
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

True Curse's Form

"You cannot be serious right now?" Geto said, one knee up to his chest as he balanced on top of the electrical pole. His eyes focused on the scene before him. His gaze narrowed as he took in the details. A small wooden shed sat in the middle of a grass field.

Tilting his head to the side Atlas responded, "Yep. That is where the special grade object was being stored, Megumi tried to find it." Floating in the air as if he were standing on an invisible platform.

"They sent the only first year after a special grade object?" Geto said his face showing annoyance, after all, he had grown fairly close to Megumi.

Shrugging Atlas looked at the two students in their club room on the top floor. "Well, it is just an object. A fetch quest isn't hard. As long as the item isn't unwrapped of course." He said as a smile slowly grew over his face.

"You know you scheme far too much-" Geto started to say before his eyes widened as a sudden wave of pressure suddenly emerged from the building cutting his words off.

Seeing him stand up and get ready to run in there as black portals started to open Atlas held his arm in front of the man. "Wait." His eyes were dead serious as he looked at the two figures approaching. Itadori and Megumi. Things were going as they were meant to.

"What do you mean wait?! You want them to run into danger?" Geto started to say, his face disappointed as he looked at Atlas with an intense glare.

"What do you mean danger? We are both close enough that even if a special grade did emerge we could handle it. There is something I want to see. Doesn't this entire situation seem… odd. A special grade object in a thermometer shed out the back of a school. One that Itadori there is going to, a human with insane physical prowess that is somehow related to Kenjaku." Atlas started to explain causing Geto to pause as he looked at the pink-haired boy.

Nodding slowly he took a deep breath, he could think rationally. After all, Megumi really wasn't in any danger. Not while Atlas and Gojo were within teleportation range. Which was effectively anywhere. Gojo must be aware of the situation as well since after all he sent the boy on the mission.

He wouldn't put his students in real danger. He wasn't that bad.

Nodding again he spoke, "Alright, but what are you aiming for?" Asking the most important question.

Watching as Itadori who had been waiting suddenly ran towards the building and jumped multiple floors and through a window. The shattered glass rained down around him as he impacted the curse in front of a shocked Megumi.

Finally responding Atlas said, "Simple, to see that puppets part of the show."


Slamming into the ground as he rolled away Megumi watched as Itadori stood up once more. The insane son of a bitch had inhumane strength. Was he like his dad? That couldn't be, he didn't have an ounce of cursed energy so he should be stronger if he really was, while he was stronger than Maki he was nowhere near the level of a full heavenly restriction.

"You're the only one that can carry those two to safety. Hurry up and get out of here before we all die. Someone like you with no cursed energy will get in the way." Megumi said in a choked voice, speaking through the pain, he had just been slammed out of the top floor of a building through a concrete wall.

It wasn't like sparring with his dad though, he could still move.

"Why is the curse targeting the finger?" Itadori asked, looking at the larger curse that had come out of nowhere just as they defeated the other one.

"It plans on eating it to gain stronger cursed energy," Megumi informed as he got into a ready stance. Ignoring Itadori who spoke again, he was just getting in the way now. He should just listen, grab his friends, and leave-

"-to save everyone… I just need some cursed energy, right?" Itadori finished as he raised the finger to his mouth.

Eyes widening in shock Megumi tried to reach out and stop what was happening but he was just a bit too late as he watched the finger enter Itadori's mouth and be swallowed. The sound of the finger being swallowed echoed through his mind.

What a fucking idiot.

As the spirit ran at them, faster than most could react, the panels of stone cracked beneath the strength of the spirit. Cursing Megumi watched in shock, the chances were minuscule. Even non-existent.

But it looked like he had drawn the short straw.

As 'Itadori' waved his hand the entire spirit blew apart. The air was ripped as the power of the newly born curse tore the lesser being to pieces.

"AH! I KNEW IT! Light is best appreciated in the flesh!" 'Itadori' said as he tore his shirt off showing the black lines that traveled down his body. The jagged markings were pitch black against the otherwise pale skin.

"A cursed spirit is no fun! Where are the people!? Where are the women!?" His gaze widened in glee as he looked out over the city of lights.

Backing away a step as he saw 'Itadori' look at the sky and start cackling he couldn't help but feel a shiver of dread go down his spine. If someone didn't get here quickly he would die.

"What a wonderful age it has become. Women and Children, spawning like maggots!" He spoke, his voice almost fond as he looked out over the concrete city. His arms held wide, accepting the new age he was in.

The King of Curses was reborn.


