
Jujutsu Kaisen: Game Changer

As the former blood lord, now reborn into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, he found himself in possession of the sacred dharma treasure known as the blood lotus from his past life. In the fetal stage, he made the bold decision to sacrifice the blood lotus, a decision that would forever alter his destiny. By doing so, he forcefully awakened two bloodline talents within himself: the Six Eyes and the Ten Shadow Techniques. The Six Eyes, a rare and powerful ability, granted him enhanced perception and insight, allowing him to see the true nature of curses and their weaknesses, and bestowed the ability to manipulate and control cursed energy with unparalleled precision. However, this awakening came with a consequence. He became the second user of the Six Eyes in the same era, a situation that was not supposed to occur. To complicate matters further, he was born as the son of a member of the Gojo clan and a mother from the Zenin clan. Both clans were renowned for their powerful jujutsu techniques and bloodline abilities, also odds with each other. However, his parents lacked any talent in the realm of jujutsu and managed to escape the clutches of their respective families through different means. This made him an anomaly, a child born into two prestigious bloodline talents. Despite his troubled past and the weight of his bloodline, the former blood lord yearned for a peaceful existence with a loving family. He despised the violence and chaos that had defined his previous life and sought solace in the embrace of a normal life. However, the world of Jujutsu Kaisen was far from peaceful. It was a world plagued by curses, where danger lurked at every corner. How far he can go with his Six eyes and the ten shadow techniques instead of the Limitless technique? *** Greetings, dear readers! I hope this message finds you well and immersed in the world of my fanfiction. I cannot express enough how grateful I am for your time and dedication in reading my work. As an aspiring writer, I pour my heart and soul into every chapter, striving to create a captivating narrative that resonates with every one of you. However, completing this fanfic requires not only my passion but also the support of wonderful individuals like yourselves. If you find yourself enjoying this fanfiction and would like to contribute to its completion, I humbly ask for your support. Your generosity will enable me to dedicate more time and resources to this project, ensuring that it reaches its full potential. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in bringing this story to life. To make supporting this fanfic easier for you, I have provided a link below. By clicking on it, you will be directed to a Patreon platform where you can contribute and become a part of this creative journey. Your support will not only help me in completing this fanfic but also allow me to explore new ideas and collaborate with all of you, my amazing readers. Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your time, dedication, and support. It is your enthusiasm that fuels my creativity and inspires me to continue writing. Together, let us embark on this journey. Thank you, and I eagerly anticipate collaborating with every one of you. Link: [patreon.com/LostSoul420FanficWriter]

Lost_Soul420 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Learning and Conclusions(3)

'I'm not entirely certain, but there has to be a solution...'

If Kazuhiko managed to figure it out, he might be able to reconstruct the bridge linking him to the mysterious world by delving deeper into his summoned shikigami and mastering their techniques.

However, he needed to be patient and continue honing his body to practice the martial arts he was familiar with, as well as perfect his combat skills.

Although many of his battle techniques were rendered ineffective due to the lack of Qi in this world, there were still some techniques that could prove useful, such as barrier techniques and rituals.

The way the sorcerers manipulated their cursed energy reminded him of the witchcraft he practiced in his past life, but he couldn't be certain of their similarities until he experimented with them himself.

He also observed that as he strengthened his connection with the unknown world, Kazuhiko could manipulate shadows to some extent.

He experimented with moving physical objects in and out of shadows and was successful.

The only thing he hadn't attempted yet was hiding his body within shadows, whether it was his own or someone else's.

However, Kazuhiko was confident that with more practice, he could achieve it.

If he succeeded, he could surprise attack his target by emerging from shadows at will.

This ability could also be used to store items within his shadow, but there was one drawback - he had to bear the weight of the objects to store them in his shadow.

'Currently, my storage space is 7.2 cubic meters, and I can bear a weight of 10 kilograms after strengthening my physical body.'

It was disappointing for him to realize that this was all he could currently achieve despite all his efforts for a year.

But he knew, that going too far with his training now could damage his future growth.

Therefore, he decided to start with the simplest things he could do without straining his mental and physical health for the time being.


