

lets hope I actually finish this one Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)=Rooster-teeth, Monty Oum) the only thing I own are my OC well I guess is time to explain the story a little the first Arc is going to be more about the Xiong family and Hei than anything cause is going to be kinda boring writing about the main character because he's still just a kid in first arc and doesn't have his cheat yet so yeah first arc is basically going to be gang shit with Hei Xiong yay. (also I suck at writing so yeah English is not my first language.) i don't own the cover so if you are the artist and want me to take it down let me know.

Lives954 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs



usually father is always a stone-cold person that never doubts in anything, but lately he's been second guessing and snaps out at any person he sees I don't know what's happening, but I got to find out why he's like this the tension between the spiders and us is growing day by day and I can't have him lose his cool in a meeting between us that's coming in up next week it could start a war that doesn't need to happen.

"Sir, your father is calling you"

Hei snaps out of his thoughts and looks at the person talking to him

"haa tony sorry what did you say I was lost in my thoughts"

"there's no need to apologize sir I just came here to tell you that your father is calling you, he's currently in his office"

"there's no need for you to call me sir in private tony, remember we have been friends for more than 5 years"

tony shakes his head with a small smile "you know I can't do that I owe too much to your family and my pride doesn't let me"

"One of these days tony, one of these days"

"sir, you shouldn't make your father wait too much, you know how he's been lately"

*sigh* "yeah you are right tony, has anyone of my spies have found anything on why he's like that lately"

"no sir"

'I see so after 6 months they haven't found anything, just what the hell is going on'


third-person POV

two kids were doing push-ups at the backyard of what seem like a decent size two-story house

"Matthew, why are you doing exercises with me instead of playing with the other kids"

Matthew decided to stand up and look at Edward straight in his eyes

"I don't know why but since you got here all you have done is train and train and look for something in the city I don't understand why you do all this, but I'm not going to let you do it alone after all mother always taught me to never leave family when they need you the most"

Edward looks at Matthew with a surprised expression on his face like he just discovered a big bag of money on the side of the road, "f f family? Wait, Matthew, you consider me family?"

"Of course I do Edward after all we live in the same house and we with in the same table mama always said that's what family does well that's after she left" Matthew looks at Edward with a sad smile

Edward POV

holy shit, this kid! Is probably one of the nicest kid I have ever encountered in this life and the one before my reincarnation like every reincarnated protagonist I died and of course I wasn't a kid when I died I was 20 years old studying in a university in Mexico but got caught up in the middle of a shoot out between two cartels but going to be honest that just a normal Tuesday in Mexico, but shit escalated quickly when the police show up and started spraying bullets to anyone who moved and no one is fucking dumb enough to stop and put their hand up in a got them shoot out you have to keep moving man the cartel don't give two shits if the police are there they are just going to keep going at it and to sum it up I got headshot by one of the bullets that were raining down

"Edward, you are doing it again"

"oh I'm sorry Matt but yeah you are right you never leave family alone and well I need a partner to practice any way, so thanks for the help"

Matthew tilts his head to the side and questions Edward, "partner, why do you need a partner to exercise?

"Well, Matthew, you know what huntsmen are?"

Matthew eyes go wide with starts in his eyes, mention of huntsmen


Give me power stones!!!!