
Jujutsu Kaisen: Animatronics and cursed’s

Well, my third FF. For those who have seen my previous synopses, you already know how horrendous they are, but here it goes: A FNAF fanatic reincarnates in jjk as an animatronic curse, and Fadbear Entertainment exists in jjk, so you'll see a crazy crossover and a guy who knows only about the first season of jjk facing this world and the urge for revenge. Well, there's the synopsis *sigh* I just wanted to say and clarify that, so you won't complain about it while you read it. The protagonist is practically a child(mentally and physically. he have 13 years) and can alternate between their human form (is like the child golden Freddy from the movie) and their animatronic form (golden Freddy).

Sans_722 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

chapter one: Golden Freddy

A/N: Well, this is my third FF and it's more crack than the others FF in my opinion. I will also update the FF that receives the most support or motivates me the most. What else can I say? Oh, the obligatory disclaimer: "I do not own Jujutsu Kaisen or Five Nights at Freddy's, I'm just doing this for entertainment purposes" And also, I don't intend to offend anyone, but if I offend someone, I apologize. I guess I don't know what I'm doing here anymore, but well, the most important:

"For dialogues"

'For thoughts'

*for actions*

And enjoy the chapter

~~~Start of the chapter~~~


In the vast sea of souls. A sad and dark place where only a sea full of waves and movement can be appreciated, revealing the regrets and desires of helpless souls.

The soul of a child is submerged in this inexplicable place, an abyss of indescribable emotions. The turbulent waters swirl around, showing how this sea of souls is literally an endless ocean. The soul is shocked and filled with terror as it sees itself as a mere drop of water in the never-ending sea of souls. 'Hel?- m' tries to reason with itself, but it can't even think properly in its current state, while a darkness filled with cursed energy that seems alive swirls around the soul, as if they were destined to be one.

The powerful waves crashing furiously against each other become metaphors of the torments that surround the protagonist. Every drop surrounding them reflects a painful memory, a lost illusion, a worn-out promise, a destroyed hope, a light that radiates darkness. All of this comes from worn-out souls that are not even remnants of what they once were.

In this desolate landscape, souls seem to fade away and enter a state of rest, which disturbs the poor protagonist who can't even remember his own name. The man tirelessly struggles to survive, regardless of what his soul is becoming as it mingles with the shadow filled with cursed energy. He tries to reason in yet another futile attempt. His being becomes exhausted due to the constant effort of going against the inevitable currents of fate. His mind becomes a whirlwind of doubts, his thoughts entangled in trying to remember his past while guided only by a vestige of his desire to survive without fully understanding what it means to survive.

Silence is overwhelming for a second, though it feels like years to the child fighting to live, but this moment doesn't last long as it is interrupted by the echo of his own attempts at reasoning, blending with the deafening roar of the waves, which churn again as if they feel his desperation while displaying their own pain. Darkness gradually devours his existence, leaving him at the mercy of unknown forces that dwell deep within this ocean of lost souls. Until finally, this senseless and overwhelming struggle causes his soul, unable to even articulate a single word, to be mercilessly devoured by the shadow.


In the home of the souls that a rabbit collected, a certain child awakens, "Who-o, hel-hello! Is anyone here?" he surprisingly says, a little blond boy of about 12-13 years old, fear flooding his voice. 'Wait, what if I've been kidnapped? Damn, I should have stayed quiet' he thinks with growing fear as he looks around for clues about what this place is. Then he realizes that he's in a warehouse that seems to belong to some extravagant place, with worn-out materials from parts of robots and broken or shattered animatronics everywhere... 'Wait a minute, those animatronics look like the ones from Five Nights at Freddy's' he thinks with great perplexity.

Right at that moment, loud footsteps are heard as the lights start to flicker, and a strange melody begins to play. 'That's the Puppet's song... damn' he impotently thinks, while still hearing footsteps getting closer and closer. Just as he was about to look for an escape, he hears a voice...

"The souls of innocent children have an insatiable thirst for revenge... So please, fulfill our purpose and our strength will protect and guide you" whispers a mysterious voice that seems to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. 'What? It sounds like a typical speech before you're cursed to a terrible life...' he thinks as he remembers the time he spent playing Elden Ring or Dark Souls. 'Focus, unnecessary thoughts out' he reflects fruitlessly.

