
Jujutsu Kaisen: Clash with curses

Ray was shot in the head due to the conflict between gangs. His life ended with regret and painful memories. But Fate was unpredictable. He was given another chance. At first, he thought he reincarnated into a normal Earth but he was proven wrong. Since childhood, he saw ghosts. But he realized those ghosts were curses. From that day, he walked the path of the sorcerer. *** Mc is the same age as Yuta. There is no system. For romance, there is no one in my mind yet. The world will be slightly AU. Every country has their sorcerers and power. And MC's power will be balanced. But a recent chapter made me think about MC's power. Thank you for reading.

Finn3 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Cool down

Hakari threw a mean punch at Taiyo who was acting confused. It was understandable since he just awakened his potential and some guys with a few screw losses were beating him effortlessly.

His caused techniques came back and he made a pillar of ice. Blocking the punch, he thought that Hakari would not dare to punch a chilling pillar.

Hakari punched through the ice. Frostbite was formed instantly and afterwards, the chill invaded inside making his entire arm frozen. Hakari didn't care, he simply hummed ' Bad Boy. '

The wound on his hand healed in the blink of an eye. Taiyo blocked the incoming attack but it broke through his defense again.

Hakari attacked and he blocked. The pattern repeated for a while.

Now, his cursed energy was exhausting. Previous Domain had consumed very much cursed energy and he had been using cursed techniques as well.

He can't even heal a few scratches on his body anymore. He didn't have cursed energy to waste on small wounds. Because of that, Taiyo felt pain for a very long time in his life.

Earlier wounds were immediately healed so he bearly understood the pain. Now full knowledge of that was poured into his brain.

Hakari stopped, the music had disappeared. But his easy-going gazes remained the same.

No. It changed for a second. Taiyo relieved. That means the invincible time had died. He can kill him. Taiyo entered the combat stance quickly.

Something was wrong.

Taiyo stopped. Sometimes was wrong. Hakari was looking past behind him. ' I thought he changed his expression due to losing his invincible state. No. It was not it. '

He turned around his head, taking a full glance at the scene behind.

A man covered in blood standing tall, his black hair covering his eyes, Taiyo couldn't tell if he was conscious or not because of that. Earlier grey pants had been tored and painted with red blood. There was no shirt on the man.

The lack of clothes made his wound easier to see.

The left side of the man's torso was fully revealed. There was no skin in that wound, just a thin ice covering. That ice combined with the hot blood made the mess even more difficult to see and yet. White bones were sticking out.

" How can you still be alive? " Taiyo yelled. It needed to know the answer. He believed that this answer would be the key to the pain he was feeling.

Ray smiled. His eyes were not fixed on the curses, even if it did. He won't be seeing.

" Shut up! You are just a kid. Don't try to meddle in adult stuff. "

Those words crushed Taiyo's pride. Anger was suppressed but instinct. He needed to run. ' Run. Run. '

So he did. Taiyo spirited in the opposite direction.

Gojo was looking at the event unfolding. The popcorn had long gone. It was delicious. It would be great if honey was added more.

He stepped on the roof edge and jumped down. He could easily catch the running curse but that kid's life was in danger. If the curse didn't run, Gojo would intervene.

Hakari looked at the standing Ray. " That is a fire fever you got. What is your name? "

The answer didn't come because Ray was falling to the ground. A hand gripped his body.

Gojo caught Ray and smiled. " Wow! Look at the mess. "

Hakari frowned. He just remembered the bet he made. ' If you manage to kill that curse, I will suggest you advance directly to Garde - 1 sorcerer. '

" Crap! I forgot to kill that curse. "

" Forget it, Hakari. You needed to heal the wound. " Gojo said pointing at him. " Poor things, I know losing the bet was hateful but your life is important. "

Gojo picked up Ray and walked to Hakari. " What are you talking about? I am just fine. "

" No, you don't. " Gojo smiled and took a seal. He placed it on Hakari and activated it. He laughed.

" You don't deserve Garde - 1 yet. " He made an evil grimace. Hakari exploded and grabbed Gojo's clothes but he disappeared.

Gojo's faint laugh echoed throughout the street. He turned toward the direction, the curse run.

He had a bad feeling in that direction. But he shook it off for now.

The wound on Ray was getting worse. Even his reverse cursed technique can't stop the bleeding anymore. ' Shoko probably sleeping now. '

' I need to get back. '

He made a sigh and they both disappeared from the alleyway.


Taiyo ran. He crushed at the faint black barrier. The curtain broke through because of that. The black atmosphere had come to its original light and tone.

He didn't know how many hours had passed but he had reached the middle of the street. Cars light poured at him. As he calmed down, he also noticed that the cursed energy from that man had also disappeared.

A woman was staring at him across the road. She brought a white umbrella with her. But there was no rain.

Taiyo sensed nothing from that woman. He thought she was looking past him. ' I am a curse. Regular people couldn't see me. '

The woman walked toward him. The car's horn shouted.

" You stupid. Watch where you are going. " the driver yelled at the woman.

Taiyo didn't move. Soon, the woman was in front of him. She was not beautiful but had a motherly aura to it. Her forehead had stitches.


Inside Tokyo Jujutsu High.

Gojo was holding a Coke while sitting on the bench. It was early morning. He took off his bandage to take a look at the morning sun.

He could hear an early bird chirping around the green tree. A footstep could be heard behind him. Gojo had already noticed who she was.

His eyes showed the useless information. Shoko arrived beside him. He looked up. She looked the same as always.

She took out a cigarette and lit it up.

" So who is that kid? " She asked.

Gojo shook his head, " I don't know. I asked Ijichi to look him up. He should be coming. "

" I guess, you want him to join the school. "

Gojo smiled.