
jujutsu's light

In an alternate reality of jujutsu kaisen, yuta okkotsu isnt born. to fix this error the world imposes its will by bringing upon the birth of a boy with cursed energy superior to even the king of curses himself. join Akari on his rough life as one of the 4 special-grade sorcerers.

ANONYMOUS22_ · Anime & Comics
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The 4th special grade

Fitted in his new jujutsu high uniform Akari walks behind Satoru gojo leisurely his face a mask of indifference, the old man explains that he is the newest special grade. One of the 4 in the modern era.

The special grade is a prestigious rank above that of a grade 1 sorcerer. special grades usually fall under sorcerers with cursed techniques or abilities that can overthrow a country.

That is where Akari was confused as he could barely beat up a few street thugs let alone overthrow Japan.

The old man explained to him that the higher-ups took into account His bottomless cursed energy along with his light-based cursed technique. along with his natural uses of cursed energy, so they confidently registered him as a special-grade sorcerer.

Sighing as he enters the first year's classroom Akari notices the shocked look on the student's faces as he remembers the old man telling him to contain his cursed energy. focusing a bit Akari makes his cursed energy suppress itself as he sits in the 4th and last seat in the class.

His three classmates consist of a girl with glasses and green hair. A guy with bleached blonde hair and markings on their mouth and a literal panda.

looking straight ahead and not bothering with the 6 pairs of eyes staring at him intently Akari waits for the old man to introduce him.

"This is your new and awesome classmate Akari Yami!" the old man tosses confetti as he laughs at the annoyed looks of everyone in the classroom.

 "As I'm sure you can already feel the ludicrous amount of cursed energy radiating off him, worry not as Akari has no clue how to use his cursed energy consciously yet!"

Akari growls at being mocked."Hey!" Akari yells to the tall albino as he frowns.

the old man begins to giggle like a little kid.


 After a long day of doing nothing but normal schoolwork despite this being a school for sorcerers Akari sighs as he exits the classroom. the green-haired girl following him. 

"Hello." Akari greets as the girl frowns at him. "What grade are you?" her question is straightforward and demanding. "I'm special grade," Akari answers without missing a beat. the girl does a spit take as she stares at Akari in disbelief.

"You are new to jujutsu as a whole, that idiot even said you don't know how to use you're cursed energy there is no way you're special grade!" the girl's face takes on a bigger frown than usual as Akari sweatdrops.

"Listen that's what the old man told me. I don't care what grade I am and I don't know why you do either." Akari attempts to reason with the girl but she holds her hand out. "Give me your student ID. At most you are grade 3." the girl says matter-of-factly as Akari digs into his pocket before passing over his student ID.

The girl's reaction is rather amusing as she begins to shake a bit before passing Akaris' ID back to him.

"You are gonna spar with me now!" the girl demands as she drags Akari to the schoolyard. Gojo Panda and Inumaki are in tow after somehow catching wind of the situation.

"I-I don't even have former training yet maki-san!" Akari attempts to explain but yelps as he ducks under a jab of makis spear.

 "Enough talk 'special grade' Show me what you can do!" getting grazed by Makis' spear Akari decides to fight back. raising his hand he attempts to grab the middle of her spear to stop her oncoming thrust.

What happens next shocks the both of them as a spear of light forms in Akaris' hand ripping through the front of makis clothing exposing her athlete bra.

"HUH!?" Akari gasped as his throat was nearly cleaved off by a furious maki, defending himself with his new spear of light Akari noticed that the massive well of energy in his gut didn't seem to waver despite him forming an entire spear of light.

The fight ramps up as Maki ignores the state of her clothing, aiming to rip Akari to pieces.


As the fight progressed Akari adapted more and more, soon he took over the offensive as he slashed relentlessly maki was forced to defensive when Akari aimed high grazing her shoulder.

Akaris' hands begin to flow golden cursed energy as he disperses his spear of light, landing a palm strike to makis gut akari jumps at the momentary daze as she grasps at her stomach.

Summoning a spear of light Akari swings towards Makis neck stopping just before it hits her. 

"I win." Akari states as clapping can be heard in the distance. the old man Satoru approaching.

"Not bad akari, beating an experinced fighter on your first day, looks like we were right with placing you in special grade." sighing as gojo ruffles his hair akari bends down, offering maki a hand as she stares a bit before taking it.

"I got lucky, dont dwell on it." Akari attempts to speak to the girl who huffs and looks away. 

"Uhh is no one going to mention her ripped clothing?" panda mutters as inumaki agress "samon!" 


"So, we just get sent to kill 'cursed spirits' disturbing the peace often or is this rare?" Akari questions maki as they walk through a clearing. Panda and inumaki following along.

"We do this pretty often, the higher ups usually dish out these missions. we should find the grade 1 curse somewhere around here..." at makis words the ground beneith the group explode as they all leap up.

"What the fuck!" Akari cant contain his shock as a massive worm like creature attempts to eat them all whole. 

"Dont move!" Inumaki yells as the creature halts, panda capitilizes by going gorilla mode and punching the spirit, not doing anything at all really.

Frowning at pandas faliure akari summons a spear of light, hurling it into the creatures side. The spear plows straight through the cursed spirit but it regenerates the injury just as fast.

"Shit, it heals quick!" Leaping away from an attempted smash by the creatures lower half akario stares in wonder as its tough hide easily ignores makis stabs and pandas punches.

"And its durable, this isnt good..." the spirits seems deadset on targeting himself as it dashes towards akari attemtping to swallow him whole.

Flipping away from the worms maw, Akari grins as he summons two spears of light.

"For now this is all i can do... but thats more than enough to handle you! Grahhhh!" dashing forward akari meets the worm head on