Suddenly, the lights go out for a tense moment. When they come back on, our protagonist finds himself surrounded by four animatronics. Surprised and scared, he can barely avoid screaming as his body trembles uncontrollably from an ancient, primal fear, unable to look away from the approaching death. "This has to be a joke, right?" he stammers, as he observes Freddy, Chica, Foxy, and Bonnie around him, not saying a word. But before he can assimilate what is happening, the lights go out again and the animatronics mysteriously disappear.

The fright and the experience make our protagonist stumble over himself. Desperate to maintain his balance, he tries to stay upright by pushing himself back a bit, but it only causes him to fall faster. However, as he falls, instead of feeling the pain of a fall on the hard, cold floor, he witnesses something completely different. As he falls, he plunges into a realm of absolute darkness, where there is no light or sound, but somehow he can see and distinguish the different shadows, which seem to have lives of their own.

"Hello?" he asks fearfully, nervously looking around as shadows pass by. His fears gradually intensify and he can't understand what is happening. "Wait, weren't you supposed to protect me?" he desperately asks in an attempt to get help, tears welling up in his eyes. His mind is on the edge, especially as he witnesses death and sees animatronics trying to kill him every second. However, when he blinks, they disappear as if they were illusions created by his mind.

"Child, follow my voice..." says a voice that can be heard through the darkness, making it difficult to identify its origin. With limited options, the child gathers all his courage to face this situation, while starting to learn to ignore the hallucinations.

"O-Okay, I'm coming," he responds as he cautiously walks towards where he believes the voice is coming from.

Finally, he manages to see something: "a Freddy mask?" the child wonders, approaching and taking the mask with caution, while looking around to see if anyone appears.

And suddenly, the same voice emerged out of nowhere, delivering one last message the little boy. "I can't give you many details, but I want to help you. My power is fading, and I'm sorry your fate has been imposed this way. However, when you need strength, remember to put on the mask. Still, I advise you to learn to master your own power without relying on it to be yours…." the voice misteriously declared, as the darkness faded away and everything returned to normal, observing how he was in the same storage room as if he had never fallen or moved.

"What?" exclaimed the confused boy, not understanding the true weight of the small mask he was holding in his hands. 'Wait... this doesn't fit into the FNAF lore, this is different, and I feel like my body is somehow different' he reflected with a calmer demeanor now that the storm seemed to have passed.

However, as a warning of what was to come, the four animatronics reappeared, causing the panicked boy to try to put on the mask. But for better or worse luck, Freddy took the mask and looked at him intently, not conveying any hostility. On the contrary, the boy felt a strange calm and connection wash over him, and even felt his body starting to revitalize. 'I can feel it transmitting some kind of energy to me,' he surprisingly thought, as his mind finally refreshed after all the experiences he had lived through.

'Wait, you must not let your guard down, they can kill you!' he thinks to himself with great urgency as he tries to put on the mask while reaching for Freddy's hand, but Bonnie holds him back, preventing him from moving and frustrating his plan.

"Oh shit," the kid can't help but say, cursing all the movies that made him think others would just let him execute his plans while they watched.

So, the kid closes his eyes, accepting his death (actually, he's fighting not to pee himself and begging God to save him). But to his surprise, when he opens his eyes again, he sees the animatronics merge into him through a shadow similar to the ones he saw when he got the mask. Finally, there's no trace of the four animatronics left, leaving the kid even more confused than before.

"W-What... *cough* well, I guess I'm going to preach about the greatness of God," he says as he prepares to leave wherever he is currently, trying to make a joke to forget his traumatic experience that clearly will leave scars.

So, the child walks out the door while observing everything around him. As he looks, he notices that the environment resembles the Five Nights at Freddy's pizzeria, but with slight differences. 'It seems like I've somehow ended up in a FNAF world where the animatronics are stronger and magical, or maybe I'm in hell paying for my sin of stealing candy,' he thinks as he walks slowly and silently through the old, worn-out pizzeria.

'Is that a Foxy plush?' he wonders upon seeing a well-preserved Foxy plush on one of the dining tables. 'Well, I'll take it,' he thinks as he grabs it and continues walking towards the door. However, when he tries to open it, he realizes that it's locked.

'Maybe if I put on the mask, I can go unnoticed like in FNAF Security Breach,' he thinks as he lifts the mask to try putting it on for the first time since he doesn't plan on exploring more than necessary in this dangerous and terrifying place.


"What?!" he exclaims in surprise as he feels his body transforming in ways that shouldn't be possible, all sorts of light vanishing, and when the light returns, he is no longer the same, all in the blink of an eye.

