
Jujutsu Kaisen: Save The Honored One

Warning: JJK manga spoilers A 16-year-old boy, Ken, died due to excessive rage and stress after reading the 236th chapter of the hit manga, Jujutsu Kaisen. "Are you kidding me? Now Gojo and now I'm dead?" Thankfully, he was given the privilege to resurrect and create the ending he desires in a replica world. "I can choose my cursed technique when I go there? Cool, I choose Limitless." "Wait, it's impossible? Then whatever the hell Sukuna has!" "Still impossible? Tell me I can at least get Ten Shadows." "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHAT CAN I GET?" When he woke up, he was given a cursed technique at random. "I have to stop Sukuna with this? I'm fucked" *** GEGE WHEN I CATCH YOU-

Billurigan ¡ Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


Ken zoomed around the school.

He was completely lost with no sense of direction, but he was in too much of a hurry to stop and pause so he depended on his gut feeling.

Something was observing him from a distance.

There were very few people on the campus, it was mostly a deserted area but there were some occasional shouts of alarm here and there.

Adrenaline was rushing through his veins, reducing the effects of fatigue. Cursed energy coated his body and improved his physical performance considerably.

He would say about double his normal physical power.

However, it was tiring to keep the cursed energy spread out like that.

Mental fatigue slowly accumulated.

He knocked over a door and was met with a lone road in the middle of a forest. Yuki must have gone with this path.

'Right or left?'

He went with the right.

'Wait a second.'

There was something weird about going right so he went with left.

Lately, Ken felt very indecisive. Whenever he decided something, he always contradicted later on. He became abnormally forgetful too.

He even forgot about Yuki, a special grade sorcerer, something was not right.

There was a part of him that wanted to stay in Kyoto. There was plenty known about the Jujutsu school in Tokyo but what about the one here in Kyoto? It's an unexplored region!

If he hadn't imposed the goal of stopping Sukuna on himself, he might have stayed.

Nonetheless, he ran.

Because he took action fast, he could still seldom hear the engine of a motorcycle roaring.

Cold air burnt his lungs.

'This won't do, I need to be faster.'

As he ran, he focused on his body once again.

Ken concentrated and slowly retracted the cursed energy spread throughout his upper body.

And focused all of it into his legs.

He felt his legs becoming slightly faster.

'Seriously, is this it?'

The boost was minimal. 

Since he completely focused all of his cursed energy into his legs, shouldn't it be double the speed? 

It wasn't enough.

So he focused on the cursed energy more.

He willed it to harden

To be more concentrated

To be more unified

To be more united with the muscles.

And it worked. Ken zoomed like the wind.

It was almost comical how Ken's legs moved. Fortunately, or unfortunately, nobody in this secluded place was near to laugh about it.

However, he was not used to running at this speed.

It would be disastrous if he slipped or tripped and broke his neck. It was March and a bit frosty.

So he used his cursed technique for the first time.

Not that it would make a difference but he wanted the assurance that he was doing his best.

As he was thinking that, something landed in front of him from above like a comet.

Ken ended up tripping and rolling on the ground nevertheless.

'What the hell-'

The smoke slowly dissipated.

And a hulking figure was revealed.

In the world of Jujutsu, people depend on cursed energy for physical strength.

Not many people achieve that hulking physique.

The sun shined brightly on the man's face, revealing a scar running across his left eye.

The mysterious comet was a person.

A person called Aoi Todo.