
Jujutsu Kaisen: Butterfly effect.

I have searched on many pages, Webnovel, Wattpad, Ao3, Fanfiction net, scribble, even some Chinese pages. but nowhere did I find a story that was the way I wanted to read. A story where Itadori, the protagonist; He be the protagonist. It's my first story, bear with me. English is my second language, for convenience I write in Spanish and translate it into English. The original image is not mine, credits to its respective creator. Edited by my friend to adapt to the novel.

Fuck_the_harems · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 3: Little Big Changes #1

"." Character dialogues. Example: "Hello"

'.' Character thoughts. Example: 'Hello'

Omniscient narrator dialogue

3rd person dialogue

[Cursed Techniques]


Author's note: This story is based on the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, which has some variations from the anime. If you find any discrepancy in the dialogues or scenarios, I invite you to investigate how it was in the manga. It is a story of short chapters, as I find it unnecessary to be a detailed episode (I don't know how to write long chapters)

Sorry if there are grammatical errors, I write in Spanish and translate it into English.


Tokyo Detention Center, Japan.

June, 2018.

Pov 3rd person.

"We were confirmed with a cursed uterus approximately 3 hours ago, the decision was made to close the facilities." Wizard Ichiji Kiyotaka explained as he walked leading the trio of sorcerers.

"5 Prisoners are trapped inside with the curse. It is predicted that the cursed wombs that grow and change shape... Will become a curse close to the special grade." He finished, stopping at the entrance of a building.

'Special grade!' Megumi and Nobara mentally reacted, their faces paling at the seriousness of the situation.

"I'm still not sure what Special Grade means," Itadori commented stupidly.

"Let me explain it to you in a way that an idiot would understand, assuming that traditional weapons were used against curses and we measured their effectiveness as an indicator..." Ichiji organized his thoughts for a second, looking for the simplest way to explain the situation.

"Grade 4: An easy job for a baseball bat

Grade 3: A pistol should be enough

Grade 2: Shooting at close range with a shotgun

Grade 1: Even a tank could be useless

Grade 0/Special: An area bombardment similar to a cluster bomb could work." Ichiji explained as Itadori nodded like a child.

"Normally a sorcerer of a similar grade is assigned," Megumi added, her calm voice contrasting with the tension in the air. "For example, today they would have called Gojo-Sensei," Nobara finished.

"And where is he?" Itadori questioned, looking around, perhaps he had hidden himself to arrive as a surprise.

"On a business trip" -Ichiji responded with a sigh "Our line of work always lacks manpower, and being overwhelmed by missions is common" -He admitted, his face showing a mixture of frustration and resignation .

"However, this is an extraordinary emergency." I look at them seriously. "Don't get involved!"-He ordered, his tone of voice making it clear that he would not accept objections. "When you face a special grade, the options are escape or die."-He said grimly. "Listen to your fears, don't forget: your mission is to locate and evacuate any survivors, nothing more." I finish.

"Tadashi! My son Tadashi! Is he okay?!" A woman shouted from outside the established perimeter.

Itadori looked with pity at the crying woman, while she was held by the guards guarding the perimeter.

Itadori watched carefully as Ichiji approached the woman, saying something to her that made her cry. He turned around, blew his knuckles and said "Fushiguro, Kugisaki... We have to save him!" He finished with determination.

Scene break

Pov Itadori

'How did I end up this way?' I asked myself as I looked at the curse. He was ugly like every newborn, his appearance was grotesque. Everything had gone wrong quickly, Nobara had disappeared without a trace, and then the curse appeared, which ended up being a special grade, a much greater threat than he would have wanted.

Megumi had gone to look for Nobara, after she insisted and assured her that I would be fine. 'I just have to endure until Megumi gives me the signal,' he repeated to myself, trying to stay calm as I dodged attack after attack of the curse. 'She's playing with me, she doesn't see me as a threat,' I thought, noticing the smug smile on his face that couldn't hide his amusement.

'But it could be worse,' I consoled myself, remembering how my control of cursed energy had improved since my first mission a week ago. 'Who knows what situation I would be in if I didn't know how to use the cursed energy,' I reflected, looking at my hand that had a deep cut. The curse had been placed on me when I initially attacked him, that's when I knew I couldn't beat him, but I didn't need to beat him, I just needed time until Megumi saved Nobara and gave me the signal to escape.

'He's just attacking me from a distance, and he applauds me when I dodge him,' I thought, feeling like a child learning to walk and he's my father, teaching me the rules of the game. 'I can handle this,' I convinced myself as I dodged another attack, knowing that Megumi should already be outside, safe.

'I can handle it-Oh no...' I thought, looking at the curse with the biggest smile yet, while concentrating the most cursed energy yet into his hands. I didn't have time to dodge, I could only concentrate as much cursed energy as I could into my hands, I received the attack head on, holding back the energy with my hands. "IT IS ALL YOU HAVE!?" I screamed, knowing I was talking trash, I was barely enduring the onslaught, as I pushed myself further and further into the wall, but maybe it was me trying to motivate myself, trying to find the strength to keep fighting.

