
jujutsu kaisen half man half lizard

a young boy becomes the succesor of an ancient sorcerer and he will grow up to be strong

Blue_Boy_2656 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Elizabeth's crazy plans

The next morning yuta and maki were training and Kevin was talking to Elizabeth.

Kevin: hey Elizabeth what's your technique I just realized I never asked.

Elizabeth: well I have the ability to control metal so you can call me metal queen.

Kevin: heh more like mad metal because you always have freaky designs.

Elizabeth was pissed and he kicked Kevin and sent him off his seat.

Elizabeth: that's rude you ass and I actually made you a gift. Kevin's nose was bleeding but he healed it

Kevin: let me guess you got me a car?

Elizabeth: ha!! Please you would ruin it before anything happens. No my dear lizard I got something better than a car.

Kevin: and that is?

Elizabeth: check it.

Elizabeth went through her pockets and pulled out a orange foot ball like object and it's small enough to fit in a adults hands.

Kevin:...what the hell is this?

Elizabeth: it's your gift.

Kevin: an orange metal football very funny

Elizabeth: oh you poor naive fool you are going to see the birth of my fist successful creation.

Kevin:.... hey yuta I think Elizabeth lost her God damn mind.

Yuta: why?

Kevin: becau-

Unknown: uhh hello?

Yuta and Kevin stopped and look at where the voice came from and they saw that the orange foot ball had spider legs and it was looking directly at yuta and Kevin and they stared at each other



Elizabeth:HAHAHAHAHAA that reaction was priceless hahahahahaha

Maki: did you just made a robot?

Elizabeth: damn right ever since I unlocked my curse energy i could see the ins and outs of machine ever since then I have been stuck in my garage and I decided that jujutsu needs better weapons don't get me wrong but the normal blades and spear are waaaay outdated. It's time that technology expands the jujutsu world and actually have more advantage against cursed and once my babies are recognized I will grow my own company and take the world to the next level!!

Maki yuta rika and Kevin looked at Elizabeth like she lost her mind and she probably and the agreed on something.

Maki/rika/yuta/Kevin: this girl is insane/this bitch is crazy.

And as If she never went on a mad rant she looked at the group and was holding the spider bot.

Elizabeth: now all of you meet c.26 the reason why he has the number 26 because he was my 26 attempt at making a droid with a ai system and just to let you know he has a little turret in the back fueled with curse energy also I want you two to try something for me.

Kevin: If this is a to become guinea pigs forget.

Elizabeth: it just a small thing you ass look.

The back of the Droid opened and she pulled out futuristic looking glasses and gave them to yuta and Kevin?

Yuta: what are these glasses for?

Elizabeth: put them on trust me when you see how much I put my heart and soul in these you two are going to love me.

Kevin[no way in hell]

as Kevin put on the glasses a loading bar appeared and it finished fast and what Kevin saw was a status box with Kevin's name his body his personality information.he could see a name box appeared on top of Elizabeth and maki's head and he could see there files and he noticed a status bar his heart rate and his positive energy status bar and Kevin was actually surprised that this thing is actually useful and he noticed that in his left he saw letters spelling out

[yuta okkotsu: online]

Yuta: woah these glasses are something

Kevin: yeah I can see my own status and it even has a bar for my positive energy. And I it looks like we can communicate with these glasses.

Elizabeth: how about it did I do a good job?

Kevin: you definitely killed it I'll say that.

Maki: can I see them?.


Maki removed her glasses and put on the one that Kevin wore and she is surprised to how advanced these things are and it she could see her own state and she saw a the yuta online box

Maki: Kevin is right you killed it.

Gojo: yo yuta I need to- woah what's with these glasses?

Gojo snatched the pair that yuta had and removed his bandages and put it on

Gojo:wow these things might be pretty useful it has scanning system and everything.

Elizabeth: hah suck it my strong ass teacher said my glasses are good.

Kevin: your are being over dramatic.

Gojo removed the glasses and gave them back to yuta

Gojo: now to what I really came here for yuta you are going to go with inumaki on a mission and are going to be his back up.

Yuta: I'll do my best

Kevin: what about me?

Gojo: yuta here actually asked me yesterday if there's a mission he can help on because he wants to see how far he has gotten.

Elizabeth Kevin looked at yuta

Yuta: I'm being serious I want to actually grow stronger and just be a liability if I decide to back out I will just be a coward.

Kevin: you've grown man I feel proud go and kick the ass of what ever curse gets in your way.

Yuta: right

After that yuta and gojo left but a part of Kevin was still worried.

C.26: if you are worried I can put up a screen that shows this from Yuta's point of view.

Maki: you can?

C.26: yes I'll put it up right now

The droid's lenses shun brightly and a projection of Yuta's point of view.

Maki: well at least we can watch to see if he's already.

[Yuta's p.o.v]

Yuta was unaware that his friends are watching from his point of view from his glasses even if he did he would at least be glad that his friends for his well being currently inumaki just finished killing the curses.

But yuta saw a notification on his glasses that said.

[Toge inumaki suffering from throat pains]

As if to prove its point inumaki's voice was a little more raspy.

They were about to leave but a stronger curse came out off no where and it had the ability to summon strong light attacks. Inumaki lost one of his cough syrup. Yuta decided to take a stand.

Yuta's glasses were analyzing the curse and it showed its abilities but the only one it knows was the light attack.

With that information yuta charged at the curse and his glasses gave him a warning of an incoming light attack yuta dodges and he manages to cut off one of it's arms with his katana. He then saw the cough syrup and was about to grab it but the curse tacked his through a bulding wall. He got up and his glasses said that he is bleeding and have a minor headache but it's not enough to throw him off his game.

Yuta again charges at the curse but instead of attacking he jumps over the curse grabs the syrup and throws it at inumaki. The curse panicked and tried to kill inumaki but he dodges all of the light attack and inumaki Saif get crushed and with that the curse was crushed by it's own.

[Back with the others]

Maki: the guy learned faster than I thought

Elizabeth:yeah looks like the little bro is growing up fast huh kev?

Elizabeth noticed that Kevin looked like he was thinking. Maki also noticed.

Elizabeth: dude what's wrong.

Kevin: sorry it's just that curse appeared out of no where. when I was watching I felt like someone was looking at yuta and not with good intentions.

Elizabeth: you are just worried that yuta is out growing you.

But maki could see that Kevin is still worried that yuta might be a target

But it's not just yuta Kevin was also a target.