
Just Let Me Live

“ JUST LET ME LIVE “, That's the final thing Ryu said before some unfortunate things happened to him. Ryu was suddenly dragged into the novel that he started to read. THE SWORDS PAINTING, a massively successful fantasy novel that had millions of fans, Ryu was one of the new readers of it. In his life, he had read countless novels but this one stood out from the rest, it captivated his heart quickly with just a few chapters. But after finishing the first half of the second volume that novel became his reality, he didn't become a hero or a villain, instead, he became an extra. A thought formed in his mind after brainstorming for some time, " what could he do after only reading two volumes? " " I can ask the help from others and survive using the cheat items that the main character would find, right? " ......? Well, let's see what he will do.

Wandering_Sword · Fantasy
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8 Chs


After seeing how Ryu made smoke using his ability at first they were intrigued but slowly their expression changed.

It was because of the smoke that emerged after using Ryu's ability, that there was nothing special about it. It can barely cover a person's face.

Alex, " Can you do anything else with this? "

Ryu then shook his head and said, " I'm trying but there is nothing else I can do with it. "

Mark's face became red he was angry he asked himself, "How did such a useless guy become a student in the academy? "

Alex was also disgusted by the fact that a dead weight became their roommate.

Ryu noticed that both of their faces changing and asked them, "What is it senior's? "

Both Mark and Alex suppressed their disgust towards Ryu and smiled, "Nothing. You need to sleep tomorrow is your first class right? "

After saying that Alex and Mark went straight into bed, they didn't wait for Ryu to say anything.

Ryu was confused but he was also eager to see the classroom that he will study from now on.

He went to bed and slept, he was in a deep sleep he saw some sort of dream but didn't know what it meant.

The next morning, Ryu woke up with a sense of anticipation for his first day of classes.

He walked towards the notice board, in there he saw that he was assigned to the Sern class.

There are three classes, sern, feul and Herm

Sern is the highest class that would teach people with offensive, defensive and support-type abilities.

Feul is the class where students who have strategic abilities study.

Herm is the class where ordinary students without ability but brilliant in academics are studying.

He walked towards the class a few seconds later he was stopped in front of a giant door that was made of black wood and decorated with gold and silver plates.

He slowly opened the door and entered the class, he looked around and saw students talking to each other.

On a corner, he saw Allen Steinworth and his gang, Helix Roxette sitting in front of the desk and reading a book.

Many more people were in that class, ryu knew those people's faces because of the illustrations that he saw while reading the novel SWORD'S PAINTING.

Ryu hesitated for a moment, taking in the unfamiliar faces and the grandeur of the Sern class. As he found an empty seat, the atmosphere in the room buzzed with anticipation. He couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness.

They all looked at Ryu, he slowly walked in and sat on the seat that was on a corner.

Some students were sitting beside him, and Ryu exchanged a smile with them.

As he was observing his surroundings a man in his early 30's came into the classroom.

Ryu knew who that was he said that guy's name while that man introduced himself.

The man introduced himself as Professor Alaric Vandermere, a renowned instructor at the academy. His presence commanded respect, and the room fell silent as he began outlining the curriculum for the Sern class.

"Welcome to Sern," Professor Vandermere declared, his voice carrying authority. "Here, you will learn to harness your abilities to their fullest potential. Whether your strengths lie in offence, defence, or support, this class is designed to push you beyond your limits."

A girl raised her hand, she had straight blonde hair, and her eyes were resembling the charismatic nature of an emerald.

Ryu recognises that girl, her name is Elena Hartfield. She was known for her exceptional control over water.

She was a fan favourite many liked her due to her appearance and her cold personality.

Instructor Alaric approved her to talk, and Elena asked him. " Sir, what subject are you going to teach us? ".

Professor Vandermere, with a slight smile, responded, "In this class, we will delve into the art of basic control and basic cluster Combat Techniques. You'll learn how to seamlessly integrate offensive, defensive, and support abilities to become well-rounded ability users, Mastery of these skills will be crucial for your success in the upcoming semesters and exams. "

Elena, seemingly satisfied with the answer, nodded and lowered her hand. The professor continued his introduction, emphasizing the importance of discipline, dedication, and creative thinking in mastering the complexities of control over their abilities.

Professor Alaric explains the necessary things that the students need to know. Then he said.

" I want you guys to show your abilities in front of the class, you don't need to worry I already installed a barrier tool in the classroom. I will call you one by one. "

The room buzzed with a mix of excitement and apprehension as Professor Vandermere announced the opportunity for students to showcase their abilities. Ryu felt uneasiness after hearing that.

One by one, students demonstrated their skills.

Elena was next, she controlled water from the small bottle that she was carrying. Elena made a whip from the water and striked on the wooden table. That whip left a deep mark on the wooden table.

The room fell into impressed silence as Elena showcased her water manipulation with precision and power. The deep mark on the wooden table left a lasting impression on everyone, emphasizing the potential strength concealed within seemingly subtle abilities.

Professor Vandermere nodded approvingly. "Excellent control, Elena. Remember, it's not always about the grandeur but the effectiveness of your manipulation."

As Elena returned to her seat, the next student was called forward. The demonstrations continued each unveiling a unique aspect of the students' abilities. The atmosphere in the room became a blend of curiosity and admiration.

