
Jungle Juice Turned Me Into A Girl!?

(Genderbender OC) (Reincarnation OC) (Jungle Juice x Luffy’s Gum Gum Fruit) ——— After coming home in despair at the fact that he will not be going to the college of his dreams, he decides to go out to the park for a quick breathe of fresh air. Right as he is about to arrive at his destination he spots a oddly purple bug with the capability to stretch it’s ligaments. In fear he somehow ends up in the middle of the road, in which Truck-kun welcomes the invitation. Almost instantly he is awoken in a hospital as a baby. Our protagonist lives his new life as the first child of one of Korea’s most richest families. Despite the cultural differences he settles in with his new life. He is expected to start at the country’s best college in a few months, but fate says otherwise. He meets the same odd creature that got him killed and in an act of revenge uses the first bottle of bug killer that he could find. After spraying it, he faints immediately. Waking up he learns that he is now part bug and there is a hidden city designed to harbour such people, which sounds very familiar to him. Now he has to go there to become valedictorian to obtain Cinderella, the medicine to turn him back into a human. Did I forget to mention the fact that it turned him into a girl? ——— I made a vote to decide between Haikyuu OC and genderbend Chuuya Nakahara in unOrdinary, but then I decided this would be a better idea. So.. please don’t be mad. As per usual, updates will be random. If you see this on anything other than Webnovel or Wattpad, even if it’s a similar name.. it’s not me.

VividIsSleeping · Anime & Comics
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-Age 10: Kyung's POV-

I've been named the family's top genius. Well, when you remember all of your past life you are bound to know much more than the average ten year old. My parents took this opportunity to take me with them on their important trips in order to help me learn the ways of business. In a few years time I'll be the representative, doesn't that sound amazing?

I was kind of hoping to remain an only child, but my younger sister was born right after I turned six years old. I thought that I would hate having a sister, but I was wrong. Even if she can be loud and annoying at times, I now had this unbreakable bond with someone. Whenever I was alone in the house she would always ask me to play hide and seek with her. She was bad at the game, but that didn't stop her from having fun.

Once I was of the right age, I was sent to school. If you thought I would have been sent to a posh private school with all the other rich folks, well you would be dead wrong. I went to the nearest school to my house. Apparently my father went there when he was a kid, my mother had no problem with it either. Now I was the token rich kid in school that you would see in all these webtoons. Except I wasn't trashy like most of them, I wasn't always rich and I understand what it's like to not have everything I want.

I made quite a few friends there, some only because their parents knew it would be beneficial to become my friend. I didn't mind though, they wouldn't understand the importance of their words as their innocence overpowers them. A friend is a friend, that's all that matters.

Some of my friends loved sports, not surprising to hear, they forced me into playing with them too. Basketball was their favourite, mostly my best friend Jin's favourite. Jin was a prodigy, like Generation of Miracles prodigy. I was nowhere near his level, but after practicing with him I was able to partner up with him and smoke all the other kids at the park.

-Age 15-

Like before, I went to the nearest school to my house. This time it was where my mother went. She would always praise the school and tell me how amazing it was. Repeatedly mentioning all about her "precious youth". I knew it wouldn't be a bad High School to go to.

Luckily, Jin and all our other basketball bros decided to go there too. They all lived nearby so it was a no brainer. Speaking of basketball, we joined the school's basketball team. Due to Jin's talent he was instantly put on the starting roster, after a few months of proving myself I was then added to the starting roster as the team's point guard. Hardly any team could deal with our combo. We went to Nationals, but lost in the quarter finals. It really hurt, but we vowed to win next year.

My family always went to the games whenever they weren't busy. Although, they weren't able to watch a lot of them as they were busy running the company, they had just released a new line of self-driving cars. This had them travel around the country and sometimes internationally, to promote the company. It was hard work. Whenever they were gone and I didn't have anything to do, I would be the one looking after Ari. They knew they could trust me.

In terms of my school life, I was at the top of the class when it came to grades. Unlike my last life, I won't make the same mistake as before and only take it seriously right before the biggest exams I would ever take. Another thing that was different was the fact that in my previous life, I would be expecting to take the big exams in only a year. Now High School runs until I'm around 18. It was a cultural difference, but I got used to it pretty quickly.

I can't believe I forgot to tell you what I look like after all this time. Well, to start off I have the usual short black pretty boy haircut, along with ruby red eyes. My black hair comes from my father and red eyes from my mother. Standing at around five feet and eleven inches, my body was quite fit, after all I had been playing basketball for about 5 years. I wasn't super muscular like a gym junkie, but it was good enough. I did get compliments about my face from girls, so that's nice.

Once nationals were over my parents took me and my sister to a conference in America. This was to let me show the world what I can do, while instilling confidence in people that the heir to the Shin Corporation has what it takes. English wasn't a problem as I could speak it in my past life, but I had to fill the gaps I had after not speaking it for years.

In three years, my life will change forever.

-Age 18: Present Day-

These past three years were filled with many emotions. In our second year our basketball reached the finals, but were beaten by a close 5 point gap. The following year we won with a 15 point lead. We were truly at the peak of our game. The following night we had a party in a five star restaurant, all paid for by my parents, I couldn't thank them enough.

The main event of the party was when Jin confessed his feelings to the girl he fancied. She reciprocated his feelings and from then on they became a couple. I couldn't be more proud and happy for him. Once the night was over we all said our goodbyes.

Once the fun was over we had to prepare for finals. As I was one of the smartest in our class, many of my classmates came to me for help. I didn't mind one bit. I would hold study sessions in the house and almost all of my classmates came. Ari hung around with some of the girls and they had a lot of fun. One time my mother tagged along and decided to spill a couple of my secrets, in response she received a serious glare.

