
Jujutsu Kaisen: All for one

Jujutsu Kaisen, a world full of gore and violence, filled to the brim with curses and maniacs, a boy is transmigrated into the world of jujutsu kaisen with the power to take powers. What will he do with that power?

truepowerscaler1 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

In front of an abandoned building, Shigaraki looked up and he immidietly felt the negative cursed energy flowing through the whole building, a red light flashed in his eyes as he imagined what is in there.

"I am coming in~" With a teasing voice and a big grin on his face, Shigaraki put his palm on the locked door and he exerted a bit of strength on, causing the whole door frame to be destroyed from the hinges.

"It stinks in here!" Shigaraki covered his nose as he entered the house, his face scrunched in disgust as his eye landed on a corpse filled to the brim with large maggots that crawled out and in the orifices of the human.

The entire inside of the house was corroded and the walls were filled with maggots and insects as well as a foul stench that made Shigaraki want to kill himself, the ground was covered in small pits filled with acid and small maggots that was swimming in it.

"How the fuck is a maggot swimming in the acid that melted concrete?" Shigaraki looked at the small motherfucker with confusion, his Cursed Energy flowed into his eyes and his eyes suddenly turned into pure red with a cross inside it.

"Oh i see, so you think you can hide from me, well i found you you little disgusting worm!" Shigaraki grinned as a red tentacle with barbed red vines appeared behind him like a kagune, the tentacle swopped through the air leaving an after image and hitting the small maggot in the acid.


A small crater formed in the ground as the maggot was crushed into little bits, it's body releasing disgusting juices that melted the floor on contact.

"RAGHHHHH!" Shigaraki smirked before he enveloped his upper body with 4 thick tentacles, the tentacles was dented inside and Shigaraki coughed up blood as a hand riddled with holes from which acid and worms crawl;ed out.


The whole block felt a small vibration as Shigaraki was sent flying into the wall of the house, a sickening crunch was heard as Shigaraki broke the wall and he flew out into the abandoned street, hitting a steel pipe and bouncing off of it into the ground.

"Ughhhh... that hurt" Shigaraki muttered in a daze as he wiped the blood from his mouth, he stood up dizily and in pain and his eyes locked onto the curse that sent him flying, it was a worm with legs and arms, it had a circular hole for a face filled with spiky teeth.

"Your one ugly mother fucker you know that?" Shigaraki said as he spat out the blood from his mouth, the blood flew in the air and it landed on the face of the curse, the curse suddenly started shaking as it looked at Shigaraki.

"OH~, is little disgusting wormy angvy~" Shigaraki tunted with a mocking grin on his face, but inside he was buying time for his body to get it's functions back, the hit caught him off guard and it cracked his ribs.


The curse could not take it anymore and it jumped towards Shigaraki, it's body vanished from the sight of Shigaraki, and before he can react his body was punched again, but this time he took less damage as he reinforced his body with Cursed Energy.


Shigaraki flew into a small truck, causing it to flip and get dragged on the steet for a few meters, Shigaraki lay in the deformed truck which hugged his body like the embrace of death, His eyes lost focus slightly before he regained his senses.

"mother fucker, you hit like a damn truck!" Shigaraki sprung out of the truck and he sprinted at the curse, his steps leaving dents in the ground, his hands lit up with blood red Cursed Energy and Shigaraki smirked as he felt his body healing naturally... like a curse.


Shigaraki smirked as his punch landed on the curse, sending him sliding back a few meters, Shigaraki ran at it again not letting it regain ground and he jumped into the air before giving a spinning kick to the back of it's head.


The curse fell face first into the ground, the craved caved in before small cracks formed around the head, the curse grunted in pain before pulling his head out of the ground, it's long and corroded tongue came out of it's mouth and licked the purple blood on it's spiky teeth.

"That is totally not intimidating~" Shigaraki said as he watched the mouth of the curse open, a small swirling green liquid started concentrating in the mouth of the curse, time seemed to slow down as Shigaraki started thingking.

'It's body is touch, it's like a normal human trying to punch through show leather' Shigaraki thought as he tried to analyse the weakeness of the curse.

'Does it have a weakness... a soft spot, a soft spot?' Shigaraki looked at the open mouth of the curse, he saw the inside of the mouth and a terrifying grinned crawled up on his face.

0.5 seconds passed.


The concentrated spinning green liquid pierced through the shoulder of Shigaraki, it continued on it's way piercing abandoned buildings before disappearing, revealing a bubbling hole that kept getting corroded by the liquid remains in the wound.

Shigaraki without care for his wound ran at the curse, his energy output driven to the max, his body was reinforced with everything as he sprinted towards the curse.

'I need a dustraction for my plan to work' Shigaraki thought before his mouth opened.

In his mouth a small colourless bubble appeared, Shigaraki took a small breath before he screamed as loud as he can at the top of his lungs.



A huge sound wave traveled past the curse and many building, windows broke and the curse fell onto the floor wriggling with it's mouth open in pain.

'Now!' Shigaraki made a run for it and he jumped into the air just above the mouth of the curse, and would you look at that, it was open.

"DIE YOU DISGUSTING MOTHERFUCKER!" Shigaraki screamed as he fell on the face of the curse, his fist went into the mouth of the curse and a bloody hole opened at the back of it's head, the ground was dug up as the fist of Shigaraki went into it.

"Yeah di-" Before Shigaraki can finish, he felt the bloody maws of the curse clench around his hand, it's spiky teeth went inside and it bit into his hand, Shiraki groaned, but before his hand could come off like a stick, a bloody glow surrounded his hand as a tentacle wrapped his hand like a second skin.

"UAHHHHH!" Shigaraki screamed at the face of the curse, the ground under the head of the curse cracked slightly, the curse screamed as it struggled, but it was useless, with a final grunt, Shigaraki put his second hand covered in a tentacle inside the maws of the curse and with a final rip, the body of the curse was ripped in 2.


The curse as a last attack exploded into bits with curse energy impacting the body of Shigaraki, Shigaraki was sent flying into a car, flipping it and bouncing off of it.

"Ughhh!" Shigaraki groaned before his eye went towards the explosion, there a slightly charred crater was with the head of the curse still there, while it's body was in smithereens around it.



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