The next one was Allen Steinworth, he ignited a fire in his palm to showcase his fire-related ability.

As Allen Steinworth ignited a controlled flame in his palm, the flickering fire danced with an intensity that captivated the attention of the entire class.

Professor Vandermere observed closely, nodding appreciatively. "Fire manipulation, a classic yet powerful ability. Well-executed, Allen. Remember, precision is key in mastering the elemental forces."

Allen acknowledged the professor's feedback with a confident nod before gracefully returning to his seat. The sequence of demonstrations continued, each student showcasing their unique abilities.

When Ryu's turn arrived, he stood up, determined to make an impression despite the scepticism he felt from his peers.

Ryu was carrying a candle and matchbox in his pocket, he knew that today gonna be the day that the students demonstrated their abilities.

Ryu, with a focused expression, took out the candle and matchbox. Igniting the match, he carefully lit the candle, causing a small flame to flicker atop the wick.

As the flame danced, Ryu concentrated, manipulating the smoke around the candle. Gradually, the smoke transformed, swirling around the candle and it began to concentrate on Ryu's hand.

The amount of smoke that Ryu controlled was small, his classmates began booing, and he saw that the face of Professor Alaric was full of disgust and disinterest towards him.

Despite the initial scepticism and jeers from some classmates, Ryu remained focused. but there was no use.

The students began to shout at him, they said curse words. " STOP " profesor Alaric said.

He then clicked his tongue and said, " You can go back ". Ryu heard the professor's disinterest in his words.

Ryu felt a wave of disappointment wash over him as he returned to his seat amidst the disapproving whispers of his classmates. The atmosphere in the room had shifted from curiosity to disdain.

Professor Vandermere, maintaining a stoic expression, continued with the remaining demonstrations. Each subsequent student showcased more elaborate and powerful abilities, further emphasizing Ryu's seemingly lacklustre performance.

The next person who was showing ability was Helix Roxette, professor Vandermere's face lit up after seeing Helix.

Helix got the interest of the professors and the headmaster due to his huge mana-pool.

He took out the sword and raised it, suddenly a light emerged from his sword.

That light began to take the form of another sword, it was a sword made out of light.

The radiant sword made of light illuminated the classroom as Helix Roxette skillfully demonstrated his ability. The mesmerizing display captured everyone's attention, including Professor Vandermere.

"Remarkable control over mana and ability. " Professor Vandermere murmured, his eyes fixed on Helix's creation. The students, who had previously expressed disdain towards Ryu, now shifted their focus to the impressive spectacle before them.

Helix manipulated the light sword with precision, showcasing both offensive and defensive powers of his ability.

As Helix concluded his demonstration, the classroom erupted in applause. Professor Vandermere, visibly impressed, commended Helix's proficiency. "Outstanding, Helix. Your mastery over light manipulation is commendable. Keep honing your skills, and you'll undoubtedly excel in this class."

The class continued with other students showcasing their abilities, but the atmosphere had shifted. Helix's display had set a high standard, and the students were now more attentive and appreciative of the diverse talents within the Sern class.

Ryu tried to talk with his seatmate, but that boy was angry towards him.

" Don't talk to me dead weight, it makes me uneasy just by looking at you. "

Despite the strained atmosphere and the disapproval from his classmates, Ryu remained determined. He absorbed the mixed emotions of disappointment and disdain but resolved to prove himself in the challenging environment of the Sern class.

As the day progressed, Ryu found moments to reflect on his abilities, contemplating how he could overcome the initial setbacks.

He knows what's going to happen in the combat class, in combat class each student needs to take a weapon of their choice.

If any student has a weapon that they got from their family, then they are free to use it.

Ryu decided to show his worth in the combat class.

The anticipation of the combat class weighed heavily on Ryu's mind as he contemplated ways to demonstrate his worth. Despite the discouragement from his classmates, he saw the upcoming challenge as an opportunity for redemption.

He entered the training arena, where students were assembling with an array of weapons.

When he entered the training arena he could feel the anger and disgust from the students that gathered in there.

He walked towards the wall where weapons are displayed, he unconsciously touched a student.

That student looked back, his name was Derek Valerian, known for his expertise in archery in the Novel SWORD'S PAINTING.

( He can increase the acceleration and power of projectiles. )

He eyed Ryu with a mixture of curiosity and scepticism.

Derek, "Thinking of trying your luck in combat, Dead Weight?"

Ryu, determined to rise above the disdain, nodded, "Yes, I am."

Derek's face became red he clenched his fist and said, " How dare you trash like you dare to talk back to me. "

After that, Derek punched Ryu in the face, and Ryu fell back due to the powerful punch.

His lip got injured and the blood began to come from the wound.

The training arena fell silent as Ryu hit the ground, blood staining his lip. Derek stood over him, a sneer on his face.

Derek, "Know your place, Dead Weight."

Ryu, despite the pain, looked up and asked, "Why are you doing this to me? ".

Derek sneered, "You don't belong here, Dead Weight. This is a place for the strong."

Ryu looked down, the other students were laughing at Ryu. Ryu wiped the blood on his shirt.

It was as if they didn't see him as one of them, but he was determined to change their opinion through the combat class.

Derek lifted his hand once more to hit Ryu, at that time the door of the training arena opened and every student became silent.