finally steady. But before that his whole body was kind of growing bigger like he was going to change into a beast but either way I wrapped my tiny hands around him

.his nose lingered longer in my neck and like reverse, I was also soothed by his calming scent and that left me burying my face in his chest.

"Are you also fucking him" said Eric he looked as calm as ever like his brother didn't just almost kill him by throwing him to the wall which is now ruined.

"I mean you guys are having a moment I wouldn't want to ruin it" Eric sounded as dumped as ever but what he said made me realize my position but before I can move Elliot pushed me and I fell to my butt he looked at me with disgust and looked away like nothing just happened.

Stay away from my workers Eric I am warning you this is not moonlake where you rule everything.

He didn't wait for Eric to reply to him and with long strides walked through the door.

I got up and Eric tried coming closer but I just walked away I just had the weirdest moment of my life.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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