
Journey To Being A God

the god is tired of being a god, so over 1,000 people from all over the universe have been picked. only one can be the next god.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Kakashi Death

"I have been tracking Zabuza for months now, I think you." a female with a mask said from afar.

"he is dead," Kakashi said after checking Zabuza's heartbeat.

"no, he is alive. I can feel it," seth said as he looked at the masked woman.

"those are throwing needles. If you ask me, you two are working together," Seth said, remembering a few more stuff from the anime.

'it was around this time Kakashi used his Sharingan and had to stay in bed for days. in other words, this is my time to kill Kakashi.' Seth thought as he looked at Kakashi, who nodded in agreement.

'This kid is sharp. Even I overlooked that.' Kakashi thought

'i can only make two more clones, but I still have three right here. I will send them to stay under Zabuza.' seth thought as the three clones went underground.

"you should have let me leave," she said as he appeared behind Seth.

'ruler.' seth thought as he quickly activated the ruler while as he turned around to block the attack.

The female kick hit seth arms sending him sliding backward.

"is that all," seth said after realizing he didn't even need the ruler to block that.

"you are slow," she said as she disappeared with kunai in hand, she appeared stabbing down at seth back.

"your fight is with me," Kakashi said as he grabbed her arm holding the kunai.

'i should let them tired each other out.' seth said as he started acting as if he was running low on chakra.

"Seth, go back with the others. You did while," Kakashi said with a nodded

"Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals." the female said as mirrors started appearing around Kakashi.

'if I remember correctly, she can travel between these mirrors near-instantaneously, giving the appearance that she occupies all of them simultaneously.' seth thought as he watched Kakashi get his ass handed to him.

"stand down or else," seth said as he pointed a kunai at Zabuza neck.

"you!" the female said as she stopped attacking.

"I got his life in my hands as well," she said seriously.

"I trust Kakashi. Teamwork is built around trust after all," Seth said as he watched Kakashi giving him a thumbs up.

"genjutsu," Kakashi said as he used the Sharingan to put her within a genjustu after which. He then jumped out of the ice mirror traps.

"damn you," she said after breaking out of it with slight ease, but it was too late.

"you, go over there or else," seth said coldly

She girl looked deep into seth eyes as she did as he asked, but as soon as she did as seth said. Two clones jumped out of the ground, kicking her backward. Simultaneously, the last clone appeared where she was flying towards, with a fireball flying straight at her.

"It's over," seth said as he started to absorb Zabuza.

"you did while," Kakashi said as he held his left eye as he fell to the ground, out cold.

"Kakashi." naruto and the others who were watching yelled as they ran towards Kakashi.

'it time, after absorbing him, only Kage level ninja would be able to damage me.' seth said as Zabuza slowly turned into a Mummy, after which seth walked to the girl.

"Seth, what did you do to him." naruto asked with wide eyes.

"naruto run, run naruto. something is controlling my body." Seth said in horror as he had his clone pick naruto, sakura, and the old man away.

"Seth, what is wrong," Naruto asked the clone as he tried to get out of his hands.

"Naruto, I'm sorry if I was hard on you guys. I was just afraid of losing you all, as you were my friends." seth clone said with a smile.

"sakura, I pushed you away so you could hey stronger. You know, after we are all stronger, then maybe we could spend more time together," seth said with a smile as the clones all turned to smoke.

'now they would spend time looking for me, and naruto might get the sage of six path mode from that sage of six paths.' seth thought as he watched them all run away.

"I got to say my acting is amazing, now time for a few bloodlines, and to get that eye," Seth said as he absorbed the girl, after which he went for Kakashi.

'my eyes are burning.' seth thought as he absorbs Kakashi Sharingan as blood started dripping from his eyes.

His Sharingan activated on its own as it started spinning around slowly. It turned into a three tomoe Sharingan.

"I should destroy their body then leave," seth said as he used a fireball on their body, turning all of them into ash.

"for the next few weeks, I should spend time train all of these new skills within my head. When the chunin exam starts, I will absorb Gaara. And if passable, the Hokage's that are brought back to life. also, most have Minato come back, I will not allow his skills to go to waste." Seth thought as he ran at top speed.