
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Stopping Destruction

The blade ripped through flesh, sounding like it was running through wet fabric. The red crimson ran over pale skin. Perfect white hair stained with dark red.

It wasn't easy, but he wouldn't step in unless he had to… 10 blows to Gojo's leg faster than he could react, the splitting of bone with each strike sounding out as a sickening crunch.

Watching Gojo start to collapse he got ready to react but thankfully he didn't need to. It went the same as Canon. A normal simple knife stabbed through Gojo's skull and pierced his brain.

A final blow before the body collapsed, lifeless to the floor.

Gojo Satoru was dead.

Or at least as close to it as he had ever been. It was shocking and brutal. But Atlas knew he couldn't and should relax.

He couldn't even get close as both Toji and Gojo would be able to detect him with their powerful senses. So he had to stay at a distance, a big distance, watching in silence.

Knowing the rest of the events that would take place soon enough he simply got up from where he was sitting. He was… conflicted. He knew that the star plasma vessel was going to be killed and he could change it, easily. He could stop Toji… but that would stop Gojo from becoming who he was.

This was all a major development point for both Gojo and Geto, both of who had already changed a lot.

He knew that Master Tengen would be fine, and as long as Geto didn't fall under Kenjaku's power, then he had nothing to worry about.

He may be making the wrong choice but he believed in his ability to keep Master Tengen safe now that Hoshi was becoming less of a danger to his actions.

He would let her die like normal, who knows, maybe Geto had grown enough that he wouldn't be caught off guard. He thought that Gojo might even win this fight but that clearly didn't happen. Toji was also stronger than his original version because of his sparring with Atlas.

If anything he was more equipped to deal with Gojo than in the original.

There was no use thinking about that now though. Knowing Gojo would be found, he would find his enlightenment. He moved away from where he was. He didn't need to watch what was happening in the Tomb, Toji would know if he was down there, after all in such a confined area he would hear him moving through dimensions somehow.

Honestly, he didn't know how Toji was able to do that but he was. So he wasn't going to risk letting his old friend know he was there.

Frank would be fine… he was hidden in the lower sections and in another dimension.

It would be fine.


Standing over the body of Geto Toji raised his blade, he could kill this boy now. But he had two reasons not to, he didn't know what would happen with the spirits he had absorbed. Something he didn't really care about, all things considered, letting spirits rage through the Jujutsu Society didn't seem like a bad idea honestly.

But the main reason was Atlas, he had shown that he liked the kid in his talks about him. The few that they had about Jujutsu High, made Toji quite sad that he was never able to attend it and have a normal life… he wished he could have in a lot of ways.

He had found himself wishing for a lot of things recently.

"All of you with all your blessings, lost to a monkey like me who can't even use Jujutsu. Pathetic…"

Turning around to leave something caught his eye, in the middle of the tomb sat the giant tree. But something else was there. Walking forward he looked down at a blue shimmering body that made the faintest sound of cracking glass and chiming bells. The sound of Atlas when he walked in another dimension.

Looking down he thought his friend might be there. But no… it wasn't.

Eyes widening in shock he saw Frank, laying there with a Talisman over his eyes, body shimmering slightly in an ethereal blue light.

Staring down at Atlas' mentor and father figure he couldn't help but feel the breath leave his lungs. Atlas must have hidden him here. That meant one thing… Kenjaku had done something terrible to him. 'I'm sorry you lost your family… but please help me save mine.'

He had told himself countless times that he should have never listened to that ridiculous request. But what was the other option? Taking out his rage on someone that might not have been guilty. No, at least he had found who the real killer was.

But it all still stung so much.

He had left Atlas that day, he had left him and then he had lost his father. Atlas had lost everyone almost just like Toji had but he had still tried to move forward.

Maybe leaving wasn't the right option. But at the time he couldn't stand to see Atlas' face.

Turning away from the shimmering blue body he made his way out of the tombs. Grabbing Riko on his way past as he shoved her body into the mouth of his spirit.


Atlas watched as Gojo's fingers twitched. Good, everything was going as it should be. Leaving soon after. Going down to the Tombs he saw that Geto was fine, bleeding but fine, he would wake up soon enough and be able to get healed.

Going to where Frank was he saw that the man was fine, good.

Teleporting to the time vessel association he appeared on one of the tall pillars that was out the front of the building before backing away a massive distance so that he wouldn't be seen by Toji who was just walking past now. Or Gojo when he arrived.

Now it was time to wait, he wouldn't let Toji die… but could he stop a hollow purple? It was effectively erasing matter in its path. It was highly destructive and practically unblockable.

But he had control over dimensions. Even if he couldn't block it he should be able to dodge out of the way and get Toji out of the way of the attack.

