

The tall guy with long hair and a peculiar grin on his face offered me his hand , it all felt abrupt, there were creatures of horror surrounding him and I all around , as far as I was concerned I was in a precarious situation.

I was lost in thought for a second then I drew my attention back to the current scenario what was this man after?. Even though he helped me, the myriads of mangled bodies laying lifeless did not seem to give off any impression of an individual with good intentions , I had to put up a front even though there was a bead of sweat running down my face, I asked in the most threatening tone I could muster who he was,

"Oh who am I? don't worry about that, what's more important is what you are." I was starting to get annoyed, "what do you mean what I am is more important, I have no idea who you are as far as I'm concerned you are a psychopath! and although I thank you for saving my life, this whole mystic persona youv'e got going on is starting to get on my nerves who are you?!!".

"How dare you.. How dare you talk to Geto Sama in such manner, you owe him your life you ungrateful bastard, you don't deserve to be saved by him!". A girl who looked pissed came stomping in my direction with a black haired girl tailing behind her, the strange man told her not to worry and reassured her," it's alright Nanako he is simply dazed and confu- ", "I am not confused" I yelled , "I just want to know what you want from me" . He looked at me and I staring right back waited for his response. The entire area felt tense,.wanting to break the tension he said " I want nothing from you , however surely you have realised you are not a normal human being as well as the fact that being Ble to see these apparitions makes you special. How about we discuss on your situation in a more suitable environment". I tried to think of my options but no matter how I looked at it he held all the cards, at the very least he wasn't interested in killing me, for now. "Very well" I said. Now then as the strange man spoke as if from thin air a pelican appeared.

"Nanako, Mimiko leave some space for the young man"," but we don't have enough space along with you Geto Sama" one of the girls retorted, he then calmly explained that we could all manage , before I could even figure out what was going on I fainted.

Foot steps echo a person sniffs the air , "so he was here huh, what exactly are you up to Suguru?".

I kept on thinking on the numerous requirements for how fucked up my life was to play out in this format nothing made any form of sense people with weird abilities and the gory scenes I witnessed.

This is my first fanfic I intend to start and finish, hopefully it all works out .

The main character isn't a reincarnated or has any previous knowledge pertaining to the series, much is known about him, other than he loves to sleep. He prefers to be alone and watching the sidelines while also searching for the strongest among the students.

Daoist5Nb0qjcreators' thoughts