
Just Let Me Live

“ JUST LET ME LIVE “, That's the final thing Ryu said before some unfortunate things happened to him. Ryu was suddenly dragged into the novel that he started to read. THE SWORDS PAINTING, a massively successful fantasy novel that had millions of fans, Ryu was one of the new readers of it. In his life, he had read countless novels but this one stood out from the rest, it captivated his heart quickly with just a few chapters. But after finishing the first half of the second volume that novel became his reality, he didn't become a hero or a villain, instead, he became an extra. A thought formed in his mind after brainstorming for some time, " what could he do after only reading two volumes? " " I can ask the help from others and survive using the cheat items that the main character would find, right? " ......? Well, let's see what he will do.

Wandering_Sword · Fantasy
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8 Chs


It's nice to meet you all... I'm hereby welcome you all into cluster.

( Clap....clap....clap...clap )

The students started to clap after hearing the words of the person who was standing on the stage.

A boy looked at that person and saw an Oldman with white long hair and long white beard wearing a tall hat.

After hearing the name cluster he remembered something, he touched his own face to check something.

" It's... it's gone." He gently glide his hands through his face and realised that his stubby beard was gone.

He checked his pocket, but there is nothing on there except a brochure and a wallet, he checked that brochure and decided to check it.

The boy opened the brochure, and his eyes scanned through the pages, suddenly a spark ignited on his mind. A powerful headache, he coverd his head with both of his hands and sit down.

Suddenly he remembered what the name cluster academy means, he started to mumbling.

" I...I transported into the world of a novel, but how? I was sleeping after doing some cleaning. "

He opened the wallet and find a temporary identity card provided by the cluster academy.

The boy, still grappling with the realization that he had somehow entered the world of a novel, looked at the temporary identity card from Cluster Academy. The information on the card confirmed his name.

His name was Ryu, it's the same name that he used in his previous world.

( The world that ryu was transmigrated into was a popular novel that have millions of fans, the novel's name was SWORD'S PAINTING. It was an interesting action packed fantasy novel set on a world were some people have extra ordinary abilities, the novel's setting was mainly focused on a school called cluster. The school was the most prestigious academy in the whole continent where they train people to become hero's and train them to fight against monsters and demon's that was slaughtering humans. )

Once again ryu put his hand on his head and said, " I only read this novel upto the start of second volume, so how am I going to survive? Let's hope that I will get a good ability. "

While he was mumbling to himself, that Oldman once again introduced himself, " I'm Harold Quasar, headmaster of the prestigious cluster academy. I will call you one by one". He then point his finger towards a large light blue orb and continued. " We can test your aptitude and the corresponding god that gave you your powers, don't worry if you don't get any god's those people can still choose the regular courses of the academy to become a valuable asset to our war against demonic race. "

Ryu, " I totally forgot about the god system, if I manage to gain a powerful god I can survive in this world. But the thing is this guy 'ryu' is actually a background extra. I didn't even heard his name while reading the chapters of the story. "

Harold Quasar called the first student his name was Allen Steinworth, he was one of the supporting character in the SWORD'S PAINTING.

Allen put his hand on the light blue orb, every eye was fixated on Allen.

That orb started to shine and it revealed his aptitude to everyone, The crowd held their breath in anticipation. Harold Quasar, with a hint of satisfaction, announced, "Allen, your Divine Guardian smiles upon you!".

Ryu, " as expected from an ally of the main character he has an A rank ability, if my memory is correct he got the ability of fire and the god of burning amber.

The headmaster called kids one after another, there were many kids who fails to get an ability and a god.

After a short while later head master called another name, it was the name of a boy with platinum blonde hair.

That headmaster smiled at him and said, " Helix Roxette, you can go ahead. "

After hearing that name Ryu's eyes opened wide, it was the name of the main character in the novel SWORD'S PAINTING, the person who is destined to save the world.

Ryu knew that which ability he have and what is the name of his god, his main ability was light and the god that he got was guardian of shadowless night.

The students was looking at Helix, he put his hand on the orb. That orb shined brightly, it made a smile on headmaster Harold's face.

