
Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit

I have been reincarnated/transferred to new worlds over five times now. Throughout my travels, I have been the Hero, Sage, Assassin, Villain, and King ...and never once was I granted the peace I desired after my work was done. The God in charge of my transfers is a cruel man who seems to draw pleasure in ripping me away from those I love and casting me into a new situation to fix his problems. Now on my sixth transfer, I am done being his errand boy and will forge my fate with my own hands. Using the skills and knowledge I have acquired over my past few lives, I will take back my existence and find the peace I have longed for.

ManOfCultureLeon · Anime & Comics
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214 Chs

Chapter 110 - The Festival Part 2

Author Note:

Here's a double release for all you knuckleheads out there :)


—3rd Person POV, Several Hours Later—

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time for the final round of the Annual Arm Wrestling Competition!!", the announcer called out getting the crowd riled up, "Our final two competitors are Thor Odinson and Escanor Lionsin, both men have effortlessly defeated every single one of their opponents up till now. Who will come out on top folks, it's anyone's game this time around!! Hurry and place your bets before we get started!!"

Staring at one another, the two men began sizing each other up as they got prepped. Having held back for the entirety of the competition, both knew that this time around they could go all out without worry. Grinning at one another like battle junkies, the crowd knew they were in for a doozy.

"You got this Escanor!!", Melidoas shouted waving his tickets in the air, "Our family's futures are riding on this competition!!"

"Children aren't cheap so make sure you win!!", Ban added with a smirk, "All of us have to plan for the future, even you!!"

Chuckling at his friend's statements, Escanor looked over at Merlin who met his gaze.

"Make sure you have fun out there, and maybe win.", Merlin said with a playful tone, "If you do, how about we get something to eat afterward?"

"I will win this for you!", Escanor boldly proclaimed.

"Haha, you are certainly an arrogant man making it sound like it will be an easy bout.", Thor laughed from his corner having heard Escanor's statement, "Who said it would be that easy?"

"I decided that.", Escanor casually replied as they began walking toward the center of the arena.

Having seen early on who would be the finalists, the committee responsible for the event had asked Cole to referee the final match. Gladly accepting the position to ensure everyone's safety, Cole had both men lock their right hands together on the prepared stone table.

"Alright men, I want a good clean fight here!", Cole commanded them, "No use of magic or external assistance, just raw muscle power here! Do you both agree?"

"Yes!", both replied never breaking their gazes.

"Alright then!", Cole said making sure they were dead center, "3…2…1…GO!!"

Immediately throwing everything they had into the struggle, both men's arms bulged as they struggled to make the other budge. Watching them closely for signs of magic activation, Cole wanted to make sure there would be no arguing over cheating. Unfortunately for Thor, Escanor was not yet at his peak as we were just minutes away from the Sun's Zenith. As his increased strength was simply a side effect of Sunshine, it didn't count against Escanor in the competition though in future ones it likely would.

"You are certainly a worthy opponent!", Thor grunted feeling himself start to be overtaken, "In all my years, I have only met a few like you!!"

"Likewise, it is a pleasure to meet a fellow powerhouse!", Escanor conceded, "After this, I would like to drink with you!!"

"Haha, of course!! We shall feast and celebrate this occasion!!", Thor agreed with a joyous laugh.

Having become instant friends the moment they locked hands, their friendship was almost identical to the two meatheads from Full Metal Alchemist. Doing his best not to laugh at them, Cole kept his composure as he waited for noon to arrive.

"Kick his ass Thor, that's an order!!", Odin cackled from the stands, "I have a lot riding on you son, make your father proud!!"

Momentarily looking back at his father, Thor could see him waving a small stack of tickets around enthusiastically. Turning back to his opponent, Thor redoubled his efforts to subdue Escanor before it was too late. Hearing the clock ring out as noon arrived, the fight quickly escalated as Escanor reached maximum output. Gripping Thor's hand tightly, the Prideful Knight apologized for having to do this to Thor. Looking at Escanor with confusion, Thor was going to ask what he meant when the world started to turn sideways. In one fluid motion, Escanor flung Thor to the side throwing everything he had into the move.

Slamming his opponent's hand onto the stone table, Thor released his hand and started to tumble through the air before Cole caught him with Telekinesis. Setting the deity down gently, Cole announced Escanor's victory to the crowd. Stumbling backward away from the table as the crowd began chanting his name, Cole noticed that Escanor was having issues closing his right hand properly.

'He probably injured himself for Merlin's sake.', Cole thought glancing over at the Sins who were cheering over his victory, 'I can't blame him though, I would do the same for any of the women I loved.'

Congratulating him on his win, Cole patted him on the back and told him to go see Merlin. Knowing that she would take care of his injuries, he promptly left the arena and rejoined his family and foreign delegates.

—Cole POV, Several Hours Later—

"I have to hand it to you Cole, you have done a marvelous job rebuilding this territory from the ground up. It is a bit shameful to admit, but the difference is night and day between your territory and the rest of Melromarc.", Mirellia praised me, "Hopefully this will be the beginning of a better, brighter future for our country. Are you sure you won't marry Melty? With someone like you at the helm, my husband and I could retire peacefully knowing everything would be fine."