Currently, Kazuhiko's parents are not in their home yet, both of them have gone to do the things they need to take care of.

Kazuhiko readied himself to go outside all by himself just like usual.

This was his routine for him to go outside when he was alone and he took out his diving dogs and trained them regularly.

He took the money his parents left behind and locked the door of their with some difficulty.

He didn't forget to wear the thick sunglasses his parents bought him.


Kazuhiko formed the shadow puppet of a dog's head but clasping his hands together.

'It's time for you guys to eat.'

Both of his divine dogs immediately started to track down weaker curses which were in third grade and below third grade.

They seemed to be a lot stronger than when they were summoned for the first time. 

The talismans had helped his parents to protect their house with their small barrier, keeping it free from curses until now.

But outside, the streets were crawling with small curses.

Cursed Spirits, also known as Curses, are spiritual beings that are invisible to normal humans.

They are created from negative emotions that leak out of humans over time and haunt and harm humanity.

As a result, they are the main targets of jujutsu sorcerers and their exorcist work.

In Japan, over ten thousand unexplained deaths and disappearances are reported annually, which is directly linked to the influence of curses on society.

As non-sorcerers cannot see them, their existence is kept secret.

Jujutsu sorcerers work covertly to repel the threat of curses.

Thanks to his cursed energy perception, Kazuhiko could sense the grade of curses.

Cursed Energy Perception refers to the ability of humans with above-average levels of cursed energy to sense, and especially see, curses and jujutsu.

The minimum requirement for a human to be considered a sorcerer is the ability to see curses.

In extreme cases, humans will gain the ability to see curses when their life is in danger.

Kazuhiko comes across many weak curses on the road, such as fly heads.

These insect-like curses, which are lower than grade 4, are easily defeated by his divine dogs' fangs and claws.

His dogs move in a coordinated manner that helps them distract their opponents.

While most of the curses are easily torn apart, a few of them pose a little challenge to the divine dogs.

Kazuhiko watches as his dogs massacre the curses, and notices that some of them are headed straight towards him to attack him.

"Although I told them to consume every curse, these two went far away from me without even bothering to protect their master, for real!"

Despite this, Kazuhiko just needed to give it a try.

He nonchalantly extended his right hand and channeled his curse energy, causing a sphere of invisible curse energy about the size of his fist to manifest.

Suddenly, the curses that were attempting to attack him were struck and pierced by something. Their bodies emitted smoke before being completely exorcised.

'Tch, attacking with raw cursed energy without using technique taxing a lot...'

Kazuhiko noticed that his cursed reserves had decreased by 5% with a single attack, which made him frown.

According to his father, his current cursed reserves were 80% of his total reserves.

Gojo Susumu was a man who had achieved grade 2 without using any curse technique, solely through his training and physical abilities.

Cursed energy was like electricity, while cursed techniques were like circuits and appliances that efficiently used electricity.

Jujutsu sorcerers who do not possess cured techniques have to expend more cursed energy than those who do since their energy is raw and inefficient.

Though strengthening the body using cursed energy may not be as taxing as using it to launch an attack, it still requires a significant amount of energy.

This is one of the primary reasons why powerful clans often look down on those without cursed energy.

Based solely on his cursed energy reserves, Gojo Susumu was clearly on par with a first-grade jujutsu sorcerer.

Kazuhiko, on the other hand, possessed 80% of Susumu's cursed energy reserves.

In other words, Kazuhiko is already paired with a semi-first-grade sorcerer based on cursed energy reserves.

Plus, Kazuhiko's six eyes usually help him to precisely control his energy output to a completely different level than others, it helps to reduce the cost of his cursed energy when he uses a technique to almost zero.

Whenever Kazuhiko summons his divine dogs, his cursed energy won't decrease even a bit, the cost of maintaining his shikigami was a hundred times lower than, the recovery speed of his cursed energy.

In other words, whenever Kazuhiko uses his cursed technique without making use of raw cursed energy like now, he won't get exhausted at all.

The only drawback is, that overusing his six eyes would strain his brain a lot.

Whenever he felt like he was at his limit he would immediately stop the usage of his vision.