
Jujutsu Kaisen: Curse of the Curseless

In Tokyo, where curses thrive on negative emotions, Dave Li, a man battered by life’s failures, finds solace in “Jujutsu Kaisen” manga. When he intervenes in a dire situation, sacrificing himself to save a girl, Dave awakens in the body of Shin Zenin. Shin’s life is a torment—abused by a prestigious clan for his lack of curse energy. Dave, now Shin, resolves to change his fate. He seeks power and respect within the clan, fueled by the memory of a brutal beating. “Curse of Resilience” follows Shin’s journey of self-discovery and transformation in a world infested with curses. Can he rise above his past and become a force to be reckoned with?

Junjhon12 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 4: Shadows and Secrets

As the night continued, Shin remained vigilant, scanning the cemetery for any sign of curses or disturbances. His lack of sleep weighed heavily on him, but he couldn't afford to let his guard down. Hours passed, and the village's chief eventually approached him, bearing a tray with tea and breakfast.

Exhausted but relieved, Shin finished his meal and assured the chief that the request had been fulfilled. The old man's gratitude was palpable, and he invited Shin back to his home to discuss the reward.

Shin and the man engaged in a conversation inside the old man's humble abode before parting ways. Shin pocketed the 4,400 yen he had received as payment, along with some salted fish as a bonus. Content with how things had turned out, Shin decided to inquire about the man's trust in him.

"What made you trust my word so readily?" Shin asked curiously, sipping on a cup of tea.

The man leaned back, his expression contemplative. "Well, you're a sorcerer, aren't you? Your job is to deal with problems using your unique abilities. If you claim that you've successfully resolved our issue, then I have no reason to doubt you. Besides, if you were to deceive us, we could always send another request, specifying that we don't want someone named Shin to handle it next time," he replied with a chuckle.

Both of them laughed heartily, enjoying their final moments of camaraderie before Shin's departure to meet the man with the truck.

As Shin waited under a tree, he recalled an important detail. "I never asked for the chief's name during our conversation. Well, it's too late for that now," he thought with a shrug.

Shin remained seated, his mind wandering to the intricacies of the original storyline. Questions swirled in his head about the nature of this world and the changes that had occurred. He couldn't help but ponder why he, in addition to Toji Fushigora, existed in this world. Did this alternate reality follow the same plot, or had other elements shifted? His mind raced with these musings, and he wished he could recall when the storyline had begun.

His contemplation was interrupted by the sound of a vehicle approaching in the distance. "He's here. I need to make sure to get the man's name," Shin reminded himself.

Soon enough, the man Shin had encountered at the gas station greeted him. "Morning! Any progress? I'm willing to bet this problem won't be resolved for at least three weeks," the man commented.

Shin considered the man's words before responding, "Actually, I've already finished the task and received payment for it. All that remains is for me to fulfill my end of the deal with you, Mr.?" Shin wore a puzzled expression, emphasizing his curiosity about the man's name.

The man looked at Shin with a mix of disbelief and suspicion, likely wondering if Shin had deceived the villagers. "My name is Churo Sejin. You didn't lie to those people, did you?" His tone shifted to seriousness as he locked eyes with Shin.

"No, Mr. Sejin, I genuinely completed the request. I'm not a heartless person, truly," Shin reassured him.

Mr. Sejin chuckled at Shin's response and gestured for him to get into the back of the truck. "Regarding our deal, I hope you're still committed to completing your part once we reach our destination."

They embarked on a three-hour journey, passing fields of crops and sunflowers before delving deeper into a wooded area. The scent of pine filled the air as they continued on a rough and unstable road. Finally, they came to a halt.

Shin got up and noticed a medium-sized graveyard adorned with tombstones, with a shrine at its center. "What are we doing here?" he inquired.

Exiting the vehicle and leaning against his truck with a solemn expression, Mr. Sejin explained, "This is where most of the nearby villagers come to mourn their loved ones and lay them to rest. However, about a year ago, the atmosphere here changed. It used to be serene and peaceful, but now it feels oppressive and angry as soon as you pass through those gates. I initially thought it was just me, but with time, more and more people started sharing my experiences. It led to folks avoiding this place. The departed should not have to witness their loved ones staying away because of it. I would like you to eliminate the source. If what you claimed earlier is true, can you please assist me?"

Shin nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll do my best to help, Mr. Sejin."

Seeing Shin's determination, Mr. Sejin smiled warmly. "There's an inn not far from here. Let me get you settled in so you can rest. It's been a long drive."

However, Shin declined the offer. "Don't worry about me. I'll stay here and complete the job as quickly as possible. You can go about your day, and if possible, don't return until tomorrow morning."

Surprised by Shin's decision, Mr. Sejin became concerned for his well-being. Before he could voice his worries, he heard a strange noise emanating from the temple. Shin bid him farewell and proceeded to investigate the source of the sound.

Mr. Sejin watched for a moment before calling out his farewell and driving away from the area. Alone now, Shin heard the noise growing louder as he walked closer to the temple's entrance.

