
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Traveller

In a world where anomalies such as Curse Spirits, Curse Energy, and People who can wield said Curse Energy exist... another kind of anomaly suddenly spawned out of nowhere. Now this certain anomaly, compared to the other ones, is especially different, one could say. It's probably due to the fact that this is a happening that literally no one expected. Probably not even fate itself. So one might ask, how would this anomaly affect everyone's fate? When even fate itself is not an exemption. Well, that's the thing... No one really knows. ____________________________________

Evrabonzz · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 6

Another couple of years had passed and Hiroyuki was now 6 years old. 

At this point, he can now go around the estate whenever he wants. Although there is still some curfew at night, and some complicated conditions for some of it, compared to before, it isn't as strict anymore.

That's why currently, he can be seen sitting in the Villa's garden, which is located on the corner side of the estate, making it a bit far from the house he usually stays at.

This is the place where Hiroyuki likes to go whenever he wants to relax. In other words, whenever he is stressed. And given that he is here now, coupled with his pretty serious expression and how he repeatedly taps his feet on the ground, everything couldn't be more obvious.

Well, how could he not be? There are just so many things happening at the same time during this couple of weeks. 

Like how his 'Mother' suddenly announced that she is pregnant once again to the entire clan, how the Elders decided to annoy him even more due to that, and many other more annoying stuff that is somewhat related to the first happening. 

But the surprising thing is, none of that is even the biggest happening.

The biggest of them all is probably the arrival of his new 'Personal Maid'... which is currently, standing in front of him.

Well, being the biggest happening doesn't really quantify to a 'Bad Happening'. But that doesn't make it a good one either. At the end of the day, it really depends on the situation.

But that's exactly the reason why Hiroyuki is so stressed about this specific thing because he doesn't know if it is good or bad yet. To be fair, this supposed 'Personal Maid' of his had just arrived in front of him a couple of days ago. 

No matter how good Hiroyuki is when it comes to assessing the situation, there's no way he can do that with the given time so far. 

Actually, in some cases, he would be able to assess everything pretty quickly, but given his situation, in order to avoid the suspicion of the others, he decided to wait for the right moment first before acting up.

Apart from that, there's also something about this 'Personal Maid' of his that threw him off so much.

That's why, from her arrival, up until now, Hiroyuki continues to scan his supposed 'Personal Maid' from up to bottom.

Since, as ridiculous of a thought as it is, he simply couldn't believe her entire existence. 

The world of Jujutsu Kaisen is a world that Hiroyuki does not have much knowledge of. Actually, to say such a thing is even a stretch given that the thing that he knows about this world can only be counted on one hand if one were to generalize it.

But given such a fact, he at least knows and is pretty sure that this 'Personal Maid' of his, is not supposed to be here. No, not just in this place, but in this entire world.

An anomaly, something that doesn't belong in this space, just like Hiroyuki himself.

Now, one would surely like to know how he came up with such a ridiculous thought. And how he is so sure about it.

Well, it's simple... all he needed to do was to just ask one question.

That's why with a huge sigh, Hiroyuki opened his mouth and spoke to the girl that stood in front of him.

"It seems that names aren't my strongest suit. So, remind me of your name again?"

To that question, the girl simply nodded in understanding. 

"... It's Senjumaru Shutara, Hiroyuki sama." The girl said with a courteous bow and a pretty calm tone 

After that, Hiroyuki sighed heavily once again as he continued to observe the girl who just introduced herself as Senjumaru.

Back then in his original world, Hiroyuki is a pretty massive weeb. And just like any Anime 'enthusiast', he obviously has some anime characters which he adores much more than others.

Waifus in modern terms.

He adores these 'Waifus' so much that he constantly burns his monthly allowance back then, starving himself throughout the month in the process, all just to buy some merch related to these specific figures.

This just shows that even though he has already forgotten many things, throughout the years he has lived, there's no way he can easily forget things related to his waifus, given how much commitment he has shown to them.

And it just so happens that amongst his Waifus, there exists a character that bears a heavy resemblance to his supposed 'Personal Maid'.

The name is one thing. But her appearance...

Wearing a pretty loose kimono, paired with those sharp features, a subtle familiar tone, and that hairstyle... even though she doesn't have those iconic golden hands and looks as young as Hiroyuki currently, there's just no way he won't recognize her.

Overall, to make the entire matter short, Hiroyuki's conclusion in this entire situation is that this Senjumaru in front of him, is the same Senjumaru Shutara that he knew from a certain anime a long time ago.

Now to confirm this very idea on the other hand, well, that's basically the plan for today. He planned to ask her questions and confirm some things that could probably confirm her identity.

That's also the reason why both of them are in the Villa's garden right now, cause currently, given how chaotic everyone is due to some problematic reason Hiroyuki had secretly caused, this is the last place where the clan members would be found.

So due to the situation that Hiroyuki created, the entire garden had been emptied and they would be able to finally talk without any rats nearby. Of course, that's just not an assumption. Hiroyuki used some measures earlier and still doing so to make sure of that very fact.

"... Alright, before anyone looks for us, let's start." 

So with that, without wasting any more time, Hiroyuki decided to finally start the questioning.

___ Next scene Loading... ___

A couple of hours had passed and Hiroyuki was already back in his house, sitting near the window of his room all while eating apples. Slices of apples that Senjumaru, who's sitting beside him, gave to him after peeling them one by one.

After talking to her for almost an entire day, Hiroyuki is already pretty used to her company. 

Well, unlike the other maid whom he cannot just get along with for some unexplainable reason, Senjumaru just feels right. So right in fact that it almost feels like some supernatural power came into play. That's just how weirdly smooth she came into his life.

Of course, Hiroyuki would take notice of it.

Well, this is not the first time this happened actually, he already noticed many weird things in the past as well, it's just that, this was the only time he decided to entertain it. 

He's not that naive to just assume that everything was led here by fate or some BS like that. He could guess that something else played a part in every weird happening in his life, that's for sure. 

Like how he was reincarnated in another world for the first time, then again for the second time, up to the very latest weird happening... which is Senjumaru's arrival.

"Hmm? You want more apples?" Senjumaru tilted her head as she noticed Hiroyuki's serious gaze on her.

"N- no. I'm fine."

Well, about him getting reincarnated, there are still some things he cannot explain. The reason and condition for it is surely one of those.

What if he dies again? Would he just wake up in another world again? Such thoughts obviously lingered around Hiroyuki's head at some point. But of course, he has no way of making sure of such an idea unless he tests it out by simply killing himself.

Fortunately, he's not insane enough to do it.

For all he knows, this may as well be his very last life before he goes straight to whatever the afterlife is. Or probably, this is God's reward to him for his good deeds during his past life. Either way, all Hiroyuki knows is that he doesn't want to die.

At least, not until he achieves his goal. 

Which is basically setting up a small and humble shop somewhere within the city, and living a simple and normal life until he dies of old age.

It's simple and very cliche, Hiroyuki himself knows it.

But after years of war, chaos, death, and fighting nonstop, at this point, he just wants nothing but to retire. But as much as he wanted to do that, he simply could not. Because in order to achieve his goal without any issues, he gotta secure this world first, or at least, establish someone or something that could do that for him.

Either of the two is fine. But until then, he needs to constantly fight.

Just for the sake of keeping his well-deserved peace.