
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 48 – Dungeon Again, Leviathan’s Remains, A Right Eye

Today, I woke up in time for breakfast with the rest of the Loki Familia. Ais attracted a lot of attention since she had a small smile on her face while sitting on my shoulders. She didn't smile at all before, so this is quite rare. Then she called me 'Dad' and all hell broke loose, so I had to silence them by shooting the ceiling once again.

Well, after a nice breakfast, I decided to make some equipment for Ais. For her weapon, I modified the 'Desperate' weapon she had in canon to make it shorter and more manageable for her age. I shall call it the 'Mini Desperate'. I also made a little something special. Do you remember Captain Harlock's weapon? That strange rapier/sniper thing, the 'Gravity Saber'. I made something similar. It's basically an estoc with a rapier-like handguard. I made it look like curved feathers since Ais should be good at using wind magic. Anyway, the blade is circular and leads to a muzzle and it can shoot magic lasers. Since I always go above and beyond, I made both her weapons have all sorts of enchantments, including the lightweight enchantment and cutting enchantment, so the rapier can cut as much as any other weapon. I made her a child sized 'Iron Will' armor set, with white and dark blue colors, obviously complete with all sorts of enchantments.

"Ais, today we are going to the dungeon. Since I am sure you will want to come with us, I made you some armor and weapons to keep you safe. A drop of blood on each and they will bond with you forever." I said, showing the gear to her.

She looked really happy and immediately cut her finger on the 'Mini Desperate' to start the soul-bond. Hehe, her face when she felt the connection to the armor and weapons was hilarious, so I chuckled a little. I also healed her little finger with magic. Then, I saw she was looking at the rapier with particular attention.

"The rapier doesn't have a name yet. Why don't you give it one?"

She looked at it a little, in particular the feather handguard, then said: "Liberty."

It was better than I expected and probably better than 'Schneesturm', so I smiled and pat her head. "Now, imagine equipping the gear. You're in for a surprise."

She closed her eyes and reopened them to find herself wearing the stuff. She then thought about unequipping it, and it disappeared. She's very intelligent, my daughter. And she looked absolutely adorable in that armor. She will be a great Guardian. Ah, what kind of Ghost should I give her? Eh, I still have time to think.

"What do you think, ready?" she nodded. "How about you guys?" they all nodded as well. "Great then, let's go to the deep floors!".

We trasmated directly in front of the Dungeon and went inside. I was the only one wearing casual clothes. At almost level 80000, I doubt even a God could touch me, much less hurt me. Ais was holding her new weapon while staying close to me. I am sure that Ruby, Yang, and Weiss are smiling. I know two ways in which I can have a child of my own with them: either wishing for me to be capable of doing it or finding bio-tech. There is a little problem with the second, which is I need a DNA sample to replicate, and I'm not using some random guy's DNA. I would either have to find my Earth from before the reincarnation and search for my body, or I would need to search the BrayTech servers and hope to find some data remaining on my fleshly body. Those are the only two acceptable options.

I'm digressing. We entered the dungeon and started blazing through floor after floor, all at a manageable speed for Ais. She fought as well, trying to copy Weiss' style since she also uses a rapier. My lovely wife saw it and started up and down shrieking about how happy she was and started teaching her. How lovely, they really look like a mother and her child. I need to find a way to have kids within ten years, that will be my next goal. Well, I am also planning on a little 'invasion' real quick in another universe. Will probably do it by the end of the week.

Ah, where was I? Ah, yes. We blazed through the floors and reached the 24th floor. From here on out, it's all water. And, if I remember correctly, my dear daughter is afraid of water.

"Ais, from now on there will be some water until the 27th floor. Are you okay." I asked. She started trembling, so I took her up and set her on my left shoulder, so that I could use my right if needed. "There, now you won't even get wet. Don't worry, we will face this fear in the future." She hugged my head, oh, how adorable.

Anyway, we blazed through the 24th-27th floors. On the bottom, the gang stopped for a moment.

"Tula, the Leviathan's remains should be down in the lake." Said Ren.

"Perfect, thanks Ren! I'll take a quick dip, then we can continue." I said. I set Ais on the ground close to Weiss. "Ais, I have to do something in the lake really fast so stay here with the others for a moment. I will come back so fast you won't even realize I'm gone. Okay?" She looked a little worried, but nodded her head.

I went to the edge of the lake and did a quick scan for any unnatural parts. I quickly found the remains on the far end of the lake, so I crouched a little and tried something I always thought was either fiction or impossible for me to do: running on water. No magic, no Light, no Aura, just running. I started basically gliding on the water with each step and managed to reach the middle of the lake without sinking, then monsters happened. Those fuckers interrupted me and I fell face-first in the lake. To stop sinking, I used magic and returned to the surface.

I looked at what the monster was and saw that it was a group of mermaids and mermen. I started chuckling then laughing like a madman. These fucking monsters made me fall in front of my daughter… Death penalty! I created a few 'Nova Balls' and launched them at the fish. There was a huge explosion and I vaporized most of the lake. I continued as if nothing happened and found the shitty Loch Ness monster rip-off. I analyzed it and boi was the material of high quality. Its scales alone could already compete with my non-magic material, the one from before the Potterverse. Today, I will definitely check out Hephaestus' material storage, then create a new one.

Anyway, I turned back and flew to the gang. Ruby greeted me by saying "Fireworks!" while the rest just kinda shook their head. Ais was just hugging my waist and wouldn't let go. I guess she got scared when I fell in the lake, so I caressed her head.

