
Journey to the Top: My Hero Academia

Once upon a time there was this ordinary man that wanted nothing more than to be isekai'd. So God gave him and chance and sent truck-san.

kiingshet12 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 16 U.A. School festival Part 1

Inko: " Izuku, be careful not to get hurt.

" Yeah."

Inko: " I'll record it, okay? In high resolution."

" Okay!"

My mom pumped her fist excitedly, " Do your best."

I grabbed her hands and said, " Of course. Mom, watch me. I'll be number 1." I waved good bye, " I'm off mom."

I quickly arrived at school and man was it a big event. I guess being a festival wasn't an exaggeration, on my way to school I passed by several food stands and I wanted to try out several foods but I know I couldn't as I had to go get changed for the big event. Starting from this day onwards, Japan would know who I am. I have never envisioned myself in the line of being someone famous. Although in the past life, I wanted to become a soldier or something like that but, still thought that guns were a little too powerful as one shot could kill somebody. Although it is the same thing here, but in this world I can move faster than bullets and with haki, it wouldn't even affect me. So I am not scared of fighting villains, although they will probably have some things stronger than bullets but that's just how life is I guess.

After half an hour, everybody was getting changed I was talking with Aizawa who informed me that things were about to start and I should go tell everyone to prepare to head out.

I soon arrived at the waiting room, " Everyone are you ready? We will be entering soon."

I looked around and saw that mostly everyone was nervous or excited and smiled. I noticed someone approaching me, it was Todoroki. Damn I thought that I had gotten over this moody side that Todoroki had in the beginning by having him join me in helping Aizawa but I guess not.

Todoroki approached me and said, " Midoriya, looking at things objectively I think I am a bit stronger than you. But All Might has his eye on you right? I'm not trying to pry about that. But I'm going to beat you.

Hearing this 'declaration of war' some of the people in class got a bit excited. I was just annoyed, stronger than me? Please.

" Todoroki, I do admit you are strong. However, that is only when it comes to quirk flexibility. You can freeze things as well as burn things. Two polar opposites elements. However, when it comes to brute strength like mine... It doesn't mean a thing. Ice? I can just break it. Fire? I can use my power to generate wind to blow it away. I have become a lot stronger in the last two weeks. Of course I also trained with All Might." I smirk as I looked at him and then looked at Bakugo and started walking out. But before I left completely, I looked back and said, " I have been number 1 since the start of the academy. Top in grades. Top in the initial physical test given by Aizawa. Eventually I will become the number 1 hero too. Good luck in catching up to me."

With me in the lead, the class began to follow behind me as we walked to the center of the stadium. As Present Mic began introducing the classes that came out, the audience roared in excitement as we all gathered in the center of the stage where midnight stood on a small stage with a microphone.

Midnight whipped her small whip in her hand and said, " Quiet down everyone! Representing the students is Izuku Midoriya from Class 1-A!"

I walked up to stage in a calm manner, thinking of what I should say. " I pledge... to become the number 1 hero."

As people heard this there were different types of uproars. The fellow competitors were angry because of my arrogance but I didn't care much about them. The audience thought that I was interesting for declaring such a thing without knowing other people's quirk and powers. But I just wanted to do this so everyone's focus would be on me. Whether it is positive thoughts or negative thoughts.

Soon everyone's class representative went up too and some of them even tried to copy me but it had no effect.

Next Midnight began to introduce the first game. The board choose randomly and it was like cannon, it was the obstacle race.

After announcing the first game, we were taken to the starting line. I went to the front of the line to avoid Todoroki's ice move and to have a good start. As soon as Midnight finished explaining the rules, she yelled out, " Start."

Very quickly I used my quirk and sped through the gate before everyone rushed in and got tangled up with each other. As soon as I left the area, Todoroki followed closely behind and then froze the ground behind him, causing several people to be stuck in place. However, most people in class 1-A managed to not get caught. With me ahead of everyone else, I arrived in an open area and knew that those giant robots would be coming out.

During the two weeks of intense training, I was able to increase my limit of one for all. I can now naturally use 15% with a increase use of 20% however it would be a little straining. Although it was a slow progress, it has already made me faster than most people. The robots tried to stop me with an attack but I easily dodged them. In the anime, 5% was already fast enough to deal with most students. And I had already surpassed that since I got the quirk. 8% was a bit faster than Bakugo. 15% is several time better and stronger.

I zig-zag through the robots leaving them to hit nothing and dust behind.

Present Mic: " Look at that speed! The race just started be class 1-A Izuku Midoriya is already in front of the everyone. Amazing! The robots couldn't do a thing!"

Throughout the course I was just speed through. There were several robots that was in the practical exam but with my speed, I didn't need to do a thing. Soon I arrived at the rope section of the race. This may be the one thing that I may be slow at. I don't have ice to slide on the ropes. Boosts like Ida that can propel myself. But it is simple if looked at it carefully.

I went to the edge where a rope was tied to, I used my strength to break apart the rope and held on tightly. Taking a deep breathe I jumped off holding onto that rope' AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH AAHHHHH'. Since I can't slide nor boost myself, I'm just gonna Tarzan this. I waited until I reached the peak of my height to let got and land on another platform before doing the same thing until I reached the end.

I looked back and saw that Todoroki and Bakugo was catching up quickly. Bakugo could fly above and didn't need to worry about it. I also saw that the others who needed to rely on the rope were slower than usual because I had cut of several of the ropes.

Now the minefield. I stood there thinking for a little bit. If Ida could barely run through it, it would be just a breeze for me. Thinking of it no longer, I prepared for a faster speed. I pushed my quirk to the upper limit from what I can handle. With power surging through my body, I got into runner's stance, and sprinted forward. With a light blueish-green streak, I passed through the minefield in mere seconds leaving behind several pink explosions.

As soon as I passed through the last bomb, I slowed down because I didn't want to strain my body any longer. I passed through the gate leading back into the large stadium with roars from the audience.

Present Mic: " Amazing. To think that his speed before wasn't his limit. The obstacle race wasn't even a challenge for him."

Once I arrived in the stadium, I clenched my fist as I pointed it upwards which the crowd responded in even louder cheers. I looked behind and see who was coming in next. It was Todoroki and then Bakugo who was right next to Todoroki.

Smiling I teased them, " What took you guys so long."

Bakugo and Todoroki's body was trembling as they have used their quirk harder than usual trying to catch up to me.