Grabbing Geto as he tried to dash forward Atlas said. "Don't worry, everything is under control. Worse case Hoshi can save him remember." Atlas said. His gaze drilled into Itadori as he swallowed the finger.

"You really plan to let the King of Curses come back just to draw out Kenjaku?" Geto said as he turned around trying to understand what Atlas was planning, but he didn't struggle. There was no point after all, as bad as he thought this situation was if Atlas was here everything would be okay.

But he had just let a kid die? If Sukuna hadn't been reincarnated then Itadori would have died. Now he was weighing the chances of being able to save him. There wouldn't be a soul left. Sukuna was far more powerful than they thought.

Darkness had spoken of him like a devil and an angel at the same time. A saviour and a monster. Spirits both feared and worshipped him.

Staring as the King of Curses started to monologue Atlas chuckled as he tilted his head to the side. "Oh, now that is interesting." His gaze glowing with vibrant purple light, he was seeing something that Geto couldn't.

Watching in interest as his annoyance started to dissipate he watched as 'Itadori' grabbed his own neck.

"Whad'aya think you're doing with my body?" His voice was suddenly much more human, lacking the endless arrogance that the King had. "Give it back!"

"How're you able to move?" Sukuna said, his gaze widening in surprise. Megumi who had been backing away paused for what felt for the hundredth time tonight. His mind felt blank from shock.

"Um, it IS my body, you know?" Itadori said, as if it made perfect sense, to him it did after all.

"Don't move." Suddenly hearing Megumi speak up from behind him he paused as he turned to look at his 'friend.' "You're no longer human," Megumi said, continuing despite the confusion Itadori was showing. "Under Jujustu regulations… I will exorcise… the curse known as… Yuji Itadori." His voice was solemn as he put his hands together and the blank inky portal appeared under him.

Seeing this Geto asked, "Did you know?" His voice tired as he rubbed his eyebrows. Things like this were not that surprising considering Itadori was Kenjaku's experiment. This must have been planned, some things fell together too perfectly though.

It reeked of Kenjaku. And if one thing made Atlas act, differently, it was Kenjaku.

"Well, I knew it couldn't be normal. And after all, I am not worried about any of the threats that could happen. Worse case Itadori dies. But even then Hoshi can fix even that if I am quick enough." Atlas said, getting ready to go down there and get involved as Itadori and Megumi started to speak.

Just before he teleported in however Gojo appeared. "Well, that's not too surprising. Must have been keeping an eye out. Next thing we know-" Atlas stopped cutting himself off as he was about to mention Toji appearing after keeping an eye on his son.

"Let's get down there before Gojo does something stupid," Geto said with a sigh as Atlas stopped speaking. Jumping down and landing on the roof of the building with a crash.

Sighing Atlas also stepped through space as he appeared on the roof as well.

Looking around in shock as the most powerful sorcerers of this era suddenly emerged in front of him he muttered under his breath. "This is overkill."

"We need to protect precious little Megumi after all." Atlas teased as he leaned back against a wall happy to watch things unfold.

Pausing in surprise as the two appeared Gojo just sighed a bit before saying in an upset voice, "Did you really have to take away my spotlight? I wanted to impress a precious student and see what this 'King of Curses' is all about."

"Well, you can wait your turn. Itadori is it?" Geto suddenly said as he stepped forward. "Explain the situation." His face was serious as he got close to Itadori and put a hand against his chest. If he could absorb Sukuna out of Itadori that would be ideal but… no luck.

"But I was here first? Why do I have to wait?" Gojo suddenly complained stopping the stunned Itadori from answering and just as he opened his mouth Atlas spoke up over him too.

"No, we have been here for a while. And Geto, he is a minor so keep your hands to yourself no matter how much you like curses." His voice amused as he turned to Megumi who just shook his head in shock. So confused as to how what he thought was a worst-case scenario had become a bickering ground for these overgrown children.

"Uh… I ate the finger?" Itadori said while backing away from Geto who raised an eyebrow.

"For real?" Gojo said as he narrowed his eyes at Itadori behind his blindfold. Turning to Geto he shared a nod confirming that Sukuna's cursed energy was in fact in the boy's body.

"For real," Megumi said with a sigh as he sat down hard on the ground.

Walking over Gojo laughed as he said, "You're not kidding, they really combined. Not like Mizuki though." He pointed out before backing away and saying. "Can you switch with Sukuna?" Seeing the confusion he clarified, "The finger you ate."

"Oh, yeah probably. Are you sure about this?" Itadori responded.

