

"Doesn't matter, eventually I shall return. If i do I will lay waste to everything. Until then, foolish foolish mortal daring to touch my family, let me show you what pain is". After his painful fall our MC is stuck with a new family Follow our MC as he deals with trying to protect his new family and his internal conflict on his return to the divine realm.

Carl_Joe · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter one

A long time ago in the Divine realm there were three powerful families of daemons and gods that governed the whole realm.

The Zu family with their extreme mastery of space and weapon related laws and daos, with speed and intellect to boot.

The Shi family, gods that are body oriented fighters with frightening regenerative abilities with incredible reflexes and battle instincts that make even the war gods and daemons flinch at their challenge.

Finally, the Urr family with their eyes that allowed them to see through all and any attacks and defense and even more impressive allowing them to see paths of the future; the stronger their eyes, the more paths they were able to see.

After hundreds of millions of years passed the three families eventually produced three heirs. Geniuses almost never before seen in the Divine realm. However, it seemed these three vastly exceeded all expectations.

They were beyond monsters.

They became so powerful during their growth that the sentience of the Divine realm had to step in to strike a bargain with the three heirs. No matter what neither were allowed to ever exert 100% of their energies or strength, if they ever did their souls would be destroyed and their daos scattered into nothingness. A cruel dao oath.

In return the sentient would protect their families, if ever they decided to have one of their own, whenever said families ever they were in life or death type situation.



James Colson, 23 years of age, lay on his bed as his tanned streamlined muscles laid bare while he stared at the ceiling unable to fall asleep. He turned his head to stare at his alarm clock which read 2:04am and let out and annoyed groan.

He had not been able to sleep at all since he laid on his bed. It wasn't like he had somewhere expectant he had to be the day, no, he just couldn't sleep no matter what he tried.

Somewhat frustrated, he sat up and looked around his room for some reason and eventually laid eyes on the family picture which made him smile lightly but frowned when he saw the tear at the end of the picture.

It wasn't the picture getting old but someone had deliberately torn off that part.

James shook his head as he stood up from bed. There was no use thinking about it, it's not as if finding the missing part would bring him back.

James walked downstairs to the greyish colored living room. Although it was spacious it had a very simple setup with a dining table set and a couch large enough to fit six people facing the wall. The entire room was hung with pictures of the family.

"On." James commanded as the entire wall that was facing the couch lit up.

'...arge. The victim had cuts and burn marks all over his body. However just like the others the victim had puncture wounds on he neck. Mr Bradley Claw stated at a press conference earlier today that the actions of this newborn vampire has brought panic and chaos to society especially among the civilians as such although they like to think of all vampires as part their family this newborn has brought nothing but death and will pay for it's actions.'

"More like trying to save their reputation. Hypocrite dead bloods!" A voice sounded behind James as the lady on the news made her report. Even if he did not turn around James already knew who it was.

"Dad, you getting angry at the TV again." James said to the man with and angry sneer standing behind the couch bare chested.

Father of James, Paul Colson. A man with milky skin that stood over six feet with an nigh perfect body. He had a face full of slightly shaved silver beard and a set of short messy silver hair.

"I'm angry at those vamps. Always doing what they like as if rules don't apply to them. Mute!" Mr Colson replied to James as he scowled unable to bear listening another single second.

"Maybe it really is instinctual, the whole vampire werewolf feud thing. Makes me truly wonder how that started in the first place." James with a thinking pose as the TV went silent by his father's command.

"Doesn't matter how it started. I don't have a hatred like the other werewolves I just don't like how the claw coven does things. *sigh* Not like I get to talk I'm a werewolf without a pack." Mr Colson said to his said trying to look depressed.

Silence took over the room as James stared at his father with a deadpan expression.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to say something cool like 'We are your pack.' or 'With us by your side there's no need for another pack.' or something like that?"

James' sneer grew wider as finally looked away to stare at the mute tv. Mr Colson's eyes twitched a bit before asking why his son was up at this time in an attempt to change the subject.

"Alright, let's go for a light run, I'm sure it'll tire you out enough to knock you out" Mr Colson said after learning his son couldn't sleep at all since last night.

"Hey old man, do you even know what time it is, or you just want to get me back for not wanting to stroke your ego earlier?" James look at his father. This old man has always had his petty moments.

"Why would you even think that? Just because you I was met with silence and a sneer don't mean I'll be petty about it."

"Yes you would old man."

"Whatever, go get your shoes and don't forget your weights. We'll return at 6am."

"Shave one hour off it and I won't tell Mom your said we're not part of your pack."

"I can't believe you would...deal and you never bring it up ever." The father son duo laughed at each other as they walked out the house for their...light jogging.

This is something that has been brewing for a while. Please enjoy and let me know your thoughts

Carl_Joecreators' thoughts