"Helix, the Divine Guardian has chosen you!" Harold said that while smiling, ryu knew what that smile meant. The ability helix got was an S rank so every professor was paying attention to him.

" Ryu....Ryu?, " Headmaster Harold started to call his name, ryu got up and watched towards the stage.

He was praying, " Please give me a good ability and a great god. If I got some god like the martial master of the stars or sword King of the east then I don't need to fear. "

Ryu put his hand on the orb, that orb was shining faintly. He waited for sometime but not even one god showed any intrest in him.

He was destined to get to the general class, at that time he heard a voice.

" Found you ". Then a flash entered through his body and left, Harold lift his hand and said. " Ryu the divine guardian has chosen you ". While harold said that he saw a disgusted expression on his face.

At first ryu didn't understand what caused harold to make such an expression, he tried to recall the god that choose him.

But he didn't know what is that god's name or the ability it granted him, then suddenly a screen opend infront of him.

Ryu, " is it the status screen of a student that I read in the novel? ".

He checked his details in the status screen.

In that screen he saw his information, he was happy to check it.


Name : Ryu

Rank : F

Unique ability : Smoke

Divine guardian : God of start and the remains.

Ryu stared at the status screen, absorbing the information that had just unfolded before him. The unfamiliarity of his unique ability, "Smoke? What kind of ability is that? And who is this new god? This status screen doesn't even have any useful information that would help me. "

He was angry and sad at the same time, but he knew that he got accepted into the class where the academy trains hero's.

Ryu now knew why the headmaster made a disgusted face, the headmaster doesn't like his puny ability.

Headmaster told to everyone that the classes will start tomorrow then he smiled at everyone.

One professor guided male students to the boys dormitory, each of them where assigned a room.

In each room there is three people, one first year student, one second year student and the last one is third year student. Fourth year students are on active duty on the border so they won't be in the dorm.

Ryu was assigned to the second floor room number 18, helix was on the third floor room number 31.

Ryu follow through the corridors and slowly climbed the stairs, his room was at the middle of the second floor.

Ryu opened the door, that door opened with creeking noise, there were no lights on the room.

At first he thought that the two seniors that was supposed to be his roommate was out, but then suddenly they jumped on him and welcomed him.

One of the senior was wearing glasses, he introduced himself and welcomed him.

"Hey there, freshman! Welcome to room 18. I'm Alex, the third-year student, and this guy here is Mark, the second-year. We were just having a little fun with the lights off. Hope you don't mind the surprise," Alex said with a grin.

Ryu, still processing the whirlwind of events, managed a nod. "Nice to meet you both. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole situation. My name is ryu"

Mark, the second-year, chimed in and said, "Don't worry, Ryu! We've all been through that initial shock. You'll get used to it. By the way, what's your ability? My ability is darting. "

Ryu hesitated before responding, at that time Alex said what ability he had. " My ability is mapping, I can create detailed map of a designated area by using my ability. "

Mark - I'm in the class for hero's and Alex in the strategic planning class.

Mark then asked to once more to ryu, " what is your ability ryu? ".

Ryu was hesitant about his ability nonetheless he decided to say it.

" Smoke, that's what my ability is. "

Alex and mark was surprised after hearing it, Alex asked to ryu about his abilities details.

Actually I don't know what will it do, I didn't test it yet.

Mark and Alex encouraged ryu to test his ability, Ryu, intrigued by their encouragement, decided to give his ability a try. He focused for a moment, but nothing happened then Alex interfered.

Alex - Maybe it needs a trigger?

Mark then thought of something and bring out a candle and a box of matches.

Mark suggested, "Why not try using your ability on this candle, Ryu? Maybe you can use your ability on an already lit candle.

Ryu was curious and hopeful, accepted the suggestion. He focused on the lit candle, concentrating on invoking his smoke ability. This time, as he directed his intention towards the flame, wisps of smoke began to emerge from his fingertips and encircle the candle.

Mark and Alex watched as the smoke emerging from the tip of Ryu's fingers and circling around the candle.

As the smoke began to form both mark and Alex's expression began to change.