Sitting down on the ground all Atlas could do was wait, this was the first time he was really going to fight someone he had a big chance of losing against. Gojo had already shown that he could see through dimensions and his Lapse: Blue had already been able to distort space in other planes. So who knows what Hollow Purple would be able to do.

Finding himself smiling he was actually getting excited to fight enlightening Gojo… this would be a real fight, this would be fun.


"Yo. Long time no see." Gojo said as he stood in front of Toji, his face crazed, body caked in dried blood that matted his hair and stained his torn clothes.

"Are you serious?" Toji asked in shock as he looked at Gojo before him, his eyes narrowing as he crouched down getting ready to fight.

"Oh yeah. I'm alive and well." Seeing Toji wasn't saying anything he continued. "I gave up on fighting when you crushed my throat and devoted myself to figuring out how the reverse technique works. I couldn't do it at all until now!" Gojo said his mouth smiling wider as his eyes widened. Looking up at the sky with a joy-filled face.

"But when I was on my deathbed… the core of cursed energy! It came to me!" His voice rose as his hands rose to either side of his chest spread out like he was bathing in the new glory that he felt. "You lost because you didn't cut off my head or used a cursed tool when you stabbed my brain."

"Lost? The fight has just begun." Toji said as a small smirk graced his lips. He needed to let off some steam.

"HUH? Ah, I guess so! Yes! You're right!" Gojo said as he leaned back slightly as if gravity wasn't affecting him anymore. Staring at the sky with wide eyes as if he was seeing the world for the first time. Truly seeing the world.

As Toji rushed at him with insane speed Gojo started dodging, it didn't even take that much effort, he felt like he was water. Flowing between the attacks as he moved with grace, like a falling feather.

Leaping into the air his face became deadly serious as he held two fingers in front of him, floating upside down until he was level with Toji once more he tried, once again, to channel positive energy into infinity.

And it worked.



A beam of pure red light, strong enough to shatter almost anything with explosive pushing force launched from his fingers faster than almost anyone could react, Toji, as enhanced as he is was caught off guard as the attack slammed into the flat of the blade he barely managed to block with.

The shattering impact threw him hundreds of meters into stone that splintered with the impact. Cracks travelling from the base of the pillar he hit to the top, shattering vertically in a crashing wave of dust.

He felt his bones rattle, shaken from the force.

"Damn monster," Toji muttered as he stood up taking a length of chain from the spirit on his shoulder and attaching it to the hilt of the inverted spear of heaven that was able to cancel out any technique it made contact with he started to spin it to his right as he thought about Gojo's powers.

He should be able to deal with all of them. The power to stop, attract and repel. He knew about them from once being part of the Zenin family. The Gojo family was ancient, and its techniques were well known.

He could get through infinity with his spear, he could negate the attraction with range from the chain or outrunning it. He could even block the new repel with the spear if he got the timing right.

He should be able to win this. But he felt unease. Something was wrong.

He wanted to spite the Society that ostracized him by killing their peak.

"I'll kill you," Toji said, starting to smile as he walked forward spinning the chain weapon around him with enough force to carve groves in the stone it impacted sending dust and shards everywhere with no resistance at all.

Gojo felt like he should be mad, should be angry. But he didn't hate anyone, all he could feel was the pleasantness of this world. Smiling, as if pointing at Toji, he said, with utmost sincerity. Something he truly believed.

"Throughout the heaves and earth. I alone am the honoured one."

Swinging the blade down at Gojo with enough force to split a pillar in half Toji aimed to kill, splitting him down the centre without mercy but Gojo didn't even react, just reaching out a hand towards Toji as he used his technique.

Time stopped, it didn't matter.

"Purple," Gojo said, his eyes going wide as he threw the power from his core out into the world, clashing red and blue together to create true destruction. The erasure of space, the destruction of material.

Unease… he had felt it, but he had ignored it, warping his normal self to reaffirm his identity which he doubted. Now he was going to die.

That was all he could think.

The attack formed a purple crackling orb just at the end of Gojo's fingers before it shot out and started to expand towards him.

The barreling attack splitting space… no. It didn't.

Space split to block it.

Dimensions shattering like a giant glass pane that spanned hundreds of meters in each direction from the impact in a flash of a moment before condensing back down.

The shattered space rang through the air as appearing in the middle of the falling mirror like shards of dimensions appeared Atlas, dressed in the Haori he gifted him. Wearing his shining earring.

Radiating power.

Holding in his hand shattered the space that surrounded the hollow purple attack.

But he couldn't hold it for long.

It exploded, vaporizing the surrounding area in a brilliant purple light that held three figures frozen in that dreadful moment.

Gojo, Toji, and Atlas who had failed to stop destruction itself.