
Jujutsu Kaisen: Feral Era

In a world where monsters also known curses roam around the world there is a society known as the Jujutsu Society fighting with curses. In this fanfictional world we'll see a story of multiple newbies in the Jujutsu Society fighting for the world.

Dan_Kuzo51 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Strange boy

In a world where monsters also known as curses were roaming around killing people existed a society also known as the Jujutsu Society. This is special people born with cursed energy which gives them different abilities to fight the curses. Normal people cannot see curses because they don't have cursed energy. And now let's get to the story.

In old apartment at the west part of Tokyo was sitting young boy. His name was Tanoshi at the age of 15. He had little bit dark white hair with little bit of it covering his right eye. His eyes were bloody red. He was in big black pajama with white socks. He was sitting on the ground next to his bed with thin desk over his legs. On the desk was paper. Tanoshi was drawing a bird.

He was giving detail to each small part of the drawing not even leaving single spot without detail. His eyes were starring at every point where his pencil was touching. He then sighed and put the thin desk with paper away. He stood up and walked towards the small kitchen table to pick up glass of water and took a small sip.

Then as he turned back towards the desk and paper on the floor he saw a giant curse which had frog like body. "What the fuck is that?" Tanoshi mumbled. The curse jumped at Tanoshi but then he quickly jumped on the ground to dodge causing the frog to hit the empty fridge.

Tanoshi quickly ran towards his bed and grabbed the sheets throwing them at the curse. At the place where the sheets were had 2 guns. The guns had purple cursed energy around them. Tanoshi grabbed the guns and said "I stole them from old store but it still might be useful against..uhhh...whatever this giant frog is". And shot at the curse which pierced throught it's skin making it screech in pain.

"So it worked hm? I wonder if it's just powerful or it's because im shooting at a frog" said Tanoshi. As he was thinking what to do the curse jumped at him and tackled him on the ground. The curse formed it's front right leg into a punch and punched at Tanoshi but Tanoshi used his elbow to parry it. Then he grabbed the gun and shot right throught the curse's head killing it.

Then he pushed the giant curse dead body off him as it was turning into ashes. "What even was that..?" Tanoshi asked himself. "Cursed spirit" said male voice from behind him. Then Tanoshi turned his head towards the voice seeing skinny and tall man with black spiky hair with shining white eyes who was wearing pure black sorcerer uniform. The man's name was Uriel Fumetsu who is also one of the only two currently special grade sorcerers.

"Curse? What is curse?" Asked Tanoshi and Uriel responded "Scary and strong creatures which hunt humans to eat them. People like me are called sorcerers and we use special energy to kill these curses. The energy flows into different techniques we use to kill the curses". And Tanoshi asked "And you are?". "Special grade sorcerer. Uriel Fumetsu. Special grade is the highest rank sorcerers. I usually came here because i sensed this curse but you killed it. Which is...impressive."

Then Tanoshi started bombarding Uriel with questions while Uriel was thinking "This curse would give trouble even to grade 3 sorcerers and this child killed it without cursed energy. These guns are filled with cursed energy but how did he found them? I will ask Shoichi about them. But i may also try to get this kid with me."

"Hey Kiddo" said Uriel. "Hm, what?" responded Tanoshi. "Would you like to join the sorcerers? You'll live in place called Jujutsu High. You'll have a room and payment for hunting curses. Also you might meet a lot of friends. So what do you say?" asked Uriel. Then Tanoshi responded with excited "Yes!". Uriel laughed and wrapped his arm around Tanoshi and started walking with him out of the apartment.

At the next day Tanoshi was sitting in the shadow of a tree in the yard of Jujutsu High. He was finishing his drawing of a bird but this time Tanoshi was wearing sorcerer uniform. Then someone around Tanoshi's heigh with shaggy blond hair, goldlike eyes in black sweater and Jujutsu High uniform pants walked towards him. His name was Eiji Kimyona at the age of 17.

