
Chapter 19 The Private Reading

It states:

<Dearest Fei,

Thank you for being impatient. Don't be sad anymore. Everything has its own time and will happen at it's own pace. There is no need to miss or dwell on what is lost. You should just focus on the present.

I have a business to run and I do not mean the one that belongs to our Shen Family. The office that you are in is where my time and effort has gone to and it will all be yours. Below is the list of properties and assets that you will be taking over as of today and one month from now, on your birthday, you will kick off the inheritance plan with Xin.

1) Galore Enterprise, valued at $2.5 Billion.

2) All the properties under my name, valued at $1.5 Billion, locally and overseas. There are a total of 15 properties that your Grandfather does not know about and I do not intend for him to know.

3) Funds of $50 Million which is already in an account opened under your name.

This is all that I have that your Grandfather does not know about. Please keep this a secret until you deem that they need to know.

All the staff that I have hired are the best that I know of. They are loyal and comes with unique and different backgrounds. Get to know them and they will help you greatly in your future.

Also, do treat Pamela well. She has been my right and left hand the past few years and she will be yours if you allow.

Dearest, please remember that I love you and everything happens for a reason. All the best.

With all the love I can give,

Grandmother Sarah>

"Finished with that?"

Seeing her shocked face, Pamela broke the silence.

An Fei nodded her head.

"I have questions and a lot of them. I need time to digest this."

"Well if you want, I can hand the hardcopy to you and you and burn and drink it. I heard kids talk about this especially before their exam that this helps with memory and maybe it might help you with the digestion of the news."

Glaring at the monitor, An Fei forgotten about the shock and the pain that she felt earlier and wanted to grab the girl on the screen and wrap her hands around her neck.

"That is not funny Pam. I'm very sure it does not work."

"Have you tried it before? How does it taste like? How does ashes taste like? When did you do it? Why did it not work?"

"Pam, you know this whole thing about burning things and drinking them is just a myth. It is just created by some random lazy people that does not want to study. Where did they store general knowledge in your drive? Let me see."

"Oooh... Ooh... now you made me disappointed. Why did Google not tell me this when I ask him about it?"

"Maybe you guys are not friendly enough."

The both of them just laugh at the whole thing.

"Now filthy rich girl what else do you want to know?"

"What else do I need to know?"

"Take a look at the documents back there and you will get all the answers that you need about the properties and also Galore Enterprise."

"So this means more reading."

"Yes. Since you don't like me talking then get out and read."

"Alright. Don't rush me. I need a drink."

"Well coffee will be served in a minute and yes. it comes with snacks. I made them myself this morning."