Responding Gojo said, "Don't worry, I'm the strong-"

"Second strongest. Don't worry Itadori, with Atlas here nothing can go wrong. Just take control after 10 seconds if you can. If you can't we will just knock you out and take you somewhere safe." Geto interrupted as he backed away as well and motioned for the boy to proceed.

Before Gojo could respond however suddenly Sukuna ran at him, swiping at Gojo who had already moved out of the way as he said. "I hope you don't mind but I have some friends to show up. Let me show off a little will you?"

About to retort Sukuna felt his wrist get grabbed before he was suddenly smacked in the face hard by Gojo's hand. His entire body shook from the blow as he was sent flying to the floor.

"It doesn't matter what era it is, you sorcerers are always a pain. If all three of you actually worked together you might be annoying. But that doesn't matter to me!" Sukuna said as he waved his hand shattering the ground before him and sending a wave of power towards them.

Grinning in confidence as he saw the ground split apart with five giant cleaves he turned and was about to leave but a voice from behind him made him pause. He should have put plenty of power into that to kill any normal sorcerer.

"5… 6." Gojo confidently counted slowly as he tilted his head to the side, the ground behind him was untouched.

Eyes widening Sukuna was about to dash forward and try again seriously but paused when he felt a wave of pressure pass over him. His eyes went immediately to the sorcerer in the tattered and mended Haori.

For the first time in his life, the King of Curses felt like prey.

A supernova of cursed energy barreled out of Atlas as he stepped forward, his voice low as he spoke with a smirk on his face. "How about we just wait out these last seconds instead of pointlessly fighting."

The energy cascading off him was almost visible as wisps of it danced and coiled around his feet and reality shifted and moved, shimmering like the surface of water. The dimensions thin as Atlas let all his cursed power show from beyond the veils.

With pressure enough that he couldn't breathe with his current strength Sukuna fought with every fiber of his being to stay on his feet and not kneel. He could hear Gojo, "7… 8." Faintly in the distance but his sight was laser focused on Atlas with a glare that truly only a curse could muster.

"When I gain my power you will be the first I kill." His voice strained as spit dribbled from his mouth as he tried to move his jaw to speak but the pressure on his body was almost too much to do even that.

As his veins were about to burst from strain the pressure disappeared as fast as the black marks vanished. Itadori suddenly on control of the body fainting as he couldn't withstand the aftereffects on his body.

Appearing next to him Atlas caught his body and made a mental request to Hoshi he felt his friend's cursed technique find Sukuna's soul within Itadori's body. It was as he expected, completely separate and unable to become the dominant one.

"Sukuna you couldn't even beat Gojo if you were at full strength. When I see you next you will kneel." His voice was dangerous as he glared at Itadori's body. Finally, the start of canon was happening.

Finally, Kenjaku would emerge again. And when he did? He would make him suffer far more than he could ever imagine.

There was no stopping the wrath that started to leak into his cursed energy.

"Atlas… careful," Geto said as he laid a hand on Atlas' shoulder. His own cursed energy coming out and hindering the pressure of Atlas'.

Turning he saw that Megumi was fighting to stay awake as Gojo was standing beside him defending him. Nodding Atlas said, "Sorry… I just, finally might have a lead to him." Keeping the name vague as Megumi was here.

"I know. And we will find him. Let's get Itadori back to the school however and talk this out properly." Geto finished as he patted Atlas' shoulder before pulling his hand away.

Narrowing his eyes for a moment Geto noticed that Atlas' energy was still leaking out slightly, the faintest traces of his cursed energy ebbing into the world from around him. The veil was thin... he must be really mad to not be maintaining proper control. 

He knew something happened between Kenjaku and Frank but this was unlike Atlas, making a mental note to bring it up later he turned back to current matters as Atlas moved. 

Lifting Itadori over his shoulder Atlas said, "Gojo. What do you think? He has potential as a vessel."

"If we can let him live his own life and not whatever role Kenjaku made then we should do everything in our power to allow that," Gojo said with surprising seriousness as he held his chin. "But we can't ignore that he is a danger. I say we hear what he has to say when he wakes up then make a choice."

"Alright, well you are the teacher so you can handle him even if he does become fully possessed. Just keep a close eye on him." Atlas said with a nod before looking at Geto and nodding his thanks. Teleporting away he left the duo to talk if they wanted.

His part was done.

Appearing in the isolation room he put Itadori in the seat and tied his hands into the rope. He knew that it was pointless but it was also what he should do.

Speaking quietly in a low mellow voice Atlas said, "Alright Sukuna… looks like I've finally got the worm on my hook. How far you have fallen..."