
jujutsu's light

In an alternate reality of jujutsu kaisen, yuta okkotsu isnt born. to fix this error the world imposes its will by bringing upon the birth of a boy with cursed energy superior to even the king of curses himself. join Akari on his rough life as one of the 4 special-grade sorcerers.

ANONYMOUS22_ · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The beginning of the end

Moving forward with my twin spears of light, I grin as the wind rushes against my face. Coating my legs in cursed energy I feel my surroundings blur as I appear above the worm cursed spirit.

Slashing down at the cursed spirit's two eyes I hear a loud squelch signaling that I managed to pierce its eyes my grin growing at the spirit's wails.

Instead of dispersing my spears, I keep them lodged in the spirit eyes pointing my finger at the spirit head I stay on despite its thrashing about, I build up light and shoot a beam right through its head.

Its thrashing halts as it explodes in a purple flame, walking through the dust I'm greeted with the shocked looks of rumaki panda and maki, their faces each have some scuffs on them.

"What?" I ask confused as to why they are so shocked.

"That curse was pretty weak though, right?" 



After our first mission, we trained vigorously for about a week before the special grade curse user Suguru Geto made his move, I spent some extra time behind while everyone went out to battle getos spirits, why? because the old man Gojo advised me to.

Growing in anger I decide to leave. I feel that something bad will happen if I don't. 

It doesn't take me long to find Panda and Inumaki, they both seem unconscious. Makki struggles to stand as a man with black hair leaps in front of her.

The man approaches Maki leisurely, mocking her for her minuscule amounts of cursed energy. That's when I had enough of observing. leaping down with a spear of light in my hand I thrust for the man's head.

Surprisingly the man remains still as I blur towards him, that is until a spirit blocks my path with its body throwing me away into a nerby house wall.

"Oh my, sneak attacks? quite the farce for the newest special grade isn't it?" the monk-robed weirdo's voice irritates me as I unstick myself from the wall, flourishing my spear.

"A-Akari?" maki stutters as she falls unconscious.

Manipulating my light I make it mimic three variants of me, each one is a direct copy of myself with 5% of my total cursed energy. 

"Get them out of here," I command referring to my three classmates. 

The clones follow my orders with no hesitation and run off with the three of them. 

Glaring at Suguru geto I stretch a bit, these past few days of training with the old man have been beneficial. But Geto used to be his rival so it's safe to assume he's no pushover.

"Such anger, did me mocking that girl infuriate you?" geto asks me curiously as I ignore him. Vowing to myself to kill him or die trying. 

Bending down I blitz towards Geto in a blur of motion, my spear careening towards his neck but he blocks with a wall of blue baby-like cursed spirits they swarm me as I slash at them, and each motion kills at least 10 of them as I burst out of the swarm going for geto again but he once again counters with more spirits. this time using centipedes.

Growling at the nonstop waves of curses I spin rapidly, bisecting every one of the spirits in a blur of yellow.

Now dual-wielding my spears of light I dash through the wall of centipedes toward Geto, forcing him to jump back as he observes me demolish his walls of cursed spirits.

Noting that this is getting me nowhere I leap back landing on top of a house. Building up the lightest I've ever used I point towards the sky, and a feeling of excitement washes over me.

"RYUSEI-GUN!" I yell as I shoot one ball of light into the sky, soon the ball explodes into hundreds of light arrows. each arrow lands on a cursed spirit, exploding in a 1-meter radius of dazzling light after each puncture.

"Such a powerful technique!" I hear Geto exclaim as I focus on him. My ball of light continues to bombard his spirits as I meet Geto's head on, now he has nunchucks drawn as me and I clash in a flurry of blows.


Each exchange is worse than the last, and my arms ache despite reinforcing them with cursed energy. the nature of his nunchucks must be power.

Pushing past the pain I go on the offensive summoning a second spear as we once again engage in a flurry of blows. my orb now focuses on him shooting three light arrows before I disperse it.

He parries each arrow away, leaping backward his face twists into a grin. 

"My, it seems those old fools weren't misplaced to make you a special grade... Akari Yami, how about a deal." 

Geto dashes at me as he speaks, summoning two clones of light we charge Bat Geto who summons a mysterious spirit who engages my clones.

-BANG!- my spear impacts getos nunchucks as I weave under one of his jabs getting into his guard I kick him away before continuing the offensive. 

"As someone who has first-hand experienced the cruelness of the monkeys with no jujutsu I'm sure you can understand the need for extermination." geto begins to yap but I'm focused on the fight.

His every move is getting slower and slower, the more we fight the easier it is to keep up. soon he's forced to focus on defense as I bash against his defenses relentlessly. His spirit defeats my clones and comes to aid him but I shoot a beam of light in between transitions piercing its skull and exorcising it.

"So, Akari. you should join my cause in slaughtering all non-sorcerers. your story is much like my daughters and I'm sure you would get along swell with them." geto finally finishes his long speech i smile as we disengage.

"You know... even if I joined you we wouldn't win? the old man Gojo would beat the breaks off the both of us even if we worked in sync," Grinning at Geto's frown I continue

"Not like I would join you anyway. Your friend gave me a second chance at life, he got me off the streets and gave me a new opportunity I would rather die than betray him!" I yell as my cursed energy soars my spear's light grows in intensity as Geto takes on a poker face.

"A shame then... I guess I can arrange that." Getos's face grows serious as we dash towards each other now our fight has escalated to a new level. if it weren't for me adapting to his fighting style I would've been overwhelmed.


Our weapons meet in a deadly dance, analyzing his defenses I decide to cheat a bit, jabbing my spear towards his gut he immediately goes to block it. 

That's what I wanted, of course, dispersing my spear I uppercut into his guard my fist landing on his chin as an explosion of black and red covers my vision.

Blowing geto away I spin with the momentum of the uppercut before stopping. Staring my hands I open and close my fist, it's as if everything seems so clear.

"Woah, what was that?" I question myself as the house rubble that geto was in shakes before the bastard emerged. his chin bleeding and his face neutral.

"Black flash huh..." Geto grins as he summons two humanoid curses at his flanks. Raising his hand a black ball full of curses emerges.

"I guess it's time I wrap things up, Satoru should be on his way now... that won't be good for me" Frowning at his words I tense.

Mimicking geto I raise my hand building all the light I possibly can i growl in concentration as I condense the school bus-size light ball into a small arrow.

Making a silent binding vow to use the rest of my cursed energy in this attack I aim the arrow with a bow of light.

"This is it huh," I question no one as the ball finally seems complete. we make eye contact and that's all the warning we need.