
Jujutsu Kaisen: Dimensional

Hoshi was on deaths door as he thought, 'is this all really worth it?' Unable to escape his terrible fate and regretting what he had done. Atlas died thinking 'All I want to do is live.' Unsatisfied with the life he lived. If only he was able to get a second chance... Through an unknown binding vow Hoshi Gave his body and soul away, keeping only his thoughts. Living in the back of the mind that he once possessed. Forced to watch the man he gave his soul to make better use of his life than he ever thought he could. Given another chance Atlas is determined to live freely in this new world where he can be stronger than anyone, striving to become someone that he can and will be proud of. To live a life that he can be grateful for and call his own. He would be free. He would be strong. --- Release Schedule: Mon - Fri (5 a week) May get a double or triple release if I find the time! patreo.ncom/EpicBean (Currently rewards haven't been set up for all tiers but should be done soon. Thank you for understanding!)

EpicBean · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Retribution and Regret

The moonlight barely peaked in through the window. Flickering as it was cast through the trees. The night had just fallen as Frank reached the end of his story, where he was left.

At least from what he could say from his perspective…

"It was late next year, when my son would have turned 6 that I received a message from Hikaru telling me that my son had passed away due to radiation sickness as well. Of course, he feared for his own family that he had spent time with. That was the first I heard from him after I left my son. I only heard from him once more after that and that was… well." Frank said his voice being forced out through a closed throat.

Taking a moment to let him catch his breath Atlas just picked up the cold tea set and walked to the door of the room, his steps slow and careful. "I'll be back in a moment, let me get you something to eat and drink."

Walking around the frame he saw Hoshi sitting there, back against the wall looking up at the blank night sky. His face filled with sorrow and regret.

Tears had been cried and run out already. He had been listening to the entire recount as well.

As Atlas motioned with his head to follow him Hoshi just nodded blankly before standing up and quietly following behind him towards the kitchen. Not saying anything for the entire trip there.

The clatter of the china tea set seemed to set off the tension as Hoshi relaxed. His shoulder slumped and tears once more formed before he spoke in a soft voice… "I… I remember most of it now." His voice was small, scared that he would be asked about it.

"Do you remember what happened after?" Atlas spoke, his voice oddly blank. As if he didn't know what to feel right now. A lot of emotions were going through his head. To hear that Joben had been someone so important to Frank under the guise of Gavin was a conflicting thing.

To think the man had to die so quickly and then be defiled by Kenjaku's vile touch.

Nodding slowly Hoshi whispered. "Yes."

Pouring water into the teapot Atlas watched the color leak from the leaves as the tea brewed. "I won't ask you about it, but I am sure that the version Frank might remember, or at least how he was told events is probably false. He thinks you killed your parents, and he thought you were coming for him when I saw him." Atlas started to say, treading carefully. He knew this was hard for his friend and he didn't want to make it hurt more.

Sighing Atlas contiuned. "But if he still remembers something even now that Joben's technique is no longer active… it is most likely true memories-"

Looking up Atlas' eyes widened in shock as he heard what Hoshi started to say.

"His memories are real. I did kill them. And I tried to kill him…" Hoshi said suddenly. His voice holding a deep anguish. "I remember now."


Tossing his coat over his shoulder Geto let out a sigh as he felt his shoulders slump backwards, stretching out his back. The soft moonlight shone on his sharp features. His black hair was lined with the silver light.

"You're back late. Long mission?" He heard from a voice behind him. Turning suddenly he smiled as he saw Riko approaching slowly. Her eyes locked on the moon that had just started to peak above the tree line.

Nodding Geto relaxed as he said. "Yeah, it was. Pretty far away… got back late. As you can see." He started to say, saying what came to his tired mind as he turned to look at her.

Laughing a bit as he blurted tired words she smiled warmly at him. "You know… you are a good person Geto." Her voice caught a bit as she blushed slightly, grabbing one of the bangs that framed her face and fiddling with it.

"This is coming from nowhere," Geto said with a raised eyebrow as he tilted his head to the side.