"Thank you for your kind words, but I must kindly reject the request. Malty is a child in my eyes, it would be better for her to marry someone closer in age. If you are that insistent on marrying her to my family…I think my son has taken a liking to her.", I pointed out as I looked back at Kota, "What would you think of that?"

"That…that is not possible!", Kota replied turning red with embarrassment, "Girls are icky, I'd rather go play sports with the other kids!"

Laughing at that comment the three of us, understood things might bloom in the future between them. Knowing that both of them were good kids, we could only hope it would work out in the end as they got along very well.

Glancing back at their daughters, Malty and Melty were doing a lot of window shopping together. Based solely on how they were interacting with each other, you would have never expected they disliked one another. Suggesting that Mirellia and Aultcray take this opportunity to spend quality time with their daughters, I told them to enjoy it now while they had the chance. Telling them to get comfortable shortly before sunset, I informed them that we had a breathtaking firework display planned for the evening. Thanking me for the heads up, the two wandered over to join their children for some family time.

"You aren't fond of the redhead, are you?", God asked me looking back at the two sisters.

"Melty is way too young for my taste, and her older sister Malty is a bitch.", I remarked without hesitation, "I don't even look at manipulative women as potential partners."

"Good, Malty has committed a great deal of sins in her short life.", God said seeing all the sins she ever committed, "I have never seen such a corrupted soul in my life!

Acknowledging that fact, I told him he didn't the half of it. I was going to tell him that she had a fragment of a Goddess's soul attached to hers, but Sapphire interrupted the conversation.

"I am sorry to interrupt dear, but as it is getting late we wanted to do some last minute shopping. Can we please get the rest of our pocket money today?", Sapphire said with a pleading gaze, "...maybe a bit more too?"

Putting their hands out like beggars, my wives gave me a playful wink as they did so. Assuming that they were implying we'd be having fun tonight, I gave them each a bag of coins and told them to meet me at the Castle after the fireworks. Acknowledging my request, they pocketed the money and ran off dragging poor Yasaka with them. Looking at me for help, I assumed that my wives had a reason for pulling her away so I left it alone for the time being.

"With the ladies gone now, I have a favor to ask you.", I said looking at the Biblical God, "Cis is an Angel of this world, however, all the deities that once lived here have long since died in an Ancient War. We found her chained up in a Pocket Dimension where she had been left for thousands of years. Since then, she has been staying with us and helping care for the children, but I don't want to force her to stay with us. If she wants to, would you allow her to join your Heavenly Host?"

"Hmm…she has a pure heart and hasn't committed any sins, I don't see why not.", he agreed before looking at me with concern, "Are you sure she will want to though? She seems perfectly content being alongside your wives and helping your children. If she really wanted to leave, I would assume she would have said something by now."

"True, but sometimes I wonder if she'd be happier around other Angels.", I stated as I scratch my chin, "She spent some much time alone, I thought she might enjoy having other Angels around."

"If that is all, why not make your own? You have Divine Power so creating life shouldn't be too difficult. The Pantheon's in our world created their subordinates that way, you should consider it as well.", Azazel remarked, "Heck, the Angels you could make would be Archangel Level or stronger easily."

Having never thought about that before, the Azazel did have a point. The Deities that watched over the Omniverse had created their subordinates at one point, and since I had the power of three of them…I should be able to do the same. Taking that into consideration, I decided to explore that idea and see what came from it.

Hearing a reminder alarm start to go off on my phone, I told the two that I had to excuse myself. Asking if something was wrong, I shook my head and advised that I had somewhere important to be during the fireworks. Leaving it at that I hurriedly made my way to an area just a short walk away from the Castle that Bolton had told me to visit today.

—3rd Person POV—

Getting a safe distance away from their husband, Cole's wives pulled Yasaka aside to speak with her privately. Having seen the way Yasaka was acting earlier with Cole, all of them understood she was smitten with him. Her kimono's blue color matched his eye color perfectly, and she had clearly dressed to catch his attention. Concerned that she may be in love with him for the wrong reasons, they wanted to hear her answer for themselves.

"I will be blunt with you…what do you want with our husband?", Sapphire questioned with a stern gaze, "Don't bother lying, several of us can tell when someone does it. Just be honest with us, we won't be mad about anything you tell us."

"Lord Cole is our benefactor and protector, I wish to repay-", Yasaka started to say when Eve grabbed her by the kimono.

"Stop feeding us a politically correct answer, we are asking you woman to woman about him.", Eve told her, "What is your aim for our husband?"

Realizing that she had been caught red-handed, the Kitsune's ears drooped in defeat. Yasaka's plan had been to confirm Cole was attracted to her, then try to befriend his wives. She knew from the start that winning them over was the key to staying beside him…but now she felt she was about to lose that chance. Knowing that coming clean was the only option here, she told them everything that she had gone through up till now.