
Jujutsu Kaisen: Feral Era

In a world where monsters also known curses roam around the world there is a society known as the Jujutsu Society fighting with curses. In this fanfictional world we'll see a story of multiple newbies in the Jujutsu Society fighting for the world.

Dan_Kuzo51 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The Research About Akira


Tanoshi,Muryo and Eiji were all eating ice cream in Tanoshi's room while discussing something important. "We can do research in the library" said Eiji. "We can also look up in the old ruined house in the outskirts of Tokyo. I've got some contacts and heard Akira was living there". "Abandoned building? Curse might be there. I am for sure going in the abandoned building!" said excitingly Tanoshi. Muryo chuckled while Eiji growled silently.

Then Eiji sighed and said "Alright you guys can go in the abandoned building to try to find something while i'll do research in the library. Deal?". Both Muryo and Tanoshi said "DEAL!" and rushed out the door excited. "They act like childs.." mumbled Eiji and then walked out the room closing the door.

After some time Eiji was in the library searching for books about Honmono family. He went over multiple books about the family but nothing about Akira. And then while he was searching for more books he saw old ID with teenager who looked exactly like Akira but younger. He picked it up and said "Akira Honmono...joined sorcerers at the age of 11. Special grade...".

Then Eiji put the ID in his pocket and continue to go throught books and found an book named "Akira Honmono, the clan anhiliator" and put it on the table and started reading. After a while his eyes widened and he rushed out the room.


Muryo and Tanoshi were discussing who to go first. "Dude i thought it'll be fun but this is creepy. You go first" said Tanoshi and then Muryo replied "No balls?" and at the next moment Tanoshi was over the tall wall jumping inside the house yard and his voice was heard "Your turn". Muryo laughed and jumped over the wall. "Dude you're some crazy headed" said Muryo with small chuckle while Tanoshi replied "Nuh uh" and they both walked towards the doors of the house.

Then Tanoshi knocked on the door and Muryo said "It's abandoned dumbass". Tanoshi rolled his eyes and then the door opened with no one standing behind it. Muryo got little bit confused and creeped out while Tanoshi grinned saying "I guess not" and they entered the house. The house was rusty with a lot of dust. "This place stinks like shit" said Tanoshi and Muryo replied "True".

Then they entered into the building's kitchen. Everything there seemed old but untouched. Tanoshi walked towards the table while Muryo walked towards the sink. "It really seemed untouched" said Muryo and Tanoshi replied "Yeah...". And then the table jumped by itself hitting Tanoshi towards the wall holding him. "TANOSHI!" shouted Muryo and then arm came from the sink grabbing him for the shoulder not letting go. "THE HELL?!" yelled Muryo while Tanoshi was trying to reach for his gun.

And then cursed bug flew next to Muryo in friendly manner as Muryo pulled the legendary inverted spear of heaven out it's mouth. Muryo used it to cut the arm coming from the sink in half and then dashed towards the wall holding Tanoshi slicing it in half. Tanoshi fell in the ground panting. "What the hell just happened?!" asked Tanoshi and Muryo replied "I don't know man. This house is cursed or something?".

Then the picture behind Tanoshi started moving and Muryo swinged his inverted spear of heaven at it in attempt to slice it but water came out the picture as the kitchen door closed and the kitchen started filling with water.

"Woah we've got swimming pool!" said Tanoshi jokingly while Muryo remained silent for little and then spoke "None of my cursed tools can do anything. My explosive war fan isn't affective under the water". Tanoshi then chuckled and said "Why do we need explosions when we have brute force?" and he swam under the water towards the door. Tanoshi held his breath and kicked the door open causing the entire water to flush out the kitchen.

Both Muryo and Tanoshi flushed out the kitchen together with the water in the hallway. Muryo spat water like fountain and Tanoshi laughed. They both stood up soaking wet. "Damn wherever this curse is i'll find it and make it pay for this" said Tanoshi and Muryo tapped him on his shoulder and pointed at picture on the wall of young Akira holding a baby in his arms smiling towards the camera.

"What the.." said Tanoshi. And then Muryo took out his phone from the bug curse and took photo of the picture saying "Eiji might have found something else that can help". "Yeah i guess so" replied Tanoshi and they kept walking deeper into the house. Then they both reached bedroom and opened the door slowly.

They both walked inside and Muryo said "Damn i could take this bed for my room". "Not the time for it" replied Tanoshi and they both started walking around the room searching for information about Akira. And then multiple long arms came from underneath the bed grabbing both Muryo and Tanoshi for the legs.

"Not this again" Muryo said and then cut the arms but they kept coming. "What?" said Muryo and then Tanoshi said "Let me deal with it" and shot at some of the hands destroying them but some of them kept coming and Tanoshi spoke again "I shoot them and you flip the bed over". Muryo nodded and Tanoshi started shooting the arms as Muryo jumped towards the bed and pulled out golden fan out of the cursed bug creating explosion making the bed fly into the roof out the house revealing giant hole underneath where the bed was.

"Hole?" asked Tanoshi and Muryo responded with "Yes" as he threw the fan inside the hole making explosion and causing the arms to stop coming out. "Let's get inside then" said Tanoshi and Muryo nodded as the jumped inside falling in old basement. It was dark with chains all around the place. it had alot of sheets around making the vision bad.

"Let's stick together" said Muryo and Tanoshi replied with "Sure". They started walking pushing the sheets infront of them at the side and then they saw small fridge with eyes and mouth. It wad definitely a cursed spirit. Then chains flew at both of them with great speed and Muryo tried to cut them but he got hit and chained.

"USE MY INVERTED SPEAR OF HEAVEN" Yelled Muryo as Tanoshi slid on the ground grabbing it avoiding chains and started cutting the flying chains with sinhgle swing and then cut the chains around Muryo. "You're not bad with it" said Muryo and he pulled out weird green staff from the cursed bug. "So i can use the spear for this battle?" asked Tanoshi and Muryo nodded.

The chains kept flying at them as Tanoshi was cutting them and Muryo had disappeared. Tanoshi was thinking "I need to make opening for him" and then rushed towards the curse cutting chains around him going right at the curse. Then the curse opened itself and send ice cursed energy at Tanoshi and he cut it in half. And at the next moment Muryo appeared behind the curse stabbing the edge of the staff on the top of the curse.

"NOW, TANOSHI!" shouted Muryo and Tanoshi swinged the inverted spear of heaven at the curse cutting it in half. "WE DID IT" Yelled Tanoshi and then the house fell in ruins. The entire house have been ruined and Tanoshi walked out the ruins wiping the dust off his clothes and Muryo jumped out the ruins laughing.

As they were walking away they saw Eiji running towards them. "GUYS!" was screamming Eiji. They both looked at him at confused and Tanoshi asked "What is it?". Then Eiji answered "I found out why Akira is considered top threat for the sorcerers..". "What?!" said both Tanoshi and Muryo. "Tell us!" said Muryo.


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