Getting flustered she started to stumble over her words as she said. "W-well I just didn't want you to think that your efforts are going unnoticed because of how well Gojo is doing but I think that you're still amazing keeping on moving forward and that, you aren't alone-"

Her rambling stopped as she looked up at a laughing Geto. His smile was wide. Smiling a bit herself she relaxed as she just let him laugh, her entire body tensing however as she felt a hand on her head patting her hair.

"Thank you, Riko. It means a lot." He said as he smiled in appreciation.

Pulling away from his hand she looked up at him with a soft pout, her cheeks puffing up a bit as she said. "Don't pat me! You'll ruin my hair!" Her comments nipped as she went into defensive mode.

Seeing this Geto couldn't help but smile a bit brighter, he really was glad that they had been able to save her. Or at least that Atlas had… he really was the good person among them. "Why do you say that I am a good person?" He suddenly asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah…" She squeaked at the change of subject, her face blushing again as she stopped pouting at him. "I um… well you were willing to save me and fought to stop the merge did you? So that I could live as… me." She responded in a small voice as she looked up at him. Her hands clasped in front of her as she fiddled.

He could have made arguments about how it was Atlas and Gojo that really did most of the work, that he just supported the choice… but he didn't want to. He liked the praise, and that was rare for him. It wasn't because of ego, no, seeing her admire him was nice.

"Thank you." He said as he turned and started to walk away.

Looking confused she said, "F-for what?" as she fell into step beside him.

Shrugging he just responded gently. "For being you, don't change alright? You're perfect as you are."

Her face went deep red as he said that. Her footsteps stopped as she watched him start to walk away. Pausing as her brain processed what was happening, a smile slowly took over her expression. Hearing her stop Geto turned to look at her as he said, "Everything okay?"

Nodding she said, "Yeah! Everything is as perfect as I am!" Teasing him for his comment earlier.

Letting out a groan Geto knew that he would never be able to let that comment down ever now. "I was mistaken, I would like to withdraw my statement." He joked as she skipped ahead of him making him reluctantly follow.

"Nope!" She denied it as she turned to face him. Maybe she had a chance, she knew that Geto saw her as more of a younger sister. But maybe… maybe she did have a chance.

Seeing the traces of joy leave Geto's face as it suddenly went harsh as stone. Glaring at the distance over her shoulder her own face dropped as she turned to see what he was looking at as a voice she had heard once before filled her ears.

"Young love is such a sweet thing. Shame it normally ends in tragedy." He said as he approached from a distance with his chin raised. A confident gait to his step as he smiled at Geto.

"What do you want Toji… you're not welcome here." Geto bit as he glared at the man. All joy from the ruined moment was gone. He understood that this man was Atlas' friend but he had killed Gojo and Riko and heavily wounded him. He would never forgive the man.

"What? Atlas told me that I could come past when I had an answer for him. He didn't lie now did he?" Toji said with a thoughtful look as he watched the black inky portals appear behind Geto. He was just trying to have some fun using his connection with Atlas to piss the boy off and it was clearly working.

Stepping in front of Riko as she ran behind him Geto commanded, "Well you can fuck off and Atlas can find you when he wants. Leave this school. Now."

"Or what? Should I give you the motivation to learn reverse cursed technique as well?" Toji asked as he slowly drew a katana at his hip. His grin widened as he threatened the boy.

"Or should I blow a hole in you while Atlas is too busy to protect you?" A voice interrupted from behind him.

Turning to face the voice Toji smiled at Gojo and Mizuki who stood there. Gojo's aura had changed, it had been two years after all but Toji knew when he was beaten. He had gotten stronger, but he had an upper limit.

He was confident that he could take on Geto, after all, no matter how many special grade or other spirits he summoned they were still just spirits. As long as they were not insanely strong he could take them.

But Gojo? Not a chance.

Holding his hands up in mock surrender he shrugged as he said. "You could easily do that but I don't think you will. Hey Mizuki, do you know where Atlas went? Didn't you both get back earlier today?" He asked turning his attention to the girl he knew.