"You're Tanoshi, right? Sensei Uriel told me about you" asked Eiji and then Tanoshi replied "Yes, and you are?". Eiji cleared his throat and spoke "I am Eiji Kimyona. Grade 3 sorcerer like you". "Hm i see. And what is your ability?" asked Tanoshi as Eiji responded proudly. "A top tier cursed technique. Also known as Cused Energy Manipulation. I can bend cursed energy in shields, lazers and bombs". "Well that's better than nothing right? But as long as i have fun it doesn't matter" Said Tanoshi.

"Yeah i guess so" Eiji responded. Then Uriel walked towards them with someone else next to him. The person had short dark green hair and black eyes. He weared tigh sorcerer uniform on purpose to show his phisique. His name was Muryo Senshi at the age of 18. "Yo, mates" said Muryo. "Uhhhh, what?" said Eiji. "Sup" said Tanoshi.

"This is your teammate guys" said Uriel. "Name's Muryo" stated Muryo. "Tanoshi" said Tanoshi. "Eiji" said Eiji. "So guys i've got some work to do and i'll see ya later. Get to know each other" said Uriel before wings grew on his back and he flew away.

"Why don't we go practise" said Tanoshi with grin. "Bet" answered Muryo and Eiji said "sure". Then they all walked towards the backyard of Jujutsu High and stopped around some benches and training dummies.

"Well this place ain't bad" said Tanoshi. "Good enough" said Muryo and Eiji answered "I guess". Then giant bug curse came out of nowhere flying next to Muryo. Eiji and Tanoshi took battle stance but Muryo said "Woah guys calm down, it's my bag for tools. I was bornt with heavenly restricted body so i don't have cursed energy and cursed technique". "Wait like me?" asked Tanoshi but Eiji said "No, not like you. Sensei said you were born like a regular human but you somehow see cursed spirits. Sensei is still trying to find out how".

"Maybe i am some kind of prodigy" said Tanoshi excited. "Prodigy? Nah, it would be me. After all i weild the ultimate cursed technique" said Eiji. "Whatever bud" said Muryo making Eiji get little bit angry and then he said "What did you said? C'mon yall. My cursed energy got so much potential". Both Muryo and Tanoshi glarred at Eiji.

Eiji then sighed and at the next moment giant pressure of cursed energy was felt. They all looked at bench and saw person with long black hair, shiny green eyes. He had dark blue scar, black shirt and gray pants. The person smiled at them and stood up. "Yo" said the person. They all 3 responded to him with confused "hi". The person then walked towards Tanoshi and said "I've head about you. Nice to meet you!". "Hmm so you know me. But if you want to talk do it throught battle". The person giggled and responded "Well said! If you want battle then let me satisfy you, Tanoshi". Then they both took battle stances and Tanoshi rushed at the person but he kicked Tanoshi in the stomach sending him into a tree breaking it.

"CRAP! TANOSHI YALL ALRIGHT?" Said Eiji. "I AM 100 PERCENT ALRIGHT! THIS GUY IS FUN!" Yelled excited Tanoshi. Then Tanoshi pulled his gun out and shot at the person but he grabbed the bullet with two fingers. "You're not bad, Tanoshi..." said the person and Tanoshi replied "AND YOU'RE AWESOME". Then he shot second bullet at the one the person is holding and the pressure between two cursed energy bullets made giant explosion.

"I think you killed him, bro" said Eiji. "Ya sure?" the person's voice was heard from behind. They all turned to see him behind Tanoshi. "Woah you're fast. But you forgot to introduce yourself." said Tanoshi. And the person replied "Oh yeah my bad. My name is Akira Honmono. But you guys can just call my by my first name". Akira have finally revealed his new name. And then he said "Oh i've got some work to do. See ya soon!" before disappearing in pure air.

Then Uriel flew in seeming nervous and said "I sensed giant pressure of cursed energy here. Is everyone alright? Where did the guy with his cursed energy go?". "Oh you're talking about Akira-san?" answered Tanoshi and Uriel's face went pale. "Akira Honmono?" asked Uriel and Tanoshi nodded.

"Please, if you see Akira again ignore him and call me. He's dangerous person. I am begging all of you" said Uriel and then they all nodded. "Now go to your rooms" said Uriel and they all went to their rooms.


Hiii i am Dan_Kuzo51. I hope ya enjoyed everything because it'll just get better