We blazed through to the 36th floor. It wasn't really that interesting, so I will not talk about it. I kinda wanted to go to the 37 and just go through the walls to reach the end. So we did. I got in a charging position and just broke through every wall I came across. I checked the material and it was pretty much paper compared to my body. We encountered some Colosseums, I guess, since a ton of monsters started spawning.

Since it was getting close to lunchtime, me and the gang butchered the monsters except for one, since Ais wanted to try. My wives and I got a little worried, so we used some debuffs on the monster to make it equal to a top Level 2 opponent, not the mid Level 3 it was originally. Ais got hit a few times but was not injured thanks to the armor. Now, you might be thinking: 'But, Tula… Aren't you stunting her growth with all the OP gear and all?'

The answer is: first of all, fuck you she's my daughter, secondly, probably yes, but I don't care. As long as she starts sparring with me, she will be able to level up continuously. Basically, my Akashic Engine is still producing Excelia, but it is being dispersed in the air since I can't contain anymore. By fighting against me, the gang can absorb all the excess and level up insanely fast. And… Now that I think about it, isn't Ais a half-spirit? I think that the rituals I created for the gang could do wonders for her, plus they don't even hurt. I will have her sit through them for a little when we go back. Then comes the grimoire. I will also get her a grimoire on all sorts of rapier techniques. I will 'casually' take a stroll close to rapier users to get some more data, then ask for Weiss' techniques. Actually, I should do it for every weapon, so that I get stronger, as well as my wives and gang. Oh, so much stuff to do.

Anyway, Ais did pretty well against such an opponent, though she was really tired afterwards.

"You did great, Ais! That was a really strong monster for you, but you defeated it. Oh, I'm so proud of you!" I said as I took her in my arms. She just put her little head on my shoulder and slept.

We decided to stop here for the day, but Ruby jumped a moment on top of the walls and placed a trasmat beacon, so that we can start again from here tomorrow. Totally cheating, but do I care? Nope.

We returned to the surface and trasmated to the ship. I unfortunately had to separate from Ais to go on a little errand. Weiss, Ruby, and Yang told me to just go and leave Ais to them. Sorry, my dear daughter, but you will probably become a dress-up doll for my wives. Eh, could be worse, at least this will keep her distracted from my disappearance.

I equipped my armor for the first time in this world and went to the Guild. I was marking any and all Adventurers with weapons that could suit our group. Bows, axes, swords, shields, spears, hammers, rapiers, scythes, martial arts, and so on. I obviously couldn't find any guns, though I might show a relatively low-level one to Hephaestus to see if she can produce them. Maybe I could learn something from her.

Anyway, I searched all of my targets' minds and collected all decent techniques and experiences. I left my secondary thought process them and create a collection with all of them, modified and improved with my own experiences and techniques. I separated everything by weapon type, so that it wouldn't cause confusion. That was probably unneeded, but now I'm sure so it's fine.

After I was done with that, I went towards Babel. I had seen a storage room there. I will check it out, then go to the Familia headquarters. I went to the shops' area and cloaked myself. I waited until there was no one and entered the storage room. It was filled to the brim with all sorts of materials. My semblance went on a 'shopping spree' of information. I even found something from the deepest floors, probably collected by the Loki Familia. But, there wasn't anything particularly stunning here. Sure, this would help me create another ultimate material, but… It wasn't enough. I had to get more. I had to get better.

I left the storage room and returned to the city. I found the HQ of the Familia and entered. I wasn't even cloaked. I was seen by some people in the interior and was approached by a Familia member.

"Good afternoon! May I help you in some way?" the member asked.

I looked at him and said: "Sure you can. Help me speak with Hephaestus. It's been a long time since I've seen her."

I decided to go the mysterious route and not actually state my purpose. That, along with my strange armor made the member think I was some kind of God. I was soon allowed to enter the Goddess' office.

"So, who would you be?" she asked after we were left alone.

"A friend, maybe. Depends on how our talk goes." I looked at her and used magic to immobilize her. I moved towards her and took her eyepatch off. It was a pretty creepy eye, for a human. I had seen much worse, to be honest. It was just like an orb of metal surrounded by blackened skin and vein-like things. I used my semblance on the eye and saw that it was a curse, something that came from using a Titan's blood to make equipment. The blood covered her right eye and permanently solidified, cursing her.

"Your left eye is beautiful. Why don't we make your right eye normal again?" I said, before using magic to remove the curse and heal her eye. I also casted a pain-removing spell. "Hm… There we go. One beautiful Goddess back in the game." I said, removing my immobilizing spell and taking a mirror, showing it to her. She started getting teary, then actually crying.

"Why do girls always cry on me? Am I seriously that bad?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood. She started crying and laughing at the same time.


"I get called that pretty often as well." I said. Hephaestus chuckled a little then dried her tears.

"Who are you? A normal human wouldn't be able to heal me. Even Hecate and Miach were unable to find a solution."

"You said it, I'm not a normal human. Well, if you were to ask Freya, she would have something very interesting to say about my soul. That Goddess thought I wouldn't notice her staring at my table if she disguised herself as Syr. What a shame…" I said, shaking my head at the end. That silly Goddess was staring at our table ever since I entered the Hostess of Fertility, how cute.

"Yeah, not everybody can get Freya's attention. Your name."