Watching her flip him off he just sighed. Everyone really did hate him. "Where's the admiration you looked at my abs with earlier?" Toji teased in response to her action over something she had just done earlier today.

"She also stared at mine, you're not special," Gojo said as he flared his energy threateningly. His comment caused Mizuki to blush a bit as two guys called her out. Despite one of them being the enemy right now.

"Just leave." He heard Geto say from behind him. His face fell as he heard those words. Although he knew they were for a different reason, they still hurt.

Looking at Gojo to see if he would say anything the silence stretched as tensions rose. Gojo stayed silent, watching like a hawk.

Letting his hands drop to his side the tension broke as he said. "Alright. I'll go. If someone could let Atlas know that I was here though… never mind. I'll find him another time." Accepting the situation. He deserved it, after all, he had hurt the people here.

Apart from Mizuki… she just disliked him.

Chuckling at the thought he turned and started to walk away. His hands went into his pockets as he did so.

Watching him leave Gojo walked forward until he was standing with Geto as he said. "Why was he here?"

"To find Atlas about an offer or something…" Geto said dismissively. "I really don't get why Atlas spends time with that man."

Sighing Gojo ruffled his hair as he said. "He knew him before everything before he turned bad. People hold onto friendships. I'm sure there is more to the story however about why he is the way he is." While he didn't like Toji as a person he respected him as someone strong.

Shaking his head Geto changed the topics, there was no use making a fuss about it all. "It's getting late. We should get to bed."

"You know we don't have a bedtime anymore? You are a big boy now Geto." Gojo teased as he bumped shoulders with his friend making him stumble a bit. "Not even a thank you for saving your life?"

"I had it!" Geto snapped back as he glared at Gojo.

Nodding Gojo replied, "Sureeeeeeeeeee. Just like Mizuki has it for muscles." Smiling at Geto's and Mizuki's glare.


Walking back into the room Atlas put the tea set down. The room was dead silent, tension so thick it could be cut with a knife. Moving as if he didn't notice it Atlas grabbed the teapot and poured three cups. The steaming cups are slowly being put in front of everyone in the room.

One was put next to Frank on the nightstand who stared in shock and confusion. A slow rage built up behind his gaze as he glared. The temperature of the room increased slowly.

Atlas kept one for himself as he used his technique to banish the heat to another plane. The tension broke as a sudden chill snapped down their spines.

And the last was put before Hoshi who cowered at the glare Frank gave him as he said, "I can explain, I promise uncle." The feeling of anger from the man who would have jumped forward if he wasn't so weak.

"No, you can't. There isn't an excuse for what you did." Frank stuttered out as sorrow welled up from deep within his chest coming out in his broken voice through quivering lips.

Putting a hand on Frank's shoulder Atlas was about to speak but was interrupted by Frank whose gaze snapped towards him as he said. "I knew you were a different person because your energy is your own but I thought that he was dead. Why have you brought him here!" His voice rose as he spoke.

"Dad!" Atlas snapped, his voice cutting through the room and silencing Frank who stopped shaking, his gaze filling with shock. "It's okay. I promise Hoshi is innocent, I can confirm that this is all Kenjaku's fault. I promise okay. Let me explain." Atlas started to say as he slowly sat down keeping the gaze of his father on him.

It was best that he guided this talk. "In late 2003… sometime after the middle of the year. Kenjaku possessed Joben. He had probably kept him on ice since he died as he needed another body for another purpose before he could do this." Atlas started to explain, keeping it vague and to what he could reasonably know.

After all, Kenjaku had to have done it after March 2003 because that was when Yuji Itadori was born.

Nodding along slowly Frank's brows came together as he started to put some pieces together.

"Kenjaku wanted Hoshi's technique to affect the soul for whatever plan that he is doing. He set everything up… he drove you away because you were powerful. He manipulated all of this behind the scenes." Atlas started to reveal. He suspected some of this, but he was sure that he was right. This was how Kenjaku worked.

"It's not your fault." Atlas suddenly said. His words cut through the hard mask that Frank had put on when he saw Hoshi. His eyes filled with tears as he shook his head.