'Quick quick quick quick,' I repeated mentally, begging Megumi to hurry up. While I could already feel the wall behind me, I screamed again "IT'S ALL YOU GOT!"

I screamed again, it was working, my energy was getting stronger somehow. 'I can win this!' I considered, feeling a glimmer of hope.

The curse smiled, and at that moment I knew something was wrong.


'No, I can't,' I thought, as I flew into the wall, crashing through it. But somehow the place was bigger than it should be, Megumi had said something about a domain. I could barely withstand that attack, I spent all my energy protecting my body, although I did not come out unscathed.

'Keep playing with me...', I thought, looking up to see the curse a few meters away from me, applauding me for enduring its attack, as if I were a toy.

I finished standing with effort, and there I was, standing in front of a curse, with one arm hanging, one eye closed and bloody all over.

'How did I end up this way?' I considered again, feeling desperation and frustration rising within me.

I spat, clearing the blood from my mouth, and raised my only available arm. "I can do this all day," I told him, trying to sound more confident than I really was. He just applauded me, his laughter echoing in the silence.

Pov 3rd person

There are records of people who, in desperate situations, resort to their cursed energy for the first time...

But there are also cases of sorcerers who, in the midst of adversity, manage to increase their power exponentially, surpassing their own limits.


Itadori, in a last effort, released a cursed energy more powerful than the last time. He felt rejuvenated, like patients who have a terminal illness and one day wake up as if they had never been sick. It was a miracle, a gift of life that allowed him to continue fighting.

Itadori could feel the cursed energy flowing through his veins, revitalizing every cell in his body, he coated his body again with that cursed energy, but something was different this time. He moved instantly and attacked, launching his second attack since the curse appeared. He was tired of dodging, of being that creature's toy. It was time to fight back.

The curse wasn't expecting Itadori to attack, so he took the attack square in the face. Although he did not fall, he stumbled, thrown off balance by the force of the blow.

Itadori could see the surprise in the curse's eyes, and that gave him momentary satisfaction. 'Again!' Itadori attacked again before the curse regained its composure.

In the world of the sorceress there is a blow that produces a hit of cursed cursed energy that increases the strength of the blow by 2⁵. It was a devastating blow, capable of knocking down even the strongest curses.

'Again!' Blood splashed, who knows from whom. each blow harder than the last, Itadori could feel the pain in each wound, but he didn't care.

A distortion in space that occurs when a blow produces an energy impact in the range of 0.000001 Seconds.

'Again!' Itadori concentrated, he knew that this is an opportunity, no matter how small.

It was a rare phenomenon, but Itadori had achieved it.

'AGAIN!' Itadori struck again, his blow produced a black flash unknown to him, but he knew that his blow was stronger than ever.

The Black Flash


The body of the curse flew out, along with a trail of blood, collided with a wall with a bang, releasing a cloud of dust.

Itadori could feel the cursed energy exploding from his fist, and he knew that he had hit the curse with everything he had.

"Damn!" He shouted, looking at the cloud of dust that hid the curse.

But he could also feel every muscle in his body screaming in pain, he was on his last legs, and Itadori knew it.

'It was covered!' Lament. The cloud of dust dissipated, revealing the curse, but this time it was different. She had lost that smug smile, now she was angry... And she was missing an arm.

"Where is your smile!?" Itadori asked, mockingly, "Oh! And your arm!?" He continued, pointing to where there used to be an arm. He could feel a sense of victory, but he knew that the battle was not over yet.

Itadori returned to his fighting pose, her body felt empowered, his cursed energy had a flavor, she didn't know why, but she didn't have time to think about it. He only knew one thing: 'I will win,' Itadori convinced himself, full of determination.

But in an anti-climactic way... Itadori flew away, the curse had stopped playing. He had decided to end the game.

Itadori could feel the air being expelled from his lungs as he flew through the air, bouncing off the ground several times, until he crashed hard into a wall.. 'Oh man... If I get out of here alive, I'll stop saying that.. 'Itadori thought, sitting with his back against the wall.

The curse approached, its face distorted with anger. Itadori could see the murderous intent in his eyes, the promise of pain and death. His arm had regenerated at some point, Itadori didn't even know they could do that.

He knew that he had already lost, he could not move his body, but he would not lament, nor would he beg, he had lost because of his own weakness.

If anyone heard what he was thinking...he had attained the strength to hurt to a special degree in 2 weeks.


'It took you long enough' Itadori gave a half smile, as he opened his only available eye.


Quite a long chapter, at least for what I write. I don't know why, but I can't write long chapters, they just don't come to mind.

Give me power stone.