After all the studying, finals were upon us. I completed every paper to the best of my ability and it paid off. I passed them all with flying colours, so much so that I was invited to the country's best college/university on a scholarship. I would be stupid not to go.

On the final day of school we all said our goodbyes. I made sure to have everyone's number saved on my phone. I would really miss everyone. Saying goodbye to Jin hurt the most, ever since we met, we had been the greatest of friends. Before I could feel any more loss I turned my back on the school and everyone else, leaving them behind.

A month or so later, is when the destined change is going to happen.

I woke up to the sound of something jumping on top of me, shouting loudly. As my eyes woke up, I opened them to find my sister's red eyes right in front of mine. "Get up! Father needs you to hurry, it's your big day!" It confused me, what on earth is my "big day"?

"*Yawn*.. What day is it?" She looked at me as if I was stupid. She then grabbed the cushion from underneath my head and started hitting me on the head, possibly she thought it would help me remember.

"How could you forget? Today's the day you'll be taking over the company!" Like a switch my body flicked into overdrive, I threw myself off the bed and grabbed my suit. I rushed into my bathroom to get ready. From the other side of the door I could hear her again. "I'll go and tell father you'll be down in a few minutes."

After having a shower, brushing my teeth and shaving any unwanted hair off my face I put on a pearly white shirt along with a black and white diagonal striped tie. My suit was a dark blue colour, paired with it was a set of coal black loafers. Now that I was prepared I exited my bathroom. I went over to grab my briefcase to carry all my necessities for the event. Once everything was packed, I turned towards the door to leave and then I saw.. IT.

The stretchy little menace that got me killed in my past life was sitting atop my door handle, preventing me from leaving. "Hehe, so it's you. My sworn nemesis. I'll kill you once and for all." I grabbed a hold of a fly swatter and rushed over to it with blinding speeds. I slammed against the door handle with all my power, but it quickly evaded onto the floor.

I chased the little critter around for a few minutes, each time it dodged it felt like he was provoking me. 'Muahahaha, try all you like, but you can't catch me you silly human' is what I felt like it was saying. Each time I tried to swat it dead I got more and more frustrated. I finally had enough.

I grabbed the bug spray that I bought and held it in front of me. The vassal of horror remained in its spot in the corner. I creeped closer to it. "This is it for now you monster. Now I'll finally have revenge." The creature sat there waiting for me to come closer, almost as if it was telling me to kill it.

Pressing the trigger, the contents of the can was released and the thing sat there waiting for it to come into contact. After using the whole can, I opened my eyes again to find it dead. All I felt was happiness now that I had avenged my previous self. "Take that! Rot in hell you b.." before I could continue a wave of uneasiness filled my body. Soon my vision started going blurry and I couldn't stand still. "W-what's.. going.. on?..." I fell face forward onto the ground. I couldn't hold on anymore.

Was I dying? I didn't know. I couldn't hold my eyes open anymore and with the click of a button I shut down.


Darkness surrounded me and in that darkness, I couldn't hear a single sound. It was peaceful, it was relaxing, probably the most relaxed I've ever felt in all these years. Throughout this life and the old one, I was accompanied by the stress that comes with trying to succeed and the despair that was looming on the horizon. I was finally away from it all… maybe death is permanent after all…

'Wake up human.'

Abruptly, my eyes were forced open allowing light inside. The first thing I saw was a typical hospital ceiling, I must have been sent to the hospital. What solidified my claim was the fact that next to me were the typical hospital equipment and the beep of a heart rate monitor. It made me wonder what caused me to faint, I never had any health issues and I was healthy.

Now that I had calmed down, I noticed that my body felt a little strange. It didn't feel horrible, but something had changed. I forced my body upwards and I felt a little weight on my chest. I thought it was some sort of equipment attached to me, but I was wrong. It took me a second to realise what they were, to confirm it, I pushed myself off the bed towards the mirror. I saw myself in the mirror, a girl in a hospital gown with long black hair and burgundy eyes. Her body was slender and curvy and she was well endowed with a large chest. Her smooth skin stood out as well. The most bizarre feature was the weird long, thin and rubbery black antennas that grew from atop her head. That girl was me.

My heart started beating faster and faster, it was so sudden that I couldn't keep myself under control. Almost in sync with my emotions my eyes started glowing red, but instead of a normal ruby colour, they became a bright and sparkly shade of red. As I observed my eyes, I heard the door open which revealed a brown-haired woman in a nurse's uniform. As soon as she spotted me she alerted someone on her radio, "The patient has awoken."

I held up my guard in case she was hostile in which she noticed. She came over to me and held my hand to calm me down. "Mr. Shin.. well that may not be appropriate in your current condition. Getting to the point, your parents found you fainted in the corner of your room. Do you remember what happened?"

"Yes I do. There was this weird insect in my room and I kept trying to kill it, but it kept dodging so I used some bug spray to kill it. Then I woke up… as a girl." The voice that came out of my mouth startled me. Despite my nervousness and dread, it still felt so soothing.

"Well I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that's not the only change that took place. You also.." Before the nurse could finish her sentence the door burst open, my parents rushing into the room. The moment I saw them I ran over, for some reason the nurse didn't let go of my hand. Ignoring it I kept on running, before I could hug them they halted and stared at me in confusion. I finally realised what they were looking at. My arm had extended from the force of my running and the grip of the nurse.

"As I was going to say… you have become a rubber insect human."

Now it hit me, the bug killer I used was none other than Jungle Juice, the item used to transform people into human insects. Not only did I turn into an insect human, I turned into a girl. Why did I have to get reincarnated in Jungle Juice?


Author: Yo! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was mostly just a quick summary of his life until the change. I'll be posting the next chapter soon, I just need to do the next chapter of my MHA and One Piece story. Thanks for the support.