
Journey to the Top: My Hero Academia

Once upon a time there was this ordinary man that wanted nothing more than to be isekai'd. So God gave him and chance and sent truck-san.

kiingshet12 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 9 Battle

" Uraraka the battle plan will happen in this way. If it is either Bakugo or Ida we find first, I will move immediately and intercept them. If we find the two together, then you will stay close to me as I find a chance to draw their attention and then you can move in and continue to look for the bomb." I said as I came up with a basic plan on how to go against a team that specialize in close combat with Uraraka. The reason why I saw this is because I am faster than the two of them. I'm pretty confident in fighting the two off and distract them while Uraraka finds the bomb. I know all of their potential moves thinks to knowing future events. Therefore, I have the potential to overpower the two if I play my cards right. But it depends on how the battle goes and if Bakugo can keep his head together.

Our best bet would be to take out Ida first because if I can manage to take hold of him, I can have Uraraka use her quirk on him and then once he is in the air, he won't be able to do much. However, for Bakugo it is different because he can still used his quirk to become mobile and he may even be faster since he weighs less.

Uraraka nodded in agreement as she understood he gist of the plan. She has little to no combat experience so she knew that she may just be a burdened in a fight if her opponent is fast and she has nothing to use against them.

As the teams were came together and started to plan, All Might announced the first two teams to face against one another, it was team D with Bakugo and Ida vs team A with Izuku and Uraraka.

As soon as the teams were called, Bakugo gave me a determined and angry look as he if he wanted to test my powers for himself. I also looked at him and just waved just to provoke him and see if cannon him will come out. He will definitely win the one on one fight. I just have to make sure he doesn't do that big explosion that could tear apart the building.

As Bakugo and Ida entered the building, me and Uraraka had to wait for 5 minutes before we can enter and look for them and the bomb. With these 5 minutes we talked about some few things about our childhood and I briefly explained my relationship with Bakugo and the small rivalry that she has noticed since the start of school.

As soon as 5 minutes were up, we both entered the building quietly and walked along the wall checking corners for any signs.

Reaching the third floor I saw in a brief flash Bakugo's gauntlet coming and I instantly activated my quirk as I jumped back while grabbing Uraraka. 1.25 seconds within 50 meters is almost blinding fast after all and when Uraraka is two steps behind me, I could react in time.

I looked at Bakugo and smiled, " Is that all you got?"

Bakugo didn't answer or react as he knew that it wouldn't work against me. He was just beginning to prepare for his next attack. With my quirk still activated at 10% I moved instantly and went for Bakugo, however, as I moved in, I noticed a kick coming from the corner that Bakugo had come out of and it was coming straight to my face. Seeing the kick, I had no choice but to stop my attack and twisted my body upside down and went on all four and managed to barely dodge the attack which sent Ida's feet partially through the wall. Seeing me on all four, Bakugo took a step in as his hand started aiming for my back as his hand started showing signs of an explosion attack. Although I had mentioned before about the 'possible' chance of a team up, I really didn't expect this.

However there was a reason why four legged animals are faster than humans. I pushed off the ground with even more speed jumped up to the wall and pushed off again bouncing off walls of the hallway that were close together. Fighting indoors was a specialty mainly because I saw how Gran Torino did it and it was pretty inspired me when I am fighting in close quarters like this.

Trying to keep up with my movements, Bakugo sent off a few blasts by missed as I continued to lightly hit Bakugo knocking him and Ida around. It seems like their plan was to try and take me out quickly so that I won't have a chance to find the bomb with Uraraka or face them one on one.

However fast I was moving, it was still a tight space and Bakugo put on hand in front of his gauntlet and made a some circle in front of his palm. 'Ap Shot' a burst of controlled explosion soon then came out of the hole and came flying towards me forcing me to stop my erratic movements and jump backwards. Ida then used this opportunity to land a solid kick on me as I regain my footing as I crossed my arms in front of me to block the attack. " Phew to think that you would team up with someone Kaatchan~."