'I'm an animatronic!' he thinks in utter confusion as he sees his robotic arms resembling Freddy's. "I'm Golden Freddy!" he exclaims in surprise as he realizes how he looks. 'Although I don't appear as damaged,' he whispers to himself as he observes his practically intact suit, albeit with evident signs of aging.

But before he can reason, he starts to feel his mind different, he starts to feel anger and rage, and he doesn't even notice when or how he left the pizzeria without even moving. But before he can become confused or reason out what he's doing, an instinct that shouldn't exist pulls him in the blink of an eye towards an alleyway in front of a curse holding a little girl in its arms.

"Grrg," the curse growls threateningly as it puts its arm around the girl's neck clearly as a warning, recognizing the clear danger that Golden Freddy represents.

'Wait, what did I just do? Oh shit, what should I do?!' our protagonist thinks with confusion, realizing just as he exits the hellish pizzeria that he comes face to face with a monster he's never seen before.

'Oh shit, it's going to kill the girl, but I don't know how to control teleportation, and these things shouldn't even exist in the FNAF world. What kind of messed up world am I in?' he thinks with growing concern and pressure as he helplessly watches the current situation.

"Freddy," the girl whispers, looking at Golden Freddy with hope and joy, although any adult or wizard who saw him would tremble in fear. Even the curse that has her captive is trembling in fear, observing something that transcends humanity but is also entirely different from a curse, an anomaly.

"Please help me *Sniff* *Sniff*" sobs the little girl, who is no older than 6 years old.

"LET HER GO..." Golden Freddy says in an extremely dark and threatening tone that makes the curse doubt its actions due to fear, although Golden Freddy actually said this because he doesn't know what to do and only said it on impulse. He actually just wants to go back home and think that it has all been a bad dream...

But like a demon escaped from hell, Foxy appears behind the curse in the blink of an eye and cuts its head off with his hook, exorcising it with a single strike.

Then the curse disappears, dropping the girl, but at the same time, Chica appears, who catches the girl while smiling? Honestly, our protagonist doesn't understand anything, but he doesn't want to leave the girl alone and let something bad happen to her, even though technically he hasn't done anything.

"I knew you would help me. My mom always told me not to go near you because you bit a child, but I never believed her. I knew you were good," the girl happily exclaims in a language different from English.

'Wait, now that I notice... she seems to have Asian features and although I understand him for some reason, she's definitely not speaking English... where am I?' Our protagonist wonders as he feels foolish witnessing the whole situation, although for the sake of his sanity, he will ignore the fact that animatronics appear around him and that for some reason they kill strange mutant monsters, oh, and that he is also Golden Freddy, yeah... maybe the latter shouldn't be ignored.

"Hey Chica, why does Freddy look so quiet and serious? Don't tell me he's sad because he doesn't have his microphone," the girl asks the animatronic who just looks at her, somewhat confused, but in the end, simply smiles at her.

"Well, I have to go back to my mom. She must be looking for me, but I don't know where she is... I have an idea, maybe we could go to a police station and they will help us, what do you think?" the girl tells the animatronics, who, like all her questions, just smile.

'Wait, if she goes with the animatronics, it will definitely be a problem' urgently thinks our protagonist, and then says, "WAIT..." in a disturbing and chilling tone that would leave adults with nightmares, but for some reason, the girl just smiles at him and even seems happy that he is talking to her.

"Don't worry Freddy, we won't forget you," the girl responds with a wide smile, misunderstanding Golden Freddy's words.

'Well, I can't leave the girl alone, especially in an alley. I can't go to a police station with her either... although in the movie they didn't have any problems with that. Decisions, decisions...' he thinks as he observes the whole situation, finally resigning himself to pray that people think he is just in a cosplay and that the dim lighting due to the night helps them not notice that he is a "real animatronic" (he doesn't know or plan to find out, for now, how to become human again with monsters out there).

He then walks towards the girl, but he feels that instinct and vision again, that something or someone wants to take him somewhere, as if his own soul detects the pain and cries for help from other souls. But he knows he can't leave the girl alone, especially at night. Who knows what kind of monsters, who call themselves humans, might be out there? 'This is the same as before, but my whole perception is changing. What is this?!' he thinks, astonished, as he feels increasingly synchronized and united with an energy he doesn't understand. But as a consequence of all he is learning, his mind is overheating with information to the point where he falls to the ground, kneeling, causing a loud noise due to his current body.

