
Journey to the Top: My Hero Academia

Once upon a time there was this ordinary man that wanted nothing more than to be isekai'd. So God gave him and chance and sent truck-san.

kiingshet12 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 10 Mvp

Bakugo's pov

WHY, WHY, WHY??? Why can't I beat him. When we were younger, I was above him in every way. I even had my quirk before him. Every time we fought it will be a draw. How is he so much stronger than me. I was praised for being talented. I excelled at everything. Why am I always a step behind him. I even swallowed my pride of working with this side character to fight him, but we could barely do anything. WHY. Did I do something wrong?? Do I still need to train harder? What can I do?

Bakugo's fist trembled with frustration and clenched his fist tighter then ever that his palm started to bleed.


Ida's pov

Ida looked on the ground as their team lost. I... I thought that we had planned for everything. Me and Bakugo would keep Izuku busy while we wait for the timer to stop, but even though we did all that, he still managed to find a way to bypass our tactics and found a way to easily handle the obstacle we had put for Uraraka's quirk. How could he have so much power. It seems like I still need a lot of improvements. I have to train harder and catch up to him or else I will embarrass my family.


Todoroki pov

Such power... He merely used the wind pressure from his attacks to bypass the obstacles that could get in the way objectives. Of course I could do it even better as I can freeze everything, solidying the ground so it won't break upon being stepped on. Shattering the furniture above and around the bomb into mere dust and then touching the bomb achieving an easy victory.


Back to Izuku

Phew, I looked at my hands as they trembled lightly. Using 15% is still a little tough for me to use for a while. I still need to build up my physical strength so that I can use 15% naturally. I looked at Uraraka who is already walking towards me and said, " let's go back to All Might and the others and review our battle."

Uraraka smiled, " Yeah."

Looking back at my battle with them two, as I thought, 10% is strong enough to fight them. Even though they caught my once, the two's quirk are pretty strong and useful for combat. With my level, I am strong enough to fight average villains. However, against nomu or that muscular guy, I don't have enough power. I don't think that I am even fast enough to run away with their near instantaneous speed. If I fight the muscular guy I may have move fast enough to destroy him before he begins to use his strength but I'll have to still work on my body so that I can use more power of the quirk. My knowledge on this world is only up to the fifth season where I know that the other quirks I have is float and black whip. Personally, I want float first. Although black whip has its uses, I want to fly. If I can fly, it will allow me to maneuver however I want in the air and be able to scout the sky. Luckily I didn't just watch this anime world and can incorporate some other moves that I liked from watching other anime's into my power.

Once both teams arrived at the observation room, All Might, " Congratulations hero team A for winning the match. The MVP for this match up is Midoriya Izuku. Can anyone tell me why?"

Momo raised her hand, and when All Might called on her, she explained, " Midoriya Izuku knew that Uraraka's quirk and strength wasn't suitable for combat, so he deliberately distracted the two from going after her and stopping her. While Bakugo and Ida both planned well knowing Uraraka's quirk and planned accordingly to counter her quirk, they still chose to ignore her presence solely focusing on Izuku. Although they both fought against him, they didn't manage to buy enough time to for the time limit giving Izuku enough time to plan and eventually succeed in discovering and capturing the objective. Instead of guarding the pathway to the bomb, they should've pressured him so that Izuku couldn't have time to discover a way to find a solution."

All Might nodded his head in satisfaction, " Yes. Although the villain team did plan accordingly to counter Uraraka's quirk, they should've came up with more ways to act upon if things didn't go as planned. Although Young Midoriya found a way to bypass the obstacles set up for them, if his use of his quirk was slightly off, then everyone in the building would be destroyed once the bomb was triggered. However, this didn't happen and he was able to control his quirk splendidly."

With that conclusion, everyone was once again amazed at Izuku's quirk and talent. Being able to fight against two people who specialize in speed and power and still come up on top is amazing, after all, they were all still high school freshmen and just started to use their quirk in an effective way.

The other matches started as what happened in cannon and outcome was the same. Bakugo was shocked at the show of power shown by Todoroki and once again grew determined to get stronger than everyone else and surpass All might.

After the combat training class, normal classes once again and soon the school day ended and everyone headed home. Before reaching the exit gate, Bakugo arrived behind me and suddenly declared, " Damn Deku. Just today, just today will you ever beat me once again. I will catch up to that power and speed that you have. Just wait and see!! I won't be looking at your back for long!!"

I smiled and said, " Yeah, make sure you catch up. It will be boring to stand at the top by myself."

This determined Bakugo, I don't mind this version. I feel like he is more 'tamed' haha. I felt like I kind of skipped his growth period that occurred in the first two season and half seasons but I don't really mind because with this, maybe his power will also advance quicker.

I go home and rest thinking of adjusting my training even more. I need heavier weights and harder endurance training as I feel like I still have a lot of energy. The next major events besides regular class and school work is the break in of news reporters and then finally the invasion on UA. I wonder if I should still let things flow in its natural storyline. If I let the invasion happen naturally then I think that will be better because of more action and I want to fight the villains. I could probably take shigaraki as he is now, as long as I don't let him touch me. Instead of Ida being the class president, I want to be class president. Although it may be a hassle, I might as well push forwards and be recognized as number 1 in school and classes to start my legacy. Top grades and a good rapport will make me popular and better known.

The next day, I and everyone else settled in our homeroom class. Very quickly before starting class, Aizawa announced that we should select our homeroom class rep and Ida proposed that we should settle it through voting. I got at least 6 votes while Momo got 3 votes. Surprised at the turnout, I was satisfied as I began to be more recognized and acknowledged in class. Looks like I am beginning to have a better image in everyone's mind and not the self destroying quirk that the cannon Izuku had. Of course one of the votes belonged to me as I voted for myself.

Once that was over with, me, Ida, and Uraraka ate lunch together as I waited for the emergency that was going to occur in a few minutes.

'diiiiiiiiiiiinng' " There has been a level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly."

Ida quickly asked for what a level 3 security breach meant which he explained that someone trespassing on school grounds as everyone ran frantically to the exit. Honestly, I was surprised at the scene. Even though this was just a high school and it is reasonable for them to panic, but this is a school meant to train us to become heroes. Even if there was an actual trespassing, all the teachers here were pro heroes and soon we will become heroes too. Panicking like this is just crazy.

As everyone was rushing and pushing each other to the class I made my move and landed on top of the exit sign holding the pipe like Ida did but looked more natural. I looked at the frantic crowd and said in a loud voice, " Relax everyone. Did you forget where you are? Did you forget your purpose for coming here?! Relax, if there is someone trespassing on school grounds there is All Might and several other pro-heroes here. Organize yourself correctly and proceeds outside in a stable matter."

The crowd showed mixed emotions when hearing what I said. My words may have been a little arrogant and I might've showed some belittling but I said what I thought and everyone calmed down and organized themselves and followed proper procedures.

After all that has happened, we all returned to class and I stood up with Momo in front as we were acknowledged as class president and vice-class president by the class.


Aizawa's pov

Staring at Izuku, I thought to myself, man this kid sure has a lot of potential and talent. Not only does he have a strong and good quirk, he was able to calm the scared students and organize them with his presence alone. He reminds me a little of All Might whose presence alone has deterred the villains and brought a lot of peace in this country.

I began to continue to inform the class about our next activity which is rescue class. As I announced the type of class we are going to do, the classroom began to get excited. Sighing, well they are still young. It is natural for them to act in this way. " The teachers supervising you guys will be me, All Might, and another teacher that is already there preparing the events that you will participant in. Get your costumes and be ready to head out."