"W-What do you mean?" Frank asked, his voice choking as he didn't get it. How wasn't this his fault? This was to do with Hoshi, wasn't it?

"From what Hoshi remembers now. After you reminded him of the past. Joben came for them in late 2003. When Hoshi was 16." Atlas started to explain, turning to Hoshi to make sure that his friend didn't want to lead but seeing him shake his head Atlas continued. It had been hard enough to talk about it once, Atlas didn't expect him to do it again.

"He tricked Stacy and Hikaru and acted friendly. His appearance shocked them and they let their guards down. When he introduced himself to Hoshi… he used his technique to control him. He made him destroy his parent's souls killing them both instantly. A soul isn't something that you can really defend… so they couldn't fight back." Atlas said with a steady voice.

"Hikaru never called you to the house, Kenjaku did… I think that he wanted to break you like he managed to do. When you got there Hoshi was attacking Joben right?" Atlas confirmed causing Frank to nod quickly, his eyes like saucers as he put pieces together.

"He made some sort of excuse… he just wanted to draw you out of hiding that you had gone into after your… after Hikaru called you the first time," Atlas said, avoiding saying the reason directly. "And he had. He got his hands on you as he ran from Hoshi who chased and as soon as he touched you he knocked you out."

Sighing he explained, "Everything now is what I think happened but it makes sense... He planted seeds to control you in your mind and erased your memories of what happened. With that, he was able to influence your actions and use you if he ever needed to. As a special grade, you were a potential body for him after all if it wasn't for what you sacrificed."

"He kidnapped Hoshi and started to experiment on him… or just tried to keep him safe until he could take over his body when he needed it. But in the end… I possessed Hoshi, and when I escaped he wanted to be able to keep an eye on me. So he used the seeds of control he had over you to put you in my path and train me. He thought that he could control Hoshi but instead, I was in control. As I grew stronger he realized he couldn't so he used you against me… doing what he did that night at the park." Atlas Finished, putting the last pieces together.

Shaking his head Frank absorbed all that information, looking at Hoshi who couldn't look up from his tea, tears running down both of their faces. They had truly been hurt by Kenjaku… they really had been hurt… this life hadn't been fair to them.

Starting to stutter Frank slowly said, "H-How is that not my fault though… no I mean, what do y-you mean when-"

"Because that isn't when Kenjaku first started meddling." Atlas interrupted. He knew what Frank was trying to say. His voice slowly filled with sympathy and sorrow. He couldn't confirm this, but he would present it as fact. Frank needed to forgive himself, he couldn't live with the weight he was carrying.

"You think that you stopped giving off radiation when you stopped rapidly aging. You never gave off radiation at all." Atlas said, his voice firm. "Kenjaku, before he had possessed Joben, manipulated things to isolate you. He killed your wife and son. He was the reason they died. He wanted to break and hurt you, to drive you away from everyone so that if he used you, you would have disappeared." Atlas explained. His hand went to Frank's shoulder as he saw the man's eyes widen with realization.

Muttering Frank said, "T-The doctor had a scar crown… the one that told me m-my wife was d-dead. He said things t-that-"

"I know Frank, it's okay. It's not your fault." Atlas said once more. His voice was as firm as he could make it, he needed to support the man right now. He could tell that all those buried emotions were coming up once more.

He would surely blame himself for putting everyone in danger. Just like Hoshi blamed himself for having the technique he did, for being the target of Kenjaku. But in the end, neither of them was at fault for the actions of a truly evil man.

Hugging his father as he started to cry Atlas let the man weep. He let him cry until there were no tears left and sleep had taken him.

After a few short words with Hoshi Atlas stood up and left, he was too emotional to stay around right now. Leaving the plane he went back to the real one as he walked to the quarry and letting the anger flow through him he stared at the sky. Just how many lives had Kenjaku ripped apart through the years? Could they even be counted? He knew the man wasn't his biggest threat right now.

But he didn't have anything else to worry about. He would find him, and he would make him suffer, he would make him suffer through all the pain he had inflicted. He would make Kenjaku burn.