"Is that a curse or a person?" Shin wondered aloud. Drawing near, he noticed that the temple was in a state of disrepair, with sliding doors riddled with holes and the wooden structure visibly damaged. He peeked inside and saw an individual in the center of the room, whispering.

Not wanting to be intrusive, Shin introduced himself, "Hello, is everything alright?" He waited for a response but received none. Instead, he noticed that the person had vanished when he looked through the doors again.

Retreating from the temple, Shin decided to explore the cemetery to become more familiar with the area. Nothing seemed amiss, and he hadn't encountered a single curse spirit. "It's an eerily lifeless place," he muttered to himself.

"Wait a minute, there hasn't been a single curse spirit since I entered the cemetery. This should be a common location for their presence and birth. The only thing I observed, aside from myself, was that figure in the temple. But without meeting that individual, I can't determine if it's a person or a curse. What else could cause the absence of curses? An apex curse, perhaps? Or maybe a cursed object?" Shin pondered as he walked, searching for clues.

While he was lost in thought, Shin felt a presence watching him. Trying not to make it obvious, he casually continued to walk and observed his surroundings as if he were a tourist. After fifteen minutes of careful observation, Shin couldn't see anyone or anything that could account for the presence he felt.

Growing annoyed, he hatched a plan. "I wonder what will happen if I enter the temple and wait until nightfall. Will the entity continue to watch, or will it move on?" He approached the sliding door, about to open it, but he glanced behind him one last time before entering. Still, there was no sign of anyone else around.

Stepping inside, Shin noted the dilapidated condition of the building with rotted flooring and a damaged roof. Finding a suitable spot, he settled down and waited, ready for anything that might transpire.

Questions began to swirl in Shin's mind, triggering a cascade of musings. "Why would the clan, aware of Toji Fushigora and the threat he poses, repeat the mistreatment of me? Are they confident that another Toji won't be created, or do they believe my curse energy is so minimal that it's inconsequential as long as I don't possess a Heavenly Restriction? If there are two individuals without curse energy, how will the original plot unfold? How are curse weapons created, and how can I obtain one? Why do I have this 'System'? Who created it, and for what purpose?"

One question led to another, and Shin found himself lost in contemplation. As he delved deeper into his thoughts, he suddenly sensed something massive approaching the area. "Is it a curse or a person?" he pondered, the adrenaline beginning to surge.

Shin steeled himself, gripping his staff in anticipation. The presence grew closer until it was only five feet away from him. "Judging from what the curse is focused on, it doesn't seem to notice me. It's not interested in the person inside the temple but is carrying a body towards the left side of the cemetery," Shin noted, hiding and watching the scene unfold.

"Annoying. Let me see what happens if I enter the temple and wait. Will it continue to watch, or will it move on?" he contemplated, deciding to wait inside and observe.

As he kept vigil, exhaustion caught up with him, and his consciousness began to drift into a dream-like state. "I should have slept during the ride here. I need to remember that this body is still healing," Shin realized, closing his eyes. However, he was abruptly awakened by a massive thud as something rammed into the temple.

Startled, Shin looked outside and saw that the massive curse from earlier was throwing the bodies of newly born curses around. "What is that thing doing? I'm trying to get a little rest, and it decides to throw newborns at me? What an asshole. So, that's what it looks like when a curse is born. I had imagined they would be born inside a fetus-like pouch, floating in the sky," he mused, watching the big curse flailing and tossing other curses.

He continued to observe the peculiar spectacle, his mind racing with new questions about the dynamics of curses and their interactions. "Not all curses are friendly with each other, much like other living organisms. But why exactly is the large one fighting the smaller ones? Is it a territorial dispute, or perhaps a conflict over hunting grounds?" Shin wondered, unable to find definitive answers.

Amidst the chaos, a newcomer approached, emanating a calming and sweet scent, akin to a morning flower field. The individual was medium-sized, wearing a straw hat with side curtains that reached their legs and carrying a sword.

All the curses noticed the newcomer and ceased their conflict, turning their attention to the lone swordsman. Shin was puzzled. "Who is that, and why are they here? Could that be a sorcerer? Their appearance doesn't match anything I remember from the manga." Suddenly, the swordsman drew their sword, and the curses understood the intention.

They all redirected their aggression from each other toward the newcomer. Shin watched in awe as the swordsman swiftly dispatched the curses, displaying incredible skill with minimal effort. He marveled at the efficient and precise strikes, leaving him wondering how someone could exert such minimal movement yet deliver devastating blows without tiring.

Once the curses were vanquished, the swordsman cleaned their blade and glanced around. Before leaving, they looked back toward Shin and placed a finger to their lips, signaling him to keep quiet about what he had witnessed.

Shin, still in awe, realized he had unconsciously covered his mouth in an attempt to further conceal himself. "How did that person know I was here? There's nothing on me that emits curse energy. Wait, what if it's another Curselss individual,the probability of another person being born with zero curse energy, apart from Toji and me, is almost impossible. But what if it's not?" he contemplated, the mysterious encounter leaving him with more questions than answers.