
Journey to the Top: My Hero Academia

Once upon a time there was this ordinary man that wanted nothing more than to be isekai'd. So God gave him and chance and sent truck-san.

kiingshet12 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 15 Training

The next I went to school like usual and briefly talked with Uraraka and Ida about who their day went yesterday while settling in for class. After talking for a few minutes, Aizawa walked into class and began to discuss about the school event that will be taking in place soon. It will happen at the beginning of the next month so I have about 2 weeks to prepare myself. Which is plenty for me to completely master the armament haki. Since I don't have the power right now to completely destroy Todoroki's strongest ice attack move that he showed during this time, I should at least be able to guard against it. That is if I ever give him a chance to use that move.

After going to all my morning classes today, it was now lunch time as I was talking with Uraraka and Ida about the reason why she was so hyped up for the upcoming school festival. The reason she gave was simple, for money. However, it was not so much for selfish reason as to just get rich, but she wanted to get rich so that her parents can live a simple and easy life and no longer come home exhausted.

" Uraraka, I think its fine to become a hero for that reason. After all, there are no greater heroes in our lives that are our parents right? Make sure you continue to try your hardest."

Uraraka nodded her head with a bright smile, " yeah, I'll do my best and have my parents live an easy life."

Ida: " That's right Uraraka, like what Midoriya said, there's nothing wrong with wanting to become a hero to have a comfortable life style."

Uraraka, " Hm, yeah, thank you guys. Even though my aspirations are not as noble as the two of yours I won't change my reasons why."

Just as we were about to head out, All Might popped in from the corner and told me that he wanted to talk to me for a second. I waved Uraraka and Ida goodbye as I went to talk with All Might.

A few minutes later, we arrived in his office and sat across from each other sipping on some tea.

" Is there something you want to talk about All Might?"

All Might, " Yeah. First, how are you feeling after the villains attack?"

" Hmm even though I wasn't able to defeat that Nomu, I feel as though I have gotten a lot stronger than I was before. Although what I can handle right now is 15%. Yesterday, I managed to do something with my body that makes me stronger without using the quirk."

All Might: " Hoh? Explain."

" Well yesterday, I decided to train my body for a bit and began punching some trees. After the full day of punching, some type of energy with in my body began to envelop my arms and with one punch, I was able to destroy the tree easily. I think my body is becoming a lot stronger now, although I can't use it all the time right now."

All Might: " Interesting, you will have to show me that power once you master it."

" Yeah, I'll master it before the school festival and show you."

All Might, " Speaking of the school festival, you know that it is going to be broadcast to all of Japan right?"

" Yeah."

All Might, " This is why I wanted to talk to you. Right now... I can only use my quirk for one and half hours. My time is starting to shorten and soon I won't be able to fight anymore. I have a feeling the cunning villains are also starting to realize this and are starting to become bolder in their schemes. I want to use this school festival as a chance. I want you to tell the world " I am here!" "

" Of course All Might. As I told you two days. Since you have passed the mantle to me, then I will do my best to fulfill your shoes that you will be leaving behind."

All Might nodded his head, " Hmm. I know you'll make me proud."

" But All Might, I want you to help me train whenever you have the time. I know you are busy since you are a teacher now, but unlike you, I am unable to use one for all 100% naturally. In return, I need to up my combat senses. Can you help point out my flaws when you have the time?"

All Might thought for a bit and answered, " Of course I can. After all, I am your sensei."

After that we talked casually for a bit more and then I went on my way back to my afternoon classes. I know from the anime that All Might doesn't really know how to teach as well as the others but I want to establish more connections with All Might right now. Although he passed on the mantle to me and we discussed a few things, we haven't really gotten the chance to bond like what a master and pupil should be doing. After all, I don't really know much about him.

After the afternoon classes were finished, we were beginning to walk out and head home but there was a crowd outside our door. It seems like they wanted to check us out because we were the only class that was attacked by the villains.

Like cannon Bakugo ignored them saying that it didn't matter the way he acted because once we rise to the top, they couldn't do or say anything to us.

Two weeks quickly flew by as I trained in my armament haki. In the first few days it took me awhile to use it but by day 6, I was able to use it on my first try and continue using it. I don't know why it took Luffy for so long but Luffy after all wasn't the smartest person there is even with a teacher. Just by using what I had read and heard, I felt like I had a greater image of armor and power flowing in me than what I thought.

After managing to use armament haki all the time now, I begin training my physical body and started training for observation haki. For physical training I used heavy weights in everything I did. Each time it got easier, I would increase the weight. For observation haki, I mostly trained it with All Might. I told him I wanted to fight him blindfold to increase my sixth sense for battle. Even though he was a little surprised by my idea, he went along with it as I had him attack me from several angles with a stick.

On the last day of training before the school festival I had several bruises all over my body. However, I was satisfied.

All Might, " You are growing stronger and stronger everyday Izuku. When you suggested me to hit you like this, I thought that it wouldn't work or that it was too soon without gaining more experience in battles but you are already able to dodge half of my attacks, today. You are simply amazing."

" Thanks for helping me train All Might. I couldn't have gotten this far without you."

It wasn't a lie, after all, there isn't any forests here where I can knock down a tree and use it like a trap mechanism and have it swinging down at me. My mom won't be able to hit me seriously and Bakugo... well I don't want to start sparring with him yet.

All Might placed his hand on my shoulder and said, " That's the end for today. Tomorrow is the big day, make me proud Izuku."

" Yes, All Might, just watch me."