Girl and Foxy ignore this, but the girl runs worriedly to Golden Freddy while asking him, "Freddy, are you okay?! Do you need batteries or something? Do you want me to bring you a warm cloth?" She asks nervously and scared for Golden Freddy's condition.

"I'm fine... just a bit tired," Golden Freddy responds with the same disturbing robotic voice as before.

But before they can continue their conversation, a certain blond wizard arrives, who in his own way is the most responsible and reasonable adult wizard.

"You seem intelligent, so release the girl and I'll make sure not to prolong our fight," Nanami says calmly as he walks into the alley with his characteristic cursed weapon. 'This animatronic seems to have an absurd amount of remnant, I shouldn't stay close to him for too long or I'll start experiencing its effects,' Nanami thinks, remembering the unpleasant fear that each animatronic provokes.

"W-Wait, sir, they're not bad, they're my friends, and they were protecting me," the girl says in a panic, seeing the situation and fearing for the animatronics, which is understandable but unnecessary.

'It can't be, that's the jjk type?! Oh shit' thinks Golden Freddy, feeling somewhat frustrated as every time he thinks he knows where he is or what is happening, a new variable comes and changes everything (not that he has discovered anything significant about the world he finds himself in).

"We don't want to fight... just take the girl home," says Golden Freddy as he tries to find a way out of this situation and grab a nice Coke, wishing it was all just a bad dream.

'Kill him and take care of the girl... her parents must be shitty to leave her alone' a voice in Golden Freddy's head tells him, but he decides to ignore it.

Nanami just watches curiously as Golden Freddy, trying to understand if it's some kind of trap or if there's something more. However, Foxy and Chica look at Nanami with great murderous intent, something the girl doesn't perceive but Nanami does notice.

To everyone's surprise, Foxy and Chica disappear into the shadows, moving towards the depths of Golden Freddy's soul.

'That's something new... even if it seems Afton is still out there if animatronics still exist. That psycho just won't die and keeps creating abomination after abomination' Nanami thinks as she comes up with a theory about what happened and who Golden Freddy is. She slowly approaches the girl with the intention of taking her and running away, but the girl rejects her by hitting her hand and hides behind Golden Freddy's leg.

"F-Freddy, I don't want to go with the s-scary man," the girl says with a trembling voice as she looks at Nanami with fear.

Then Golden Freddy crouches down and shows the girl the Foxy plushie he had taken earlier. 'What a shame... I wanted to keep the plushie' he thinks sadly, but still tells the girl, "Don't worry, Foxy will protect you, so go with the adult, he will take you to your mother." And with those words, he hands the Foxy plushie to the girl, who looks at it with shining eyes of happiness, easing the pain of losing the plushie a little.

"Thank you!" the girl says as a tear rolls down her eye and she hugs the plushie tightly.

"I'll be brave, Freddy, and go with the adult, but can we see each other again?" the girl asks with sad but accepting eyes.

"Of course, just remember not to wander far from your parents," Golden Freddy tells her as he stands up and steps back. 'Kill him, and then kill his parents. The girl will be better off without them... you saw it, the animatronics give off an aura that calms and soothes her, just like you felt before...' a voice in his head says once again, which is starting to worry Golden Freddy, as he doesn't need to be a psychologist to know that something is wrong if he's hearing these kinds of voices.

Nanami only watches perplexed as the situation unfolds, but he knows that even though Golden Freddy seems to retain most of his humanity, he will eventually succumb to his curse like all the animatronics. 'Although unlike the others, this specific animatronic seems to possess great intelligence and humanity, which means he is at least of special grade. The last registered animatronic that could speak was dumb and could barely utter a few words, yet it was even able to corner me. It's best to retreat and avoid unnecessary casualties. I should also inform Gojo, as annoying as he may be, he's quite good at handling these situations' Nanami quickly thinks in the few seconds as the girl walks towards him.

*sigh* "Well, little girl, I know I must seem like a bad guy, but I promise you it's just a misunderstanding" Nanami tells her while displaying his friendliest face along with a smile to the little girl.

"I-I understand," the girl says with a pout as she averts her gaze from Nanami.

"You know, I would appreciate it if you could wait for me—' What?" Nanami tries to say as he turns towards where Golden Freddy was, only to see an empty spot. In fact, there's no trace that he has been here or that he has left. 'He must have incredible control over his cursed energy to leave no trace and not make me feel his presence even though he was so close to me' Nanami reflects to himself.

~~~End of the chapter~~~

A/N: I know many things will confuse you, but have patience because as the chapters go by, you will understand more things until everything makes sense.