

"Doesn't matter, eventually I shall return. If i do I will lay waste to everything. Until then, foolish foolish mortal daring to touch my family, let me show you what pain is". After his painful fall our MC is stuck with a new family Follow our MC as he deals with trying to protect his new family and his internal conflict on his return to the divine realm.

Carl_Joe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


This night was dark, even with the street lights trying to illuminate the streets visibility was still somewhat low.

However on this hard to see night two beings were running and parkouring up and down the streets and roof tops. These two were James and his father Mr Colson. One with his silvery hair, blazing fast ahead and another that had almost melded with the night following closely behind.

"Come on slowslug, you've been eating my dust since we begun." Mr Colson looked behind with an annoying face

"That's cos I'm wearing weights!" James raised his right hand showing a dark brown bracelet on his wrists as he run towards his father who had stopped a few meters away. Just as he was about to make more excuses he noticed his father looking at a certain direction with a bit of a serious face. Looking towards the same direction he frowned slightly.

With a whoosh sound they both disappeared from their location, moving at incredible speeds.

In a desolate park covered in sand and patches of grass. There was trash laying around everywhere with old tents mounted up in different spots and one large tree without leaves standing in the middle of the park.

"Homeless Peak?" James and his father appeared in the park with furrowed brows.

"Someone was actually crazy enough to cause trouble with the homeless?" Mr Colson couldn't help but deepen his frown. The sight before him was not pleasant. There were limbs and severed heads strewn about and it seems the assailant had no intention of hiding it. With the way the bodies and limbs were displayed it seemed more like a statement.

However the bigger problem was that the homeless were not to be messed with. They were one of the largest groups of Draconea City. They were considered one of the 7 hegemons of Draconea and such killings was blatant disrespect which would definitely start a war.

Looking at the side Mr Colson saw in the corner of his eye his son in a serious thinking pose, 'I guess he understands the problems this will bring.' he nodded lightly feeling proud of his son. "So what do you think?" He asked still looking at James out of his corner eye.

"I think that's some impressive alpha nose."


"I mean we were over ten kilometers aways. Your nose actually picked up the smell of the blood from that far out. Nothing less from Mr no-pack-alpha." Mr Colson's eyes twitched a bit with a vein almost popping from the side of his head.

Before he could retort a few grunting sounds caught the attention of the father son pair. With quick movement they quickly appeared at the source.

What they saw was two bloodied beings, one hunched over holding the other down on the ground. The one being held down kept twitching occasionally.

"Oi, isn't this a bit too cliche? We watch news about the newborn vampire and just like that we come across him?" James said shaking his head exaggeratedly while his father rolled his eyes at him. He seemed had forgotten they were miles away earlier.

The newborn seemed to notice the new comers as he slowly stood and turned around sending menacing glares at the two a few meters away as pressuring energies emanated off him. He had a lean build with elongated claws and canines. His clothes and face were bloodied and still dripping from all his victims.

"Oh look, nosy beings for fangey to eat"

"Maybe this time it will be a bit more entertaining. Why are they topless though"?

Out of the shadows two men appeared and stared at James and Mr Colson like a couple of already dead dogs.

They had typical bad guy face with typical bad guy dark long coats that reached their boots with one having a buff build and the other with an average build.

"I wonder if the news will cover this tomorrow or they intend to clean it up." James looked at the bloodied bodies laying around and asked.

"I doubt they can cover up something like this" Mr Colson answered tracing his vision to where his son was looking.

"Big brother I think they just ignored us."

"They're just acting tough. Fangey kill them, slowly!"

The newborn vampire then burst into immense speed covering tens of meters in a mere instant. His left hand shaped in a spear with his long pointy claws stabing James in the gut and his right hand opened clawing Mr Colson's face.

The two men frowned because there was neither blood nor screaming. It wasn't until both James and Mr Colson disappear did they understand. The newborn had stabbed after images.

Their frowns deepened. When did it happen? Such speed.

Turning a few meters to the left the saw their should-be victims finishing a game of rock paper scissors with the younger one throwing up a victory sign.

"I get to have fun interrogating you dumdums. You should be happy." James said with a wide sadistic smile sending chills down their spines as he began walking towards to two men.

The newborn sent out an enraged roar about missing it's target and prepared to pounce at them one more time.

Mr Colson rolled his eyes as he disappeared and reappeared in front of the newborn. Sending a straight left fist the newborn could do nothing as it was knocked out cold. One hit KO.

"Don't take too long." Picking up the newborn by the scruff of his neck Mr Colson walked over to the only tree in the park, threw the newborn down and sat down with his eyes closed.

"Now then, shall we begin?" James smiled even wider with both arms in his pocket staring at the two.

"Big brother!"

"I know!"

Pressuring energies rolled of their bodies sending cracks all around with themselves as the center. They were intending to go all out. These two were monsters. If they were going to die they intended to at least leave a scratch.

"Oh? Stage three each? Then me too. First Limit, Break!"

Forgive me for not updating for a while. I'm writing between work and school so it's a bit difficult. But I'll try to hard to update every week. Thanks to everyone reading. please enjoy it.

Condolences to all those affected by the virus. and please stay safe. Luv u all

Carl_Joecreators' thoughts