

Waking in a bedroom I scan my surroundings, then every detail of what happened hit me, Was that all real?. While contemplating I hear the door creak open it was the man again , how are you uuuh, hah forgive I didn't get your name Kondou, Kondou Jin and what is yours Suguru Geto at your service mind if we have a talk Mr Kondou, Kondou is good enough, very well Kondou I saved you because you have talent, talent? what do you mean talent? You have talent as a curse user, I am aware this might seem boggling to you don't worry I give you the basics , you see humans possess something called cursed energy and when it is released blah, blah , blah , the conversation went on into late noon okay I think I get it so cursed spirit are born of accumulated cursed energy and Jujutsu sorcerer's and curse users are people who can wield curse energy, and those who manipulate curse energy usually have a curse technique fine I get it and I am suppose to be part of these kind of people, but am sorry to disappoint I have never seen or felt such a thing in my life , my only experience was when you saved my ass, hmmm interesting so you are a late bloomer that's rare in fact I've never heard of such an occurrence. Now then to theain point, Kondou I need allies to achieve a certain goal of mine , looking perplexed I asked him what that was and at that very moment I wished I didn't as a maniacal grin showed on his face a "A world of only sorcerer's"...but that requires mass genocide right?, and even with this revelation I could only laugh at the absurdity. There is no way that can work, I knew it! You are a psychopath! . Yet he went on a rant those monkeys who can't use Jujutsu and have failed to evolve do not deserve to be considered to be of the same species as I !, then his expression softened I am well aware it is a goal improbable to some and downright evil to others but this is the conviction I intend to uphold inorder to create a world without curses. This was way too much to comprehend, I have no interest in the extinction humanity and I will rather have nothing to do with your group as a whole if it requires the killing of another life, if you are going to kill me get on with it , What, you are not afraid of dying do I look senile? Of course I'm afraid of dying but you could kill me this instance no matter how much I resist it won't matter and I also have nowhere to go back to, I don't know who my parent's are and those loan sharks tried to sell parts of my body to apt the supposed debts that my aunt owed them using my life as collateral so the ball is in your court , Mr Geto, drop the formality with me as well , you should be able to stick around for a while and maybe change your mind but in return for a place to stay I will be teaching you Jujutsu. Do I have no say? not if you want to stay here, your training will start tomorrow.