
Journey To Being A God

the god is tired of being a god, so over 1,000 people from all over the universe have been picked. only one can be the next god.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

sand shield

"so you are Gato," Seth said as his two Sharingan glowed in the dark.

"who are, you fools? What do I pay you for? Come kill this." gato said without a hint of fear.

"you got a lot of money so that I can get some off you," Seth said as he closed the door behind him. gato quickly got up as he ran to turn on the light only to be Horrified.

"you killed them.." he asked in fear.

"haha, you are not dumb," seth said as he put his hand around his neck and slowly started absorbed him.

While doing this, seth also went on looking through his memories.

"so much money, with this even kakuzu, would come after me. First, I need to get a bit stronger than just put a bounty on my head." Seth said as he disappeared into the dark.

"just 1-week bor the chunin exam start, naruto and the other have returned... for now, for these next few days, I will increase my training," seth said calmly as he ran through the woods at top speed.

His speed was nothing like when he faced Zabuza. Now his speed was around jonin level.


An explosion went off behind Seth as the house belonging to Gato, and the others went off.

"can't have people thinking it was my doing now, can I," seth said with a smile.

"don't you guys think so as while?" seth asked the Anbu, who appeared there some point in time.

"Seth, by the looks of it, you are not being controlled. You have gone rogue. You two brothers are too dangerous." the Anbu said as he tried to get his hands on seth.

"haha, and what can you do about it," Seth asked as he walked towards him.

"wind style wind cutter technique." the Anbu said as stated, rushing towards seth.

"haha," seth laughed as he jumped over the wind making over ten clones to rush towards him.

"I should hurry before anyone comes helping you," seth said as his hand was covered in lightning.

"Chidori?" the Anbu said in shock while he fought the ten clones.

'damn, these clones are not normal. They seem much harder, and they are not giving me time to use anyone techniques.' the Anbu thought as he tried to run.

"Chidori," seth yelled as he ran his hand through a clone hitting the Anbu.

"they can turn that ability on and off." the Anbu said with wide eyes as he lost his life.

"haha, no one ever thinks that someone would attack their clone," Seth said calmly as he started absorbing the man while running away from that spot.

A few minutes later, at the same spot, the fight took place, a few Anbu appeared.

"It seems like he is dead. Report back to the Hokage, I will inform Danzo." one of them said as he disappeared, leaving the others to look for more clones.

A few days later, the chunin exam started. Seth waited for Orochimaru to make his move while he watched everything from the dark.

'with so many Anbu, I have absorbed their ways of hiding was also taken from them. As long as I don't try in one place for too long, I will be only. if I could also get my hands on the first Hokage, I would be able to use wood style.' seth thought as he watched the chunin exam start

Slowly the exam went on, and soon it was time for the forest of death.

"haha, Gaara," seth said as he stood on top of a tree looking down at Gaara and the two people around him.

"Let's first send two clones to test," seth said as he made two water clones and sent them out towards them.

"three trashy kids all along in the forest." seth clone said as it kicked Gaara but send appeared out of nowhere to protect him.

Gaara, who was walking forward, slowly turned his eyes towards seth. (he changed the way he looks)

"Who are you." the female of the group asked, but another one of seth clone kicked her send her flying.

"water style water dragon technique," seth said as water started gathering from a river close to them. Soon a dragon was made as it rushed towards Gaara.

At the same time, mist started appearing, blocking all of them from seeing clearly.

"Temari, we can use your wind right about now," Kankurō said out loud.

"this clone wouldn't let me. I could use some help." Temari yelled as seth clone was on her like gum stuck to a shoe.

"aahhh." Gaara yell could be heard and with him being slammed to the ground.

"you are absorbing my chakra," Gaara said as he looked into Seth eyes.

"your send as amazing, but with just a little bit of water, you become so weak. I will not take everything of yours, just that shield of sand and 50% of that tail beast within you," seth said as he started to absorb him, but he still needs him for his plan to summon the ten tails, so he left him alive and with some energy to get himself out of here alive. (this is seth real body)

The same thing went for the others. when all done, seth removed their memory and left. He also left one clone behind to protect them.

"now how will I handle Orochimaru and the 3rd Hokage... maybe I could follow Orochimaru after all of this. Act like I'm helping him to kill the 3rd, and even if he wants to kill me, he would have to go through this sand shield, the ruler, and my steal ability," seth said as he stood onto of the highest tree in the forest.