
jujutsu kaisen half man half lizard

a young boy becomes the succesor of an ancient sorcerer and he will grow up to be strong

Blue_Boy_2656 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

two boys and one girl with a lots of questions

My name Kevin marks I'm half American half Japanese but sense he was born in America they named kevin marks but they had to move to Japan for mom's job she is a secretary in a big company but she comes back for four days and other two she wasn't it's not like she hates me she a good mother and cares about him. But that a side I'm weird and no I'm not exaggerating I can smell hear and sense things that normal can't and the weirdest thing is that I can see creatures that no body other then me can see then one time mom had one and was looking at me like it was mocking me so I killed it and to my own surprise I didn't haste. Now I'm in school and funny enough this place was swarming with those creatures but the moment I stepped in the disappeared. But I bearly pay attention to those things all they do is laugh and jeer at me so yeah one man only have so much patience. But one day. Bully: hey everyone look yuta is weeping like a baby. Bully 2: what a joke he was supposed to be an honored student and yet he's here weeping like a baby what a joke. I was tired of hearing there bullshit I sneaked in and I tapped one of the bullies on the shoulder and the moment he turned around a fist met his face and he was knocked out instantly. Bully:what the hell he knocked him out in one punch. Bully 3: that's not normal. Kevin got up and looked at them with disgust and hatred and with just one word it felt like an order from a king LEAVE the Bully wetted them self and left in a hurry Kevin's tension left as soon as it came he looked at the boy who he assumed Is yuta Kevin: you okay. Yuta: y yeah you really knocked him out in just one punch. Kevin: yeah if didn't held back I probably would have killed him. Yuta looked at him terrified yuta: are you that strong!? Kevin just shrugged. Kevin: I tried it at full power well this is a bit awkward but you are named yuta right? Kevin extended his hand. Kevin: I'm Kevin marks I'm half Japanese and don't go for the formily just call me kev or mark. I'm fine with either. Yuta was hesitant because someone actually surprised because she usually gets too over protective and could accidentally kill someone. Yuta grabbed Kevin's hand and shook it yuta: I'm yuta okkotsu nice to meet you- there you are you white haired bastard. A girl with dark blue hair with blue tips and pink eye's look at Kevin with a pissed of look. Blue haired: you told me you would be at the entrance and you took your damn time sugar tits next time I will keep a closer eye one you. Kevin: I'm sorry Elizabeth but this guy was getting bullied so I stepped in. she looked at the downed Bully and kicked him Elizabeth: is he dead? Kevin: probably not because he is still breathing. Yuta was completely being ignored he was about to leave but then. Hey yuta sorry someone keeped yelling at me. We're about leave wanna come? Yuta was hesitant because someone actually asked him a nervous reck like him yuta:are you sure? I'm don't really have friends. Kevin:so? Yuta huh? Kevin:If you don't have any friends we can be your first. Elizabeth:yeah at least you can help me keep an eye on this knuckle head. Kevin: had a vain on his forhead. Kevin: keep this up and I will throw you out the window. Elizabeth got close to yuta and was snickering Elizabeth:see? Kevin just walked away tired of Elizabeth's nonsense. Elizabeth: come on yuta. Three got out of the school and went to a garage. Yuta: is this Elizabeth's place. Elizabeth: something like that. She grabbed a soda and offered to yuta Elizabeth: want a drink. Yuta: sure I'm a bit thirsty. Kevin grabbed a soda and he explained the car in the place. You are still at it? Elizabeth:of course someone needs to give the baby a little love and she is almost done in a few weeks. Yuta: is Elizabeth a mechanic? Kevin: she is more of a mad mechanic. Elizabeth flipped Kevin off and got to work. The two guys looked at each on wondering what to do.yuta: um Kevin this is non of my business but how are you so sting? Kevin looked at him and sat in a chair. Kevin: I'm gonna honest I no clue I always asked my self that I thought I was born with very good genetics but this is just way too weird and believe it or not when I was in a bad mood one day I punched through rock solid concrete and my hands was not even bloodied. Yuta looked at Kevin as if he was someone interesting and he is telling the truth. Elizabeth stepped in the conversation. Elizabeth: heh imaged if you were some sort of half ailen and half human. Kevin:hahahaha very funny Eliza. Yuta was lost in though was Kevin cursed Like him? Just what was going on in the world?