However, all I got was his hated glare. He is really keeping it together after he saw me use my quirk. So unexpected. As I defended against the two Uraraka had already managed to slip away to find the bomb but the two didn't seem to worry about her and focused their gaze on me. It seems like they must think highly of me or has already prepared against Uraraka. Ida this traitor, he knows almost all about Uraraka's quirk and her limits, he must've informed Bakugo of it and found a way to stop Uraraka from using her quirk correctly.

I then see Ida's engine legs come out and started rumbling and knew that he was coming first. I prepared myself as I waited for him to come. As soon as I saw him move, I jumped in spun around quickly as I gained momentum for a kick that soon came towards Ida as he sped towards me. Ida must've knew that he was no match for my speed as he opened his arms to catch my leg. I could not stop my movements as I am in the air and my kick was already arriving to Ida. Once Ida wrapped his arms around my leg, Bakugo quickly appeared behind Ida and used his quirk for quick and precise movements as he maneuvered around Ida and to me as my right leg that was caught by Ida exposed my body for an open attack.

Cursing in my head the only thing I could do was hold up my arm and endure the attack. 'boom' I was sent flying across the the hall and sled into an open room. Thankfully my upper chest armor extended to my shoulders so I didn't take too much damage but Bakugo's attack was indeed a strong one. But now I am in an open room with a lot of space. I touched my communicator as I contacted Uraraka where she was at. " Uraraka, did you find the bomb yet?"

" Yes Izuku, it is on top of the most upper floor on the north side of the building. However, there is a slight problem."

So they did indeed create a plan to cause trouble for Uraraka. I quickly replied, " What's the problem."

" The bomb is really well guarded. They blocked the bomb with several furniture stuff and if I just touch or move one thing, then the things will collapse and fall onto the bomb and destroy it. Although I can try to figure out how to safely remove some stuff but for some reason they made the ground around the bomb really brittle. As soon as I step into the room it will collapse and also make the room fall, which would detonate the bomb if it was real. I can try and float to the bomb but as I said, it is surrounded and protected in a way if I move one thing, then it will collapse and detonate the bomb. I... I can't do anything here."

What a drastic decision Bakugo and Ida created for them. That's probably why I haven't seen Bakugo even try to use the stored explosive sweat inside his gauntlet. If I make any big moves then it will be my fault that the bomb explodes prematurely. As I began to think about what I should do, I saw Bakugo and Ida slowly walk from the hallway and stand at the entrance of the room where I stayed at and just stand there making sure that I won't be able to get through.

I don't know if this plan was smart for them or not because I'm gonna need Uraraka's help for a bit. " Give it up then and come down here to back me up. I'm also on the north side of the building. Go down one floor and come down through the window. Float down the window and once I see you I will grab you and jump to the top floor and then I will handle the rest from there."

" I understand." Uraraka quickly replied as she begin to move.

I looked at the two who still refused to move from their spot but was ready to fight whenever. Well whatever, I can also just wait for Uraraka to come down, so I just calmly walked to the window and sat on the edge and watched them. Seeing me do this I guess Bakugo got impatient and wanted to move but knew that he must work with Ida if he wants to beat me. It was until the two saw Uraraka floating down from outside the window in which they quickly moved towards me while I quickly broke through the window and grabbed her. I then propelled upwards until I arrived outside on the upper floor and broke through window. I looked down and saw Bakugo shooting upwards at a rapid pace trying to catch up. As I stood on the window ledge I then suddenly leaped with great force and activated 15% and quickly swiped the top which will remove the furniture that will fall on top of the bomb and as it fell onto the ground which made it start to tremble, I was still flying through the air and grabbed the bomb on my out and safely landed in the hallway of the upper most floor with the bomb in my possession as the ground that the bomb previously was, crumbled to the floor under.

" Mission completed. Heroes team win!!"


I don't know how well I did with this chapter as I tried to do something different in this battle between the two teams and trail off from the cannon. I'm not sure how well I did but let